Drone Mods

As a standard action, you create a devastating energy stream that arcs between your custom rig and your drone, creating a line effect; to use this ability, your custom rig must be in your possession and your drone must be within 30 feet of you. For each advanced drone mod your drone has, the arc deals 1d8 electricity damage to each creature in the line; affected creatures can attempt Reflex saving throws to halve the damage (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier). The damage increases by 1d8 at 4th level and every three levels thereafter. You can instead activate this ability as a full action to increase the damage dice to d10s. Once you’ve activated this drone mod, you can’t do so again until you’ve rested for 10 minutes to regain Stamina Points.
Your drone gains an armor upgrade slot for an armor upgrade. If you do not already have an armor upgrade to install, you must purchase one separately. You can install the armor upgrade only if your drone has enough open upgrade slots to meet the upgrade’s requirements. You can select this mod up to four times, each time adding an additional slot.
Your drone gains the Barricade feat. Your drone must have Engineering as a class skill and manipulator arms for you to select this mod.
Your drone must have a cybernetic bridge mod (Armory 147) for you to choose this mod. The augmentation you install in your drone can be a biotech or necrotech augmentation. If this augmentation has an item level that’s 4 or more levels lower than your ranks in Life Sciences (for biotech augmentations) or Mysticism (for necrotech augmentations), you can create and install the augmentation yourself at no cost; you can change this self-built augmentation once per day with 1 hour of work. If the augmentation isn’t 4 or more levels lower than your appropriate skill ranks, you must acquire and pay for the augmentation (including changing or replacing it) normally. Aspis Consortium mechanics use a bionecrotic bridge to equip their drones with a venom spur or dragon gland.
Your drone has a camera that you can see through using your custom rig as long as your drone is within range. The camera has ordinary sight, and is capable of seeing whatever an ordinary human could see. The camera can also record up to 1 hour of footage, which can be downloaded and viewed using your custom rig.
Your drone is outfitted with cargo space. The drone’s Strength score counts as 4 higher for the purpose of how determining much bulk it can carry, but all of this extra bulk must be stored gear and cargo, not mounted weapons, armor mods, or the like. This does not affect the drone’s actual Strength score in any way, merely how much it can carry. Due to its size, a drone might still be unable to carry awkward or unwieldy items.
Your drone gains a climb speed equal to half its land speed. This mod can be applied to only combat and stealth drones.
Your drone conducts, stores, and unleashes electricity with a touch. Your drone gains a special unarmed strike that deals 1d3 electricity damage; this attack doesn’t count as archaic and targets EAC. When your drone reaches 3rd level, it gains Weapon Specialization with its natural weapon. Your drone must have the resistance (electricity) mod to select this mod.
Your drone can use its flexible body to constrict a foe. When your drone successfully renews a grapple or pin on an opponent, it automatically deals an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d3 + your character level.
Your drone can be improved with one cybernetic or magitech augmentation, selected from only one of the following systems: arm, brain, ears, eyes, hand, legs, or throat. If the augmentation has an item level that is 4 or more levels lower than your ranks in Engineering (for cybernetics augmentations) or Mysticism (for magitech augmentations), you can create and install the augmentation yourself at no cost. You can change such self-built augmentations once per day with 1 hour of work. If the augmentation is not 4 or more levels lower than your appropriate skill ranks, you must acquire and pay for the augmentation (including changing or replacing the augmentation) normally.
When under attack, your drone can disappear swiftly. Once per minute, as a reaction after taking damage, your drone can immediately activate its reactive camouflage as though it had remained stationary for 1 round, and it can attempt a Stealth check to hide even if it’s currently observed. If the drone also spends 1 Resolve Point while activating this ability, it can also take a defensive step after attempting the Stealth check. This mod requires that your drone has the reactive camouflage mod.
Your drone uses basic echolocation to notice unseen foes. The drone gains blindsense (sound) with a range of 60 feet.
Your drone gains an energy shield that provides it with a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your mechanic level. This shield remains active until all of its temporary Hit Points are depleted. The drone can replenish the shield’s Hit Points to full by spending 1 Resolve Point when you rest to regain Stamina Points. You can select this mod a second time to double the energy shield’s temporary Hit Points.
Your drone gains a +2 bonus to its AC. At 11th level, you can choose this mod a second time as an advanced mod.
Your drone gains low-light vision, darkvision to 60 feet, and a +2 insight bonus to Perception skill checks. If your drone has the camera mod, the camera gains these senses as well.
Your drone gains a burrow speed equal to half its land speed. It can use this speed to move through clay, dirt, earth, and sand. It does not leave a hole behind, nor is its passage marked on the surface.
