
This is what the character is currently engaged in doing. It could be anything from searching for a lost pet to taking a nap while on the job.

1. Selling

This NPC wants to offer the PCs a deal on a piece of equipment. What are they selling?

  • Suit of armor
  • Armor upgrade
  • Weapon
  • Tech item
  • Hybrid item
  • Magical item
  • Phony artifact
2. Hack

This NPC is trying to hack into something, perhaps because they fogot their account info - or illegally

  • Personal comm unit
  • Local infosphere kiosk
  • Private computer
  • Vending machine
  • Cred machine
3. Visit a world

This NPC wants to visit another world

  • A Pact world
  • A Veskarium world
  • A Near Space world
  • A world in the Vast
4. Lost pet

This NPC's pet has gotten lost and they could use some help finding them.

Pet size
  • Diminiutive
  • Tiny
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Huge
5. Asleep

This NPC is dozing

  • Terrible night's sleep
  • This is the time of day they sleep
  • Magical influence
  • Battling in a dreamscape
6. Solve a puzzle

This NPC is trying to solve a puzzle

  • For fun
  • For a contest
  • To save their life
  • To crack an ancient mystery
7. Make a friend

This NPC wants to expand their social circle.

Prospective friend
  • Random stranger
  • Admired peer
  • Popular local
  • A PC
8. Completely lost

This NPC has no idea where they are. They ask the PCs if they know the way to a certain location.

  • Local restaurant
  • Famous landmark
  • Shopping center
  • Spaceport
9. Complain

This NPC wants a sympathetic ear for their many complaints.

  • Work
  • Family
  • Neighbors
  • Love life
  • A PC
10. Scavenger Hunt

This NPC is participating in a scavenger hunt and needs help to find the last few items.

  • Empty ammo magazines
  • Trinkets
  • Tools
  • Articles of clothing
11. Holovid Call

This NPC has to take this holovid call. Who are they speaking to?

  • Family member
  • Romantic partner
  • Coworker or boss
  • Customer service representative
12. Running late

This NPC is running late for a pressing appointment

  • Wedding (their own)
  • Wedding (a loved one's)
  • Job interview
  • Organic implant delivery
13. Meet a celebrity

This NPC has just one goal in life

  • Zo!
  • Local infosphere star
  • Galactic superstar
  • Strawberry Machine Cake
14. Viral

This NPC is looking to go viral on a social media platform.

Viral Vector
  • Physical stunt
  • One-of-a-kind selfie
  • Semi-staged event
  • Hoax
15. Loiter

Why is this NPC just standing around?

  • Waiting for the PCs
  • Watching another NPC
  • No reason
  • Avoiding work
16. Make Art

This NPC is attempting to create a masterpiece in their particular art form.

Art Form
  • Street Art
  • Photography
  • Painting
  • Sculpture
17. Get Me Out!

This NPC has an appendage (such as a hand or a tentacle) stuck in something and needs help.

Stuck In
  • Building vent
  • Empty jar
  • Malfunctioning battleglove
  • Mount of a creature
18. Unemployed

This NPC doesn’t currently have a job, but they aren’t without a skill. Draw another card for the what role that kind represents of work they previously did or are looking to do, but use the symbols on this card.

    19. Publish a Book

    This NPC wants to write and publish a book.

    • Nonfiction
    • How-to
    • Fanfic
    • Romance
    • Horror
    • Mystery
    • Young adult
    20. Waiting in Line

    This NPC is waiting in a long line. What’s at the other end?

    • Food cart
    • Electronics store
    • Ticket booth
    • Trendy club
    21. Medical Need

    This NPC has suffered an injury and is in need of medical assistance.

    • Head trauma
    • Laceration
    • Burn
    • Broken appendage
    22. I’m Working Here!

    This NPC is busily engaged in a task.

    • Sweeping
    • Loading/unloading
    • Sign spinning
    • Bussing tables
    23. Chased!

    This NPC is being chased by another character who is about to catch up with them.

    • Warn NPC of danger
    • Return item to NPC
    • NPC stole from them
    • Attack NPC
    24. Unaware Singer

    The NPC has headphones on and doesn’t realize they are singing along out loud. What are they belting out?

    • Popular song
    • Indie hit
    • Tuneless melody
    25. Flash Mob

    This NPC is part of a spontaneous public performance.

    • Poetry
    • Singing
    • Dancing
    • Political grandstanding
    26. Reinvention

    This NPC is really going to turn it around this year.

    • Get a new role
    • Resolve their secret
    • Start over on a new world
    • Join the PCs
    27. Weasel Out

    This NPC is trying to get out of an obligation.

