Fiendblood Corruption

Mortals who consume fiendish tissue or embed it into their bodies (for example, through magical limb grafts, organ transplants, or blood transfusions) are exposed to fiendblood corruption. Fiendblood corruption is an affliction with the following parameters.


Physical Corruption




Fortitude DC = 10 + half the victim’s level + the number of manifestations the victim has; on a failure, a victim can spend a number of Resolve Points equal to 1 + the number of manifestations the victim has to succeed instead.


Destroy the fiend that donated the tissue, or the victim can purify themselves by spending 1 month receiving blood transfusions from a compatible non- fiendish creature, surgically removing fiendish growths, or bathing in holy water. At the end of each month spent this way, the victim can refuse a previously accepted gift, allowing break enchantment or remove affliction to remove the related manifestation. Using a gift from any corruption while undergoing purification means the victim has to start that month over.


Like all corruptions, the fiendblood corruption begins with subtle signs—intrusive thoughts, strange cravings, and troubling but minor physical changes, such as fast-growing nails, oddly hued eye specks or strands of hair, or shifting patches of discolored skin. Over time, the corruption grows until the victim can’t deny the changes they’re experiencing. Eventually, a choice of whether to embrace the corruption and its gifts or resist and remain fully mortal without stain must be made. Which will you choose?

When you gain your first manifestation, your body begins to transform. At least one minor change of your choice occurs with your body, such as small horns, altered sclera, or elongated teeth.

When you gain your second and third manifestations, your body changes drastically. An additional major change of your choice occurs, such as becoming substantially taller, growing a tail or wings, or your blood changing color.

Once you accept your fourth gift, changes to your body intensify. You’re no longer quite mortal, though you haven’t yet fully transformed into a fiend. Your appearance morphs to look more like that of the demon where your fused parts came from.

If you accept a fifth gift, you transform completely. You are now a fiend. You become chaotic evil if you aren’t already, and your creature type changes to outsider with the chaotic, demon, and evil subtypes.


Mechageddon Adventure Path pg. 170


Abyssal Wings

A pair of wings tears through your shoulder blades or a similar part of your anatomy.


You gain a pair of wings with an average extraordinary flight speed equal to your base land speed. These wings might be feathered, membranous, or bony, and they most likely appear similar to the wings of the type of fiend you received tissue from.


Your wings are unwieldy. You cannot squeeze.

Gift Dragonscript

bonus to as misc;

Accelerated Mutation

Planar energy alters your body, granting you a natural attack.


When you choose this manifestation, select one of the following natural attacks: bite, gore, or claw. You gain that natural attack. Your accelerated mutation is an obvious physical change, such as fangs or serrated horns.

The chosen attack deals 1d4 piercing damage (if a bite or gore) or slashing damage (if a claw) that functions as a basic melee weapon with the operative weapon property for the purposes of proficiency, Weapon Specialization, or other abilities that function with basic melee operative weapons. At 7th level, this damage increases to 2d4. At 10th level, it increases to 2d8. At 14th level, it increases to 3d8. At 16th level, it increases to 4d8. At 18th level, it increases to 5d8. At 20th level, it increases to 10d8.


Your physical changes are difficult to hide. You take a –2 penalty on all Disguise checks.

Stain Dragonscript

bonus -2 to character.disguise as misc;

Fiendish Vision

Your visual organs are replaced with fiendish eyes.


You gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, the range increases by an additional 60 feet.


Your vision, including all special vision types, permanently changes to black-and-white only.

Gift Dragonscript

bonus 60 to character.darkvision as misc;

Enhanced Radiation

Your planar energy grows.


Radioactive Flesh


Radiation effects granted by this corruption increase in strength to medium radiation. At 7th level, this increases to severe radiation.


The constant radiation ruins your gear. The value of your items when sold back is 1% of the purchase price.

Prerequisite Dragonscript

{character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations contains 'cc94ef1de0f267b25aac421d'};

Fiendish Vitality

Your blood has been entirely replaced with demon ichor, infusing your body with fiendish vitality.


