
This describes what the character does in their day-to-day life, from baker to assassin.

1. Animal Tender

This NPC raises and cares for a type of animal, wether to sell or for personal enjoyment

Animal Type
  • Livestock
  • Birds
  • Domestic animals
  • Megafauna
2. Gig Worker

This NPC gets paid on a job-by-job basis, performing some repeatable task

  • Sign holding
  • Poll taking
  • Food delivery
  • Transportation
3. Mercenary

This NPC is a soldier for hire. They might be part of a company or work solo, but they always have a code

  • No killing
  • No local jobs
  • No political jobs
  • No code
4. Money Lender

This NPC is a loan shark, usually preying upon the deperate by charging exorbitant rates

  • Common citizens
  • Small business owners
  • Starship crews
  • Tech companies
5. Carnival Midway Worker

This NPC runs a certain booth at a carnival, looking to scam some credits

  • Guess your Weight
  • Test your strength
  • Ring toss
  • Bottle topple
6. Street food vendor

This NPC runs a food cart on the street, offering tasty cuisine to pedestrians

  • Novelty ice creams
  • Fried dough
  • Meat and rice
  • Spicy tofu
7. Mechanic

This NPC repairs and maintains all things mechanical

  • Bored
  • Detail oriented
  • Suspicious of PCs
  • Needlessly hostile
8. Tutor

Usually found instructing a student, this NPC is useful when teaching new skills.

Current course
  • Sociology
  • History
  • Specific skill
  • Mathematics
  • Magical study
9. Overwhelmed Parent

This NPC shows a clear sign of being taxed from parenthood.

  • Dried food on face
  • Unkempt hair
  • Bags under eyes
  • Messy clothes
10. Medical profession

This NPC studied long and hard to work in the field of medicine.

  • First aid instructor
  • EMT
  • Doctor
  • Nurse
11. Wannabe adventurer

This NPC yearns for the exciting and dangerous life of an adventurer!

  • Credits
  • Glory
  • Destiny
  • Prove something
12. Educator

This NPC teaches others about a particular subject, likely in a school or unversity

  • History
  • Art
  • Literature
  • Math
  • Science
  • Magic
13. Dancer

This NPC dances professionally, likely with a troupe.

  • Interpretative
  • Classical
  • Rhythm
  • Folk
14. Engineer

This NPC appliesmath and science topractical matters.

  • Chemical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Aerospace engineering
15. Street Athlete

This NPC uses hoverskates, a hoverboard, or similar device to perform tricks.

  • Hanging out
  • Avoiding security
  • Performing an awesome trick
  • Nursing injury
16. Motivator

This NPC dispenses advice that inspires.

  • Mentor
  • Life coach
  • Motivational Speaker
  • Therapist
17. Bouncer

This imposing NPC stands ready to boot troublemakers out of an exclusive establishment.

  • Nightclub
  • High-end bar
  • Casino
  • Sporting arena
18. Dine Out

This NPC just wants to get something to eat.

  • Street vendor
  • Local joint
  • Fast food chain
  • High-end restaurant
19. Influencer

This NPC is known across social media as a trendsetter, specializing in a brand.

  • Lifestyle products
  • Cosmetics
  • Clothes
  • Vidgame
20. Talent Scout

This NPC is looking for undiscovered talent, and the PCs might fit the bill!

  • Live theater
  • Music
  • Holovids
  • Reality show
21. Politician

This NPC is out canvassing for votes in an upcoming election.

Campaign Promise
  • Less taxes
  • Social programs
  • Local economic growth
  • An issue the PCs care about
22. Corporate Spy

This NPC places themself within a company while feeding a rival business information.

Looking for
  • Employee data
  • Financial data
  • Proprietary R&D
  • Executive secret
23. Designer

This NPC is paid to create and often to execute a style.

  • Graphics
  • Fashion
  • Interiors
  • Sound
24. Corporate Agent

This NPC promotes a corporation’s interest, usually through making deals.

  • Calling assistant
  • Verifying a contract
  • Negotiating a deal
  • Headhunting
25. Aid Worker

This NPC is helping out the locals after a recent catastrophic event.

  • War
  • Natural disaster
  • Political upheaval
  • Magical disaster
26. Xenobiologist

This NPC studies alien life forms.

  • Space creatures
  • Terrestrial creatures
  • Aquatic creatures
  • Magical creatures
27. Cashier

This NPC works in a retail establishment, ringing up purchases for customers.

