Runescrawled Reaver


Starfinder: Angels of the Drift #4 pg. 26

Born of a fusion of ancient kevri and loqan traditions, monks of the runescrawled maintain the barrier that keeps the wondrous mists of Kevqan saturated on the planet’s surface and clear from its technological skytop cities. Just as these wards are a fusion of kevri technology and loqan magic, the runescrawled etch their bodies with loqan runes and implant kevri augmentations into their skin, seeking to perfect themselves physically and spiritually by mastering these diametric forces. Runescrawled reavers are masters of martial arts that have learned to channel loqan’s mists through their body’s spiritual pathways, enhancing their abilities. While Kevqan is most famous for these traditions, the idea of using technology to channel magic through one’s body is hardly unique to any one culture, and practices similar to the runescrawled reavers of Loqan can be found among draeliks, kasathas, pahtras, and countless other species who value magic in a modern world.

Prerequisite You must have Improved Unarmed Strike or a species trait that gives you a special unarmed strike, such as a vesk’s natural weapons species trait.

Alternate Class Features This archetype grants an alternate class feature at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 18th levels. The alternate class features at 4th, 6th, 9th, 12th, and 18th levels are optional; at each of these levels, you can either choose a runescrawled reaver alternate class feature of the appropriate level (or lower) or keep the normal class feature for your class at that level. However, unless stated otherwise, you can gain each optional alternate feature only once.


You’ve augmented your body with runescrawlings that enhance your capabilities. While you have one or more magitech augmentations installed in your body, the magitech augmentation with the highest item level becomes your runescrawl, granting you an armor bonus to AC equal to that augmentation’s item level. You can affix fusion seals (but not weapon fusions) to your runescrawl as though it were a weapon with a level equal to its item level. Fusion seals affixed to your runescrawl apply to your unarmed strikes so long as those fusions could be applied to weapons of that type (for example, a disruptive weapon fusion functions only if your unarmed strike deals bludgeoning damage). So long as your runescrawl has at least one fusion seal affixed, your unarmed strikes also count as magic weapons.

Enhanced Fist (Optional)Ex

Level 4, 6, 9, 12, 18

You’re able to utilize your body with deadly efficiency. You gain a special version of the Weapon Specialization feat with your unarmed strikes that adds 1-1/2 × your character level to damage rolls. This doesn’t apply to unarmed strikes that already have a special version of this feat, such as a vesk’s natural weapons species trait. If you have Multiweapon Fighting, you also treat each unarmed strike you make as an attack from a different weapon for the purpose of this feat.

Extension of Form (Optional)Ex

Level 6, 9, 12, 18

You can transfer the benefits of your runes to the weapons you wield. As a move action, choose one weapon you’re proficient with and currently wielding and one fusion seal that’s affixed to your runescrawl. The chosen weapon benefits from the chosen fusion seal as though it were an unarmed strike for 1 minute so long as that fusion could be applied to weapons of that type. The chosen seal counts normally against the total level of weapon fusions that a weapon can benefit from simultaneously, so if this fusion seal exceeds this limit the ability is wasted. This effect ends if the weapon leaves your hand or you’re unable to concentrate for any reason.

Intricate Scrawl (Optional)Ex

Level 6, 9, 12, 18

You’re able to overlay multiple magitech items in a single space. Choose one augmentation system. You can install two augmentations into that system simultaneously, one of which must be a magitech augmentation.

You can select this option multiple times. Each time you select it after the first, choose a different system to apply its benefits to.

You use every inch of your body to defeat your enemies. Your unarmed strikes gain the modal weapon trait (Starfinder Armory 29) with bludgeoning and piercing damage. If you can activate a species trait or species graft to deal a type of energy damage as an extraordinary or supernatural ability (such as a dragonkin’s breath weapon), add that damage type to the list you can choose with the modular trait. When you do, half the damage is the chosen type of energy damage and the rest is a type of kinetic damage that your unarmed strike normally deals of your choice.

Rune Surge (Optional)Ex

Level 12, 18

You’re able to mix your inner spiritual energy with that of the runes etched onto your body, sending your magitech augmentations into overdrive. As a swift action, choose one magitech augmentation that’s installed into your body and spend 1 Resolve Point + 1 additional Resolve Point for every 6 item levels it has. That augmentation’s daily uses are immediately refreshed as though 24 hours had passed. Additionally, the augmentation’s effects are enhanced for 1 minute as follows.

  • Any attack rolls attempted as part of the augmentation’s effects gain a +1 enhancement bonus.
  • Any enhancement bonuses to AC, saving throws, or skill checks granted to you are increased by +1.
  • Any saving throws required to save against the augmentation’s effects have their DC increases by +1.
  • Any speeds or enhancement bonuses to your speeds provided are increased by +5 feet.



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