You gain fast healing 5. If you have three or more manifestations, this becomes regeneration 5 (good).


You become vulnerable to good.

Gift Dragonscript

if {character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations.count >= 3} then append 'Regeneration 5 (good)' to character.situationSpecificBonuses else append 'Fast Healing 5' to character.situationSpecificBonuses;

Heart’s Desire

You call on raw planar energy from the Abyss and shape it to offer tempting rewards.


Character level 20


Once per week, you can shape reality to suit the desire of another. Heart’s desire can produce any one of the following effects: duplicate or undo the effects of any spell, grant a +1 divine bonus to a creature’s ability score, remove all injuries and afflictions from a creature, revive the dead, transport a number of creatures equal to your character level to any location on any plane, or undo a single recent event. This ability can only be used at the behest of another willing creature.


Creatures inherently distrust you, sensing that your gifts may come with a devastating price. You automatically fail Bluff checks to Lie and take a –5 penalty on all Diplomacy checks.

Prerequisite Dragonscript

{character.level >= 20};

Gift Dragonscript

bonus 60 to character.darkvision as misc;

Stain Dragonscript

append 'You automatically fail Bluff checks to Lie.' to character.situationSpecificBonuses; bonus -5 to character.diplomacy as misc;

Radioactive Attacks

Your natural attacks irradiate victims.


Accelerated Mutation


Your natural attacks granted by the fiendblood mutation expose a creature to low radiation on a successful hit.


When you attempt a Medicine check on a willing ally, that ally is exposed to low radiation.

Prerequisite Dragonscript

{character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations contains '2044d50fe05b8ce85a40de17'};

Radioactive Flesh

Your natural attacks irradiate victims.


Radioactive Attacks


You gain a radiation aura that emits low radiation in a 10-foot radius.


The constant radiation affects your gear. The value of your items when sold back is 5% of the purchase price.

Prerequisite Dragonscript

{character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations contains 'fb0fafc61452dc123c926a02'};

Soul Consumption

You convert consumed souls into energy.


Two other manifestations


When you are adjacent to a creature with a soul when it dies, you can consume the soul’s energy. A piece of equipment of your choice regains charges equal to the creature’s CR. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to the number of manifestations you have.


Tendrils of planar energy seep out from you constantly, leeching at the life force of others in subtle but dangerous ways. Allies who are adjacent to you and dying cannot stabilize.

Prerequisite Dragonscript

{character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations.count >= 2};

Summon Demons

You convert consumed souls into energy.


You gain the ability to cast summon creature once per day. You can only summon demons with this ability. The spell level of this ability is equal to the number of manifestations you have. Your caster level is equal to your character level.


Exposure to planar energy weakens your will. Each time you use this ability, you take 1d4 Wisdom damage.

Gift Dragonscript

if {character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations.count >= 6} then append '58a64d6b6508c7555187271.1.Demons_Only' to character.spells else if {character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations.count >= 5} then append 'f1cf47f9d74c3f94a6d5eb19.1.Demons_Only' to character.spells else if {character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations.count >= 4} then append 'd47812101ddcf30ea00804ce.1.Demons_Only' to character.spells else if {character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations.count >= 3} then append '495723bcb42dd79209835ce4.1.Demons_Only' to character.spells else if {character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations.count >= 2} then append '556359eb4e2d7978d50b34a7.1.Demons_Only' to character.spells else append 'e27994c6097457b49a0cc334.1.Demons_Only' to character.spells;

Vorpal Attacks

You learn to hone your fiendish attacks to open wicked wounds in a creature’s flesh.


Accelerated Mutation


Your eligible natural attack granted by the fiendblood corruption gains the effect of the vorpal weapon fusion.


Manipulating your limbs without injury becomes difficult. Decrease your Dexterity by 1.

Prerequisite Dragonscript

{character.corruption.97a08693d5c46c4c98397ed0.manifestations contains '2044d50fe05b8ce85a40de17'};

Stain Dragonscript

bonus -1 to character.dexterity as misc;



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