    • Personal
    • Professional
    • Cultural
    • Contract with a devil
    28. Reconnect

    The NPC is looking to reconnect with someone or someplace that they’ve spent time apart from.

    • Local business
    • Special location
    • Another NPC
    • A PC
    29. Event Planning

    This NPC is hoping to use a nearby spot for an upcoming event.

    • Funeral
    • Religious celebration
    • Birthday party
    • Wedding
    • Secret meeting
    30. Shopping

    This NPC is purchasing common household items.

    • Furniture
    • Clothing
    • Food
    • Cookware
    • Cleaning supplies
    31. Infiltrate

    This NPC is trying to gain access to an off-limits location.

    • Employee area
    • Backstage
    • Firing range
    • Bank vault
    • Corporate headquarters
    32. Barter

    This NPC is looking to trade something—they won’t accept credits or another form of currency.

    Trade Offer
    • Pen
    • Toy
    • Datapad
    • Professional services
    • Small vehicle
    33. Inspiration

    The NPC’s creativity is blocked, so they are hoping to be inspired. What are they creating?

    Creative Work
    • Poem
    • Song
    • Novel or short story
    • Painting or sculpture
    • Holovid script
    34. Spirit Hunter

    This NPC is looking for a ghost that they saw in the vicinity.

    • Monster
    • Pet
    • Loved one
    • Local celebrity
    • One of the PCs
    35. Shopping

    This NPC is making a major luxury purchase.

    • Starship
    • Vehicle
    • Home tri-vid system
    • Gaming console
    • Jewelry
    36. Time Travel

    This NPC is trying to find a way to travel through time.

    • Last week
    • Last year
    • 100 years ago
    • During the Gap
    37. Testing Theory

    This NPC is using a device to test a scientific theory out in the field, either as profession or hobby.

    • Photo emitter
    • Graviton collector
    • EM pulse generator
    • Tachyon detector
    • Quantum field generator
    38. Make Mischief

    This NPC is looking to make a little trouble.

    • Making excessive noise
    • Harmless pranks
    • Mean-spirited pranks
    • Minor vandalism
    39. Fixer Upper

    This NPC is trying to repair something with a limited set of tools or resources.

    Object Repaired
    • Eyeglasses
    • Light transport
    • Service bot
    • Vehicle
    • Starship
    40. Physical Challenge

    This NPC wants to accomplish a feat of great endurance, like climbing a mountain.

    • Challenge
    • Clout
    • Cultural
    • Spiritual
    41. Visit an Alternate Reality

    This NPC would like to leave this reality for another.

    • Exploration
    • Escape
    • Compulsion
    • Sounded like a good idea at the time
    42. Eat Something

    This NPC has a craving for a particular shelf-stable snack, which may or may not be available.

    • Generally purchasable
    • From the next system over
    • Discontinued
    • Not an actual product
    43. Visit a Plane

    This NPC wants to visit another plane of existence.

    • The First World
    • An elemental plane
    • Shadow Plane
    • Heaven
    • Hell
    • Other
    44. On a Break

    This NPC is taking a short break from some activity.

    • Board game tournament
    • Job
    • Family outing
    • Social gathering
    45. Sightseeing

    The NPC is looking to get a glimpse of and maybe take a photo of a local landmark.

    • Religious shrine
    • Statue
    • Natural wonder
    • Magical anomaly
    46. Join the Starfinder Society

    This NPC is hoping to join the Starfinder Society.

    Prospective Faction
    • Acquisitives
    • Dataphiles
    • Wayfinders
    • Exo-Guardians
    • Second Seekers
    47. Psychic Awakening

    To their surprise, this NPC is starting to develop a psychic power.

    Psychic Power
    • ESP
    • Telekinesis
    • Precognition
    • Pyrokinesis
    48. People-Watch

    This NPC is enjoying watching people interact with the local environment, with a focus on one detail.

    • Fashion
    • Mannerisms
    • Conversations
    • Apparent goal
    49. Unload Contraband

    This NPC is looking to get rid of some hot merchandise before it’s traced to them.

    • 1,000 credits
    • 100 credits
    • Free
    • They’ll pay the PC
    50. Delivery

    This NPC has an important delivery to make.

    • Food
    • Documents
    • Good news
    • Bad news
    • Artifact of unimaginable power
    51. Shopping

    This NPC is buying a gift for someone.

    • Stranger
    • Coworker
    • Loved one
    • One of the PCs
    52. Lost Item

    This NPC is looking for a lost item, whether their own or another person’s.

