Theme Knowledge
Level 1
You move about in the highest echelons of galactic society. Your status allows you to know who’s who among the wealthy and powerful of the galaxy, from which families are on the rise and which are on their way down to how to dress for a barathu social event and which set of tongs to use for the kalo wandfish dish in the third course of brunch. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about the aristocracy, wealthy and powerful families, prominent personalities, and etiquette by 5. Choose either Bluff or Diplomacy. The chosen skill is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to checks with your chosen skill. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma at character creation.
Dragonscript Effect
bonus 1 to character.charisma as theme;append 'Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about the aristocracy, wealthy and powerful families, prominent personalities, and etiquette by 5.' to character.situationSpecificBonuses;