Traceless Persona
Character Operations Manual pg. 97
You are exceptional at masking your digital and physical appearance, and you can help your ward to do the same. Once per day, you can take 20 on an attempt to use Computers to create or detect a forgery. Anyone attempting to use Computers to track the digital signature of you or your ward (if you have designated one using your abolitionist aegis class feature) must roll twice and use the lowest result when doing so.
This feature provides a number of other benefits. The DC for another creature to find or follow your tracks is 20 + 1-1/2 × your ranks in Stealth or Survival (your choice), no matter what circumstances, surfaces, or conditions you travel in. If you mask or cover allies’ tracks, taking at least a full action to do so, this DC also applies to checks to find or follow those tracks. In addition, when you attempt a Disguise check to change your appearance, you can affect yourself and up to six allies. When you attempt to change your appearance and that of your allies, you can ignore DC modifiers for altering major features, being disguised as a different race of the same creature type, and being disguised as a different creature type.