One of your drone’s weapon mounts can hold two additional batteries, magazines, or other type of ammunition in addition to its usual weapon and ammunition capacity. Your drone must have the weapon mount mod before selecting this mod. You can select this mod more than once, up to the number of weapon mounts the drone has.
Your drone can move through an area as small as one-quarter of its space without squeezing or one-eighth its space when squeezing. In addition, your drone gains a +2 circumstance bonus when using the escape task of the Acrobatics skill to break free from a grapple.
Your drone gains a fly speed equal to half its land speed with average maneuverability for up to 10 minutes per day. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You can select this mod a second time; in this case, the drone’s fly speed has perfect maneuverability and increases to its full land speed, and there is no limit on the amount of time it can fly.
Your drone must have manipulator arms or a flexible body for you to choose this mod. If your drone has manipulator arms, it can use the grapple combat maneuver without taking a –4 penalty to its attack roll. If it has flexible body, it can make a grapple attack without requiring a free hand.
Your drone can dispense grease on itself or an adjacent object or area as a standard action. This functions as the spell *grease* (DC = 11 + your drone’s Dexterity modifier) but is not a magic effect. Once your drone has used this ability, it cannot do so again until you take a 10-minute rest and spend 1 Resolve to regain Stamina Points while you have access to your drone.
Choose one type of energy for which your drone already has the resistance mod. Increase your drone’s resistance to that energy type by 5. You can select this mod multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you select this mod, it applies to a different energy type for which your drone has the resistance mod.
By periodically scavenging materials, your drone creates improvised explosives. After a full 8 hour rest, your drone can create up to three grenades by spending 2 Resolve Points per grenade. It can create any grenade with an item level that doesn’t exceed your mechanic level – 3, but only the drone can use them. These grenades remain functional until used or until the drone recovers Resolve Points after a full 8 hour rest. The drone can draw and throw one of these grenades as a standard action, even if it lacks the limbs to do so. As a reaction when your drone is reduced to 0 HP, it can detonate one of its stored grenades, which explodes using one corner of the drone’s space as the explosion’s grid intersection. You can select this mod a second time, which reduces the RP cost per grenade to 1 and enables the drone to make any grenade with an item level less than your mechanic level.
Your drone’s AI is secured against outside influence. Any attempt to hack your drone takes a –4 penalty, and your drone receives a +4 insight bonus to saving throws against spells or effects that attempt to take control of the drone or otherwise dictate its actions.
Your drone can learn from its mistakes. When it fails a skill check, and attempts the same skill check for the same task the next round, on its second attempt it may roll the check twice and take the better of the two results. Once your drone has used this ability, it cannot use it again until you take ten minutes to review its programming. You may do this at the same time you take ten minutes and spend 1 Resolve Point to regain all your Stamina Points.
Your drone is equipped with miniature marine jet engines, granting it a swim speed equal to half its land speed. This mod can be applied to only combat drones and stealth drones.
Your drone contains an extensive database of information as well as a powerful processing unit for analysis. Once every 10 minutes, when the drone makes a skill check to identify a creature or recall knowledge, it can roll 1d6 and add the result to the roll as an insight bonus. At 11th level, the drone rolls 1d8 instead, and at 16th level, it rolls 1d10. In addition, the drone adds Computers, Culture, Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, and Profession to the skills it can select with its skill unit.
Once per day as a standard action, your drone can turn invisible for 10 minutes, as per the invisibility spell. If it makes an attack during this time, the invisibility ends. Your drone can spend 2 Resolve Points to use this ability again on the same day. Your drone must have the reactive camouflage mod to select this.
Your drone is equipped with powerful miniature jets. It can use these jets to jump up to 30 feet as a move action (either vertically, horizontally, or in any combination that does not exceed 30 feet). If applied to a hover drone, these jets instead allow your drone to increase its fly speed by 30 feet for 1 round. Once used, these jets must cool down for 1 minute before they can be used again.
Your drone is fitted with a natural-looking synthetic skin and additional cosmetic accessories to make it appear to be an appropriately sized animal. Recognizing the drone as anything but a normal animal requires a successful Engineering or Life Science check (DC = 10 + your total Engineering skill modifier).
Powerful processors provide your drone with exceptional language mastery. Your drone learns an additional number of languages equal to 4 + the drone’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 2). Every time you gain a level, you can swap out one of these additional languages for a different language.
Your drone is equipped with two robotic arms with simple hands. They can perform most functions that your arms can perform (such as opening doors, typing on a keypad, wielding a weapon, or attempting skill checks that require manual dexterity), but attacks made with them take a –4 penalty.