  • Fast food
  • restaurant
  • Grocery store
  • Electronics store
  • Clothing store
  • Big box store
28. Street Musician

This NPC is busking in public, playing an instrument in the hopes of receiving tips from passersby.

  • Plastic bucket
  • Acoustic guitar
  • Steel drum
  • Electric horn
29. Scientist

After much study, this NPC has become an expert in a scientific field.

General Field
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Fringe science
30. Goon

This NPC serves as muscle for local organized crime, and might not be too happy to see the PCs.

  • Tight suit
  • Custom weapon
  • Fancy shoes
  • Unusual hairstyle or headgear
31. Acrobat

Nimble and dextrous, this NPC makes a living performing gymnastic feats.

  • High-wire walking
  • Aerial acts
  • Tumbling
  • Contortion
32. Smuggler

This NPC illegally moves contraband from one place to another.

  • Data
  • Animals
  • Weapons
  • Historical
  • Artifacts
33. Gossip

This NPC is more than happy to share the latest hearsay.

  • Galactic rumors
  • Local scandals
  • Unfounded defamation
  • Trivial chatter
34. Counterfeiter

This NPC specializes in creating forgeries of a particular type of document or valuable information.

  • Physical documents
  • Electronic credentials
  • Credsticks
  • Transponder codes
35. Competitive Eater

This NPC competes against others to eat large quantities of food in a short time period.

  • Sandwiches
  • Pies
  • Pancakes
  • Vegetables
36. Gambler

This NPC enjoys playing the odds and putting their money on the line.

Bet of Choice
  • Lottery
  • Slots
  • Card games
  • Risky investments
37. Traveling Salesperson

This NPC travels from door-to-door, offering deals on a specific product.

  • Virtual encyclopedias
  • Armor cleaning kits
  • Personal drones
  • Robotic pets
38. Informant

This NPC supplies secret information to the authorities or other interested parties.

Has secrets on
  • The government
  • A corporation
  • A celebrity
  • One of the PCs
39. Wandering Art Piece

This NPC showcases their talent as a piece of living street art.

  • Sentient hologram
  • Giant puppet
  • Living statue/mime
  • Flash mob leader
40. Personal Trainer

This NPC works one-on-one with a client to improve their health.

  • Physical therapy
  • Fitness
  • General lifestyle
  • Nutrition
41. Office Worker

This NPC works in a mundane office job, likely from a cubicle.

  • Clerk
  • Receptionist
  • IT analyst
  • Manager
42. Esotericist

This NPC specializes in the study of ancient magical techniques.

  • Myths and legends
  • Magic items
  • Magic creatures
  • Magic places
43. Zookeeper

This NPC cares for a type of animal at a local zoo.

Animal Type
  • Large animals
  • Birds
  • Reptiles
  • Aquatic animals
  • Primates
44. Consultant

This NPC offers their expertise in a field to a business that hires them.

  • Operations
  • Management
  • Finances
  • Technology
45. Professional Athlete

This NPC is physically fit due to their particular sport.

  • Eshara
  • Brutaris
  • Starlance
  • Robo wrestling
46. Cab Driver

For a fee, this NPC will drive the PCs to a local destination in their vehicle, chatting during the trip.

  • Weather
  • Sports
  • Politics
  • Hobby
47. Terraformer

This NPC uses technology and/ or magic to turn inhospitable spaces into livable areas.

Latest Work
  • Shattered world
  • Ice planet
  • Toxic moon
  • Airless asteroid
48. Author

This NPC is a well- published author of several books in a certain genre.

  • Poetry
  • Romance
  • Mystery/Thriller
  • Non-Fiction
49. Private Investigator

This NPC looks into people and places of interest on the behalf of a paying client.

  • Jilted lover
  • Suspicious business partner
  • Distraught spouse
  • Wealthy law firm
50. Astronomer

This NPC is a scientific observer of celestial phenomenon, and will happily lecture on a particular topic.

  • Photometry
  • Cosmology
  • Planetology
  • Exobiology
51. Actor

This NPC makes a living on a stage or in front of a holocamera.

Favored roles
  • Does everything
  • Dramatic
  • Comedic
  • Action
52. Bartender

Working at an establishment that sells alcoholic drinks, this NPC is ready to serve their specialty.

Special Drink
  • Black Hole
  • Quasar Sunset
  • Drift Drive
  • Trapsmith
53. Saboteur

This NPC is skilled at destroying other’s property.