    • Credstick
    • Memento
    • Vehicle keys
    • Identification
    • Incriminating evidence
    53. Move On

    This NPC wants to prove to an ex that they’re doing much better than when in the relationship.

    • New wardrobe
    • New love interest
    • New role (draw a new card)
    • Important quest
    54. Lost Possession

    This NPC is frantically trying to find something they’ve lost. Perhaps the PCs can help?

    Lost Item
    • Comm unit
    • Piece of jewelry
    • Credstick
    • Keycard
    • Weapon
    55. Physical Training

    This NPC is engaged in focused physical training.

    • Endurance training
    • Strength training
    • Flexibility training
    • Balance training
    56. Peace and Quiet

    This NPC is looking for a quiet place.

    Desired Activity
    • Nap
    • Study
    • Meditate
    • Scheme
    57. Looking For a Ride

    This NPC wants to someone to take them somewhere.

    • Settlement on this world
    • Pact World
    • Near Space world
    • The Vast
    58. Shopping

    This NPC is outfitting themselves for an adventurous expedition.

    • Climbing gear
    • Camping gear
    • Weapons
    • Armor
    • Travel supplies
    • Magic or tech items
    59. Get Rich

    This NPC wants to accumulate vast wealth more than anything.

    Subsidiary Goal
    • Philanthropy
    • Power
    • Luxurious lifestyle
    • Pay debts
    60. Proselytize

    “Excuse me, friend, do you have time to hear the good word of...”

    • Nonreligious cause
    • Good god
    • Evil god
    • The Cycle
    61. Stepping Out

    This NPC is wearing very fashionable clothes. What’s the occasion?

    • First date
    • Fancy gala
    • Diplomatic function
    • Holovid premiere
    • Just like to dress nice, ok?
    62. Celebrating

    This NPC is one of a group of rowdy partiers. What are they celebrating?

    • Birthday
    • Marriage
    • Promotion
    • Just having a good time
    63. Wrong Place

    This NPC wasn’t even supposed to be here today. Why are they?

    • Wrong turn
    • Covering a shift
    • Misunderstood instructions
    • Summoned from another reality
    64. Perfect a Trick

    This NPC is practicing a magic trick.

    • Disappearing coin
    • Is this your card?
    • “Mind-reading”
    • Handcuff escape
    65. Found Art

    This NPC is using something in the environment to produce extemporaneous art.

    • Trash
    • Natural materials
    • Objects from bystanders
    • Products provided by a company for branding
    66. Fundraise

    This NPC is helping to raise money for a larger cause.

    • Medical procedure
    • School trip
    • Starship repair
    • Local nonprofit
    • Interplanetary charity
    67. Go Screenless

    This NPC is attempting—and struggling—to forgo use of all technology for a specified time.

    • Ten minutes
    • One hour
    • A day
    • A month
    • A year
    68. Learn a Song

    This NPC is trying to master performing a tune, whether singing or using an instrument.

    • Original work
    • Traditional tune
    • Pop song
    • Widely reviled earworm
    69. Social Awareness

    This NPC wants to make all passersby aware of what they believe is an important social issue.

    • Environmental concerns
    • Political corruption
    • Corporate malfeasance
    70. Daydreaming

    This NPC is lost in a daydream.

    Dream Subject
    • Power fantasy
    • Fond memory
    • Romantic interest
    • Telling off their boss
    71. Save an Animal

    This NPC is working to raise awareness about an endangered animal.

    Animal Type
    • Frightening vermin
    • Apex predator
    • Adorable mammal
    • Last of its kind
    72. Completion

    This NPC is trying to finish their latest favorite vidgame, but is having difficulty with one aspect.

    • Twitch reflexes
    • Tactics or strategy
    • Gathering all collectibles
    • Scary content
    73. Protest

    This NPC is vehemently protesting something.

    • Public policy
    • Local business
    • Political leader
    • The PCs’ presence
    74. Snacking

    This NPC is enjoying a between-meal snack. What are they eating?

    • Sweet treat
    • Crunchy treat
    • Energy bar
    • Meal leftovers
    75. Seek Item

    NPC is in need of Thisa specialty item.

    • Personal item
    • Magical serum
    • Starship or vehicle part
    • Artifact
    76. Idle

    This NPC isn’t doing much of anything.

    Idle Activity
    • Whistling
    • Humming
    • Staring into space
    77. Journaling

    This NPC is recording their thoughts in a digital or paper journal.

    • Daily diary
    • Scientific observations
    • Notes for a memoir
    • Plans to take over the world
    78. Mobile Game

    This NPC is playing a game on a personal electronic device.

