Kadrical's Tears (The Tear)













The eight relics known as Kadrical’s Tears are each roughly the same in appearance: two-foot-tall golden obelisks marked with the script of differing species who fled the Scoured Stars. The ever-changing writing on each obelisk glows with holographic expressions and magical energies, with each Tier having its own particular coloration. Each Tier floats above ground and can be pushed along, although moving and storing the relic is awkward and cumbersome.

Kadrical, the god of collections and preservation, crafted and dispatched these eight artifacts from the Scoured Stars. Each of the Tears followed the trajectory of one of the eight groups that departed the Scoured Stars when Kadrical’s Godshield barrier collapsed and the deity began his slumber.

Once per day as a standard action, if you belong to one of the species tracing its lineage to the Scoured Stars, you can commune with the Tier, gaining the effects of a vision spell (caster level 20th). You do not need access to a computer or other device, as the magical script on the Tier adjusts to display the information in a language or other means you understand. The information is obtained from the deity Kadrical, and can generally be anything a god would know, though any effects that are occluded from deities cannot be discerned with the Tier.

Any creature can intently study the Tier and learn the script that covers its surface, which are representations of languages from various groups from the Scoured Stars. If you focus on a specific group (such as jinsuls or izalguuns) and spend a week studying the Tier, you automatically learn the spoken and written language of the