Question Everything


Drift Crisis Case Files pg. 56

Your powers of persuasion are so strong that you can convince others to question objective truths. Once per day, by speaking with an intelligent creature for at least 1 minute, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and attempt a Bluff check opposed by the target’s Will save to begin sowing seeds of doubt about the circumstances of one event they personally experienced in the last 12 months. You can attempt to convince the subject that the event never occurred, that the outcome was different, that different individuals were involved, or any other misrepresentation that the GM decides is reasonable. A particularly plausible claim, or one supported by credible evidence, imparts up to a –2 penalty on the target’s saving throw, while a particularly implausible one imparts an equivalent circumstance bonus.

Once implanted, the false memories linger until challenged, whereupon the subject can immediately make another Will save with a +2 circumstance bonus. This challenge can take a variety of forms, such as the subject encountering evidence that directly conflicts with the false memory or conversing about the event in question with another witness or participant, at the GM’s discretion.

A creature that successfully saves against this effect is permanently immune to all future uses of this ability by the same psychic charlatan. This is a language-dependent, sense-dependent effect.



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