Works for
  • Self
  • Discontent workers
  • Corporate rival
  • Hostile government
54. Cleaner

This NPC is responsible for keeping a place tidy or cleaning objects brought to them.

  • Janitor
  • Housekeeper
  • Sanitation engineer
  • Dry cleaner
55. Comedian

This NPC makes a living telling jokes to paying audiences.

Type of humor
  • Absurdist
  • Observational comedy
  • Political comedy
  • Insult comedy
56. Con Artist

The con artist can assume just about any role, and be nearly anyone. Draw another card for the role that character represents is who currently this pretending to be, but use the symbols on this card.

    57. Locksmith

    This NPC crafts and repairs all manner of locks and the tools to pick them.

    Known For
    • Analog locks
    • Digital locks
    • Biometric security
    • Unusual keys
    • Underworld ties
    58. Big Game Hunter

    This NPC is generally well-armed, as they are looking to take down some large or prestigious creature.

    • Mountain eel
    • Nyssholora
    • Bloodbrother
    • Surnoch
    59. Musician

    Fluent in a certain genre, this NPC might be currently playing their music.

    • Akitonian metal
    • Eoxian bone drums
    • Holopop
    • Shirren clicking
    60. Urban Explorer

    This NPC traverses artificial (and sometimes abandoned) structures and settlements.

    • Agility training
    • Seeking thrills
    • Making holovids
    • Looking for something
    61. Artisan

    This NPC is known for hand crafting certain goods.

    • Glassblowing
    • Woodworking
    • Metalworking
    • Textiles
    62. Criminal

    While this NPC might not currently be engaged in illegal activity, they have committed crimes.

    Favored Crime
    • Petty theft
    • Grand larceny
    • Extortion
    • Arson
    63. Recruiter

    This NPC is looking to recruit others (including the PCs) into their organization.

    • Cult
    • Established church
    • Corporation
    • Military
    64. Spy

    This NPC is a trained agent of espionage, but is disguised as someone else. Draw another card for the their role that disguise, represents but use the symbols on this card.

      65. Chef

      This NPC works in the kitchen of a nearby restaurant that specializes in certain types of recipes. that represents their disguise, but use the symbols on this card.

      • Small sharing plates
      • Comfort food
      • Experimental fusion
      • Haute cuisine
      66. Bureaucrat

      This NPC is adept at creating and cutting through red tape.

      • Corporation
      • Settlement government
      • Planetary government
      • System government
      67. Mortician

      This NPC works professionally with the dead (though not the undead).

      • Coroner
      • Curator
      • Mummifier
      • Funeral assistant
      68. Tourist

      This NPC is visiting the area, likely for pleasure.

      • Part of a couple
      • Harried family head
      • Business traveller
      • Suspicious individual
      69. Librarian

      This NPC worksat a library with books both physical and digital.

      • Archiving
      • Cataloging
      • Preservation
      • Reader advisory
      70. Academic

      This NPC is a member of an institute of higher learning.

      • Magic
      • Arts
      • Social Sciences
      • Natural Sciences
      • Mathematics
      71. Reporter

      This NPC is looking to break a story for the news.

      • Personal infosphere site
      • Print media
      • Local news
      • 24-hour news stream
      72. Augmentation Installer

      This NPC is adept at installing a certain type of augmentation.

      • Species grafts
      • Magitech
      • Cybernetics
      • Biotech
      • Necrografts
      73. Racer

      This NPC makes a living at the controls of a fast vehicle.

      • Enercycle
      • Boat
      • Drone
      • Starship
      74. Caretaker

      This NPC is responsible for minding property or the wellbeing of an individual or group.

      • Property
      • Children
      • Elderly
      • Sick people
      75. Enchanter

      This NPC specializes in turning nonmagical items into magical ones using a certain component.

      • Magic wand
      • Amulet
      • String of beads
      • Digital sprite
      76. Data Miner

      This NPC scours large data sets for patterns to make predictions.

      • Infosphere traffic
      • Corporate finances
      • Market research
      • Scientific data
      77. Host

      This charismatic NPC is the host of a particular type of program.

      • Reality show
      • Game show
      • Award show
      • Live vidstream
      78. Pilot

      This NPC is employed as a pilot of a starship or atmosphere-bound air vehicle.

      • Recreational
      • Commercial passenger
      • Cargo
      • Private
      • Military
      79. Holo-Advertisement

      This NPC is actually an AI-controlled hologram hawking a type of product.

