Summon Creature

Casting Time

1 Round


Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)




one or more summoned creatures




1 round/level

Saving Throw


Spell Resistance



Alien Archive pg. 144

This spell summons an extraplanar creature (typically an elemental, magical beast native to another plane, or outsider, but also occasionally even extraplanar constructs). The summoned creature appears where you designate and acts immediately on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it to not attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.

When you gain this spell as a spell known, select four creatures from the appropriate list in Table 8: Summon Creature for each level at which you can cast this spell. For example, for the 1st-level summon creature spell, you could choose Tiny air, earth, fire, and water elementals. Note that a particular alignment or class is sometimes required to choose certain creatures, as listed in Table 8. In place of a single selection, you can choose a creature from a lower-level summoning list; doing so allows you the option of summoning multiple such creatures at a time. Each time you gain a character level, you can change these selections.

You can gain summon creature a second time at the highest spell level you know, selecting four additional appropriate creatures at each level you can cast this spell.

You choose which of the selected creatures you summon each time you cast the spell.

1st: When you cast summon creature as a 1st-level spell, you summon one creature from your selection of creatures from the 1st-level summoning list.

2nd: When you cast summon creature as a 2nd-level spell, you summon one creature from your selection of creatures from the 2nd-level summoning list. If the chosen creature is from a lower-level summoning list, you summon three such creatures instead.

3rd: When you cast summon creature as a 3rd-level spell, you summon one creature from your selection of creatures from the 3rd-level summoning list. If the chosen creature is from a lower-level summoning list, you summon three such creatures instead.

4th: When you cast summon creature as a 4th-level spell, you summon one creature from your selection of creatures from the 4th-level summoning list. If the chosen creature is from a lower-level summoning list, you summon three such creatures instead.

5th: When you cast summon creature as a 5th-level spell, you summon one creature from your selection of creatures from the 5th-level summoning list. If the chosen creature is from a lower-level summoning list, you summon three such creatures instead.

6th: When you cast summon creature as a 6th-level spell, you summon one creature from your selection of creatures from the 6th-level summoning list. If the chosen creature is from a lower-level summoning list, you summon three such creatures instead.

A summoned creature can’t use teleportation or planar travel abilities or magical divination abilities. Creatures can’t be summoned into an environment that can’t support them (such as summoning a breathing creature into a vacuum). Creatures summoned using this spell can’t use spells or spell-like abilities that duplicate spells that require expending Resolve Points or expensive materials to cast (such as raise dead).


ID (Level 1)


ID (Level 2)


ID (Level 3)


ID (Level 4)


ID (Level 5)


ID (Level 6)

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