    • Getting a high score
    • Paying to win
    • Competing with friends
    • Killing time
    79. Solve a Crime

    This NPC is investigating a crime, possibly independently—what is its scope?

    • Personal
    • Local
    • Global
    • Interplanetary
    • Intergalactic
    80. New Name

    This NPC is trying out a new name for themself.

    • Beloved ancestor
    • Celebrity
    • Portmanteau
    • One of the PCs’ name
    81. Craft an Item

    This NPC is crafting a custom piece of equipment, whether for themselves or for someone else.

    Equipment Type
    • Weapon
    • Armor
    • Tech item
    • Magic item
    • Hybrid item
    82. Meditating

    This NPC is trying to block out all distractions to achieve inner peace. Why are they meditating?

    • Follow a fad
    • Reduce anxiety
    • Find an answer to a problem
    • Contact deity
    83. Observe

    This NPC is keeping a close eye on something or someone.

    • Casing the joint
    • Local event
    • Another NPC
    • The PCs
    84. Gather Signatures

    This NPC is gathering signatures for a cause important to them.

    • Closing a chain store
    • Protecting the environment
    • Running for office
    • Government overthrow
    85. Get a Job

    This NPC is looking for employment.

    Role Sought
    • Temporary work
    • Current role
    • Illegal work
    86. Learn a Sport

    This NPC is learning or practicing a sport.

    • Brutaris
    • Starlance
    • Eshara
    • Vithrar drone racing
    • A bloodsport
    87. Quit

    to This NPC is ready quit their role.

    • With ample notice
    • Without notice
    • In a blaze of bridge-burning glory
    88. Study

    This NPC is studying something.

    Study Subject
    • Job interview
    • School final
    • New language
    • Geometry
    • Impossible Geometry
    89. Behave!

    This NPC is trying to get their unruly children to behave.

    • Screen time
    • Candy
    • Credits
    • Future trip to amusement park
    90. Master a Skill

    The NPC is trying to become an expert at a particular skill.

    • Acrobatics
    • Computers
    • Diplomacy
    • Disguise
    • Mysticism
    • Piloting
    • Survival
    91. Take a Picture

    This NPC is carefully composing a shot.

    • 3D/holopic
    • Selfie
    • Landscape
    • Group photo
    92. Exercise

    This NPC is getting in their daily exercise.

    • 1 Walking/running
    • Hoverblading
    • Biking
    • Dancing
    • Parkour
    93. Clandestine Rendezvous

    This NPC is waiting to meet someone, but doesn’t want anyone else to know about it.

    • Secret lover
    • Smuggler
    • Spy handler
    • The PCs
    94. Out For Revenge

    Someone has wronged this NPC, and they’re planning revenge!

    • Local leader
    • Past lover
    • Family member
    • Former friend
    • Business cohort
    95. Demystify The Gap

    This NPC is obsessed with uncovering the secrets of the Gap and has a specific investigative angle.

    • Astral projection
    • Magic ritual
    • Time travel
    • Investigative journalism
    96. Change Clothes

    This NPC is looking for an opportunity to change out of what they’re currently wearing.

    Currently Wearing
    • Workout gear
    • Food-stained shirt
    • Formal attire
    • Heavy armor
    97. Missing Person

    This NPC is searching for someone who’s gone missing.

    Person Missing
    • Family member
    • Coworker
    • Stranger
    • Local leader
    98. Become a Psychic

    This NPC wants to unlock latent psychic power.

    Use of Power
    • Spycraft
    • Criminal justice
    • Gossip
    • Pranks
    99. Learn a New Language

    This NPC is practicing a new language.

    Language Type
    • Tactile
    • Visual
    • Written
    • Spoken
    • Eldritch
    100. Make Contact

    This NPC desperately wants to communicate with someone.

    • Childhood friend
    • Comrade in arms
    • Family member
    • Undiscovered alien species
    101. Put on a Show

    This NPC is soliciting contributors or guests for a local show.

    Type of Show
    • Talk
    • Game
    • Talent
    • Art
    • Spellcasting
    102. Win The Absalom Run

    This NPC wants to win the next Absalom Run, an interplanetary starship race.

    • Pilot
    • Mechanic
    • Captain
    103. Brand Awareness

    been This NPC has employed to help get the word out about a product or service.

    Product or Service
    • Social media site
    • Starship repair
    • Cutting-edge augmentations
    • Fast food
    104. Drone Test

    This NPC is testing their new drone.

    Drone Type
    • Hover drone
    • Stealth drone
    • Combat drone
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