Umbral Tendrils (M3)


Signal of Screams: Heart of Night pg. 53

You summon a vision of a writhing mass of shadowy tendrils to assault creatures within 10 feet of the ground in the area. This area is difficult terrain. The first time a creature enters the area (including when the effect appears) on its turn, and each round the creature remains there, the creature takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage and becomes entangled. If the tendrils are in dim light or darkness, the DC of the Will save increases by 2. A creature that succeeds at a Will saving throw halves the damage it takes and avoids becoming entangled. The same casting of this spell can’t render such a creature entangled again. By succeeding at subsequent saves, such a creature reduces damage it takes from the same casting of the spell to one-quarter normal.





append '31254f9692ad5771943f8990' to character.spells;
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