Your drone is equipped with first aid capabilities. If you are reduced to 0 Hit Points, your drone can attempt to administer emergency medical treatment to you, even despite you being unconscious. On subsequent rounds on your turn, your drone takes as many move actions as necessary to return to your side, followed by a standard action to administer first aid. Once it has done so, you can spend 2 Resolve Points to recover a number of Hit Points equal to your mechanic level. Your drone cannot use this mod on anyone but you nor use it if you are dead or have fewer than 2 RP remaining. You can’t benefit from this treatment more than once every 24 hours. Your drone must have the manipulator arms and skill subroutines (with the Medicine skill) mods to select this mod.
Your drone is equipped with a robotic arm to which you can affix a one-handed melee weapon, allowing your drone to wield that weapon and attack with it. This weapon cannot be disarmed. Wielding a two-handed melee weapon requires two melee weapon arms. If you do not already have a weapon to equip, you must purchase it separately. Swapping out a weapon in a melee weapon arm requires use of your custom rig and 1 hour of work. You can select this mod multiple times, each time adding an additional melee weapon arm to the drone.
Select two technological items of no more than light bulk, each with item levels no higher than your mechanic level. Add these items to the tools installed in your drone’s tool arm and to the list of tools that your drone is programmed to use. This mod requires that your drone has the tool arm mod.
Your drone has agile subroutines that can readily read and adapt to social situations. Your drone’s Charisma score increases by 2, and it adds Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Profession, and Sense Motive to the skills it can select with its skill unit. In addition, it adds the following feats to the list of feats it can choose from: Advance Warning, Antagonize, Diversion, Fast Talk, Greater Feint, Improved Feint, Skill Focus, Skill Synergy, Tactful Advisor, Unfriendly Fire, and Veiled Threat. Finally, the drone gains one of those feats for which it meets the prerequisites.
Your drone incorporates noqual into its armor and several internal systems, dissipating magical effects. The drone gains spell resistance equal to 6 + its level. You can choose this mod a second time, increasing the spell resistance to 11 + its level.
Using sophisticated sensors and ballistics processors, your drone not only provides withering covering fire but can also quickly convey recommendations for how to best target your attacks. Your drone gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls to use covering fire, and it can choose to grant the circumstance bonus exclusively to you, rather than to the next ally to attack that foe. If it does so and that attack hits, it deals 1 additional damage per weapon damage die. You must be able to see or hear your drone to gain this benefit.
Your drone is equipped with a thin coating that can change color to match the drone’s surroundings. Whenever your drone stays stationary for 1 round, it gains a +10 bonus to Stealth checks (this bonus doesn’t stack with the invisibility spell or similar effects). If your drone takes any action, it loses this bonus until it once again spends 1 round remaining still.
Your drone is programmed with an array of emergency protocols. If your drone’s good save bonus is Reflex, the drone gains a +1 bonus to Will saves; otherwise it gains a +1 bonus to Reflex saves. As a reaction, you can issue a reflexive command to your drone, allowing the drone to perform a reaction.
Your drone gains damage reduction 1/—. This increases to DR 2/— at 7th level and increases by 1 again at 13th level and every 3 levels thereafter.
Your drone’s frame is especially thick, housing redundant systems that mitigate otherwise-lethal damage. Your drone gains 3 Hit Points, plus an additional Hit Point for each mechanic level you have.
Your drone gains resistance to an energy type of your choice—acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic—equal to your mechanic level, to a maximum of 10. You can select this mod multiple times. Its effects do not stack; each time you select this mod, it must apply to a different energy type from the list above.
When your drone becomes grappled or is dealt damage by a creature within its reach, your drone can shock the attacker, dealing electricity damage as if the drone had struck the attacker with its conductive plating attack. Once your drone has used this mod, it can’t use it again for 1d4 rounds. Your drone must have the conductive plating mod to select this mod.
Your drone is equipped with a seat and programming to carry a rider as a combat-trained mount. If you ride your drone, it must be at least your size or larger. To carry another rider, the drone must be at least one size larger than the rider. You no longer need to attempt the Survival check to fight from a combat-trained mount.
Whenever your drone is reduced to fewer than 10 HP, it immediately shuts down and unleashes a shock wave of electricity as a reaction (even if it is deactivated or destroyed by the attack). This deals 1d6 electricity damage per level to every creature within 10 feet (except the drone). An affected creature can attempt a Reflex save to take half damage (DC = 10 + half your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier).
Choose another skill from the skill unit list. This is a class skill for your drone, which gains a number of ranks in that skill equal to your mechanic level. Your drone also increases its Intelligence score by 2. At 11th level, you can choose this mod a second time as an advanced mod. If you do, choose an additional skill to become a class skill for your drone (this skill doesn’t have to be on the skill unit list). Your drone gains ranks in the skill equal to your mechanic level. Your drone also increases its Intelligence score again by 2.
Your drone has a secret compartment that can hold a single item of light bulk or smaller. A successful Perception check (DC = 15 + your mechanic level) is needed to notice or find the compartment. Accessing this compartment is a move action.
Your drone houses a devastating sound cannon. Once per hour, the drone can activate the sonic blast as a standard action, dealing sonic damage to all creatures and objects in a 30-foot cone; affected targets can halve the damage with a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 your mechanic level + your Intelligence modifier). The blast deals 1d10 damage for every two mechanic levels you have.
Your drone’s echolocation is especially powerful. It gains blindsight (sound) with a range of 5 feet. As a move action, the drone can increase its blindsight range to 30 feet until the beginning of its next turn. While you’re within your drone’s blindsight range, you can sense anything that it senses with its blindsense (sound) and blindsight (sound). This mod requires that your drone has the echolocators drone mod.
Your drone’s land speed increases by 10 feet.
Your drone can transform into a magical tattoo that appears on your body. If you already have tattoos, the drone matches them in size and style when in tattoo form. When not in tattoo form, the drone has colorful, decorative images similar to its last tattoo form worked along its frame. To transform into a tattoo, your drone must take a move action while adjacent to you. While a tattoo, the drone can’t be damaged, take actions, communicate, or be repaired. As a standard action, you can transform the tattoo back into your drone, which appears in an adjacent space. *Detect magic* and similar spells don’t reveal the magical nature of a tattooed drone in its tattoo form, though true seeing does. With close examination, a successful Mysticism check (DC = 15 + half your level) reveals the tattoo is magical. A successful *dispel magic* spell targeting the tattoo causes the drone to appear in an adjacent space. The drone’s bulk doesn’t impair you while it’s in its tattoo form.
Select one technological item of no more than light bulk and an item level no higher than your mechanic level. Your drone is equipped with a robotic arm with that item attached and the proper programming to use the item, although it cannot use a tool that requires skill checks unless it also has ranks in the relevant skill (or you have ranks in the relevant skill and the drone is under your direct control).
Your drone can transform into a second form that resembles an ordinary inanimate object of one size smaller. Taking this smaller form or returning to its normal form is a standard action. The drone retains its senses in this form and can move at half speed (though this would likely reveal its true nature) but loses access to its other mods and weapons. You choose the object the drone can transform into when you select this mod but can change it any time you rebuild your drone. A Small drone becomes a Tiny object that weighs approximately 1 bulk (such as a metal briefcase), and a Tiny drone transforms into a Diminutive object of light bulk (such as a datapad). A transformed drone automatically passes casual inspections but can be identified as suspicious with close inspection and a successful Engineering or Perception check (DC = 10 + your total Engineering skill modifier). This mod can be installed in only Small or Tiny drones.
Your drone gains two of the following benefits: it gains blindsense (scent) with a range of 30 feet; it gains sense through (vision [smoke only]) with a range of 30 feet; or its insight bonus to Perception skill checks increases to +4. If your drone has the camera mod and you choose the sense through ability above, the camera gains this sense through ability as well. This mod requires that your drone has the enhanced senses mod.
Your drone looks like a mundane domestic drone of the same size. With 10 minutes of work, you can alter cosmetic aspects of your drone’s appearance to make it look like other domestic drones in a local building or area. You can adjust your drone’s appearance as though it were using the Become the Robot envoy expertise talent (Starfinder Enchanced 39), but the DC to notice your drone is 10 + your total Engineering skill modifier.
You can affix a small arm or another one-handed ranged weapon on your drone, allowing it to wield that weapon and attack with it. This weapon cannot be disarmed. Mounting a longarm, a heavy weapon, or another two-handed ranged weapon requires two weapon mounts. A weapon mount can hold up to two batteries, two magazines, or two of another type of ammunition for the affixed weapon, provided this ammunition is of light bulk or less. Multiple weapon mounts used to affix a single two-handed weapon count as a single weapon mount for the purpose of how much ammunition it can hold. The drone reloads these batteries or magazines automatically, which takes the usual amount of time for the weapon. Spent batteries or magazines are stored within the drone. You can replace all of a weapon mount’s batteries or magazines as a move action. You must purchase separately or already have the weapon and ammunition for use with a weapon mount. You can replace the weapon with any other weapon that meets the criteria for your mount (for example, if you have two weapon mounts, you could replace a longarm with a heavy weapon). Swapping out a weapon in a weapon mount requires use of your custom rig and 1 hour of work. You can select this mod multiple times, each time adding an additional weapon mount to the drone.
Your drone gains one of the following feats as a bonus feat (it must meet all the prerequisites of the chosen feat): Advanced Melee Weapon Proficiency, Basic Melee Weapon Proficiency, Heavy Weapon Proficiency, Longarm Proficiency, Small Arm Proficiency, or Special Weapon Proficiency. You can select this mod multiple times; each time, your drone gains another of the available proficiency feats as a bonus feat.
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