      • Toothpaste
      • Used vehicles
      • Weapon fusions
      • Luxury items
      80. Arms Dealer

      A rep of a large syndicate or a shady solitary merchant, this NPC offers deals on certain weapons.

      Weapon Type
      • Analog melee weapons
      • Powered melee weapons
      • Small arms
      • Longarms
      • Heavy weapons
      81. Street Preacher

      With fiery passion and a strident voice, this NPC evangelizes about a religious topic.

      • Doomsaying
      • Compassion
      • Conversion
      • Smite the unbelievers
      82. Drug Seller

      This NPC specializes in pharmaceuticals, and might have the cure for what ails the PCs.

      • Extralegal
      • Homeopathic remedies
      • Pharmacist
      • Corporate sales
      83. Merchant

      This NPC sells goods out of a local shop or a bulky vehicle.

      • Magic items
      • Local crafts
      • Produce
      • Equipment
      • Illegal items
      84. Celebrity

      Most PCs will recognize this NPC!

      Famous For
      • Being famous
      • Vidstreams
      • Explorer
      • Athletic/artistic accomplishment
      85. Guide

      This NPC leads others along known and sometimes mysterious routes for the purpose of travel.

      • Urban
      • Wilderness
      • Virtual spaces
      • Planar
      86. Soldier

      This NPC fights for a government’s military.

      • Ground forces
      • Naval forces
      • Air & space forces
      • Intelligence
      87. Thrillseeker

      This NPC savors the rush of adrenaline they get through certain activities.

      • Crime
      • Extreme sports
      • Exploration
      • Magical experimentation
      88. Programmer

      This NPC works in the field of computers, creating and editing code for a specific field:

      • Database admin
      • Infosphere developer
      • VI analyst
      • Game developer
      89. Clown

      This NPC is a gaudily dressed circus entertainer.

      • Bucket of confetti
      • Oversized shoes
      • Squirting flower
      • Puppet
      90. Scavenger

      This NPC picks through what others would call trash to find specific objects to repurpose or sell.

      • Street meat
      • Tech scrap
      • Everything
      • Magic debris
      • Unsure, but they know when they find it
      91. Fortune Teller

      This NPC can attempt to read the PCs’ fortunes... for a price.

      • Digital harrow deck
      • Crystal ball
      • Runes
      • Blood
      92. Artist

      This NPC takes great pride in their artistic ability.

      • Digital illustration
      • Painting
      • Sculpture
      • Tattoo
      • Grafitti
      93. Evangelist

      This NPC has much to say about their faith.

      • Philosophy
      • Good deity
      • Neutral deity
      • Evil deity
      94. Rarity Collector

      This NPC is obsessed with collecting rare and unusual items.

      • Animals
      • Vidcaster merch
      • Old credsticks
      • Physical books
      95. Hacker

      This NPC is skilled in hacking, usually to take down powerful companies or steal important data.

      • Animals
      • Dark glasses
      • Prominent piercings
      • Cool jacket
      • Holographic limb
      96. Game Designer

      This NPC designs fun games for people to play!

      • Tabletop games
      • Console vidgames
      • Mobile vidgames
      97. Bounty Hunter

      This professional bounty hunter is equipped to bring in their target, no matter what.

      • One of the PCs
      • None, looking for work
      • Hardened criminal
      • Wrongly accused
      98. Solarian

      This NPC studies and harnesses the balance between light and gravity.

      Solar Weapon
      • None
      • Trident
      • Spear
      • Dueling sword
      • Doshko
      • Fangblade
      • Battleglove
      99. Tour Guide

      This NPC shows visitors around a settlement, pointing out places of interest.

      • Food
      • Culture
      • History
      • The paranormal
      100. Model

      This NPC is a professional model, making a living showcasing a particular product.

      • Fitness regimen
      • Fashion
      • Jewelry
      • Lifestyle brand
      101. QA

      This NPC is a quality assurance tester for a specific type of product.

      • Vidgame
      • Corporate software
      • Consumer electronics
      • Weapons
      • Top secret systems
      102. Vidgamer

      This NPC enjoys digital gaming, and might even have a stream on the local infosphere.

      • Speedruns
      • Variety
      • Griefing
      • Story and lore
      103. Diplomat

      This NPC represents the interests of the government of another settlement, planet, or system.

      • Haughty
      • Overly friendly
      • Distracted
      • Melancholy
      104. Activist

      This NPC is a vocal advocate of a particular cause.

      • Animal rights
      • Environmental conservation
      • Freedom of information
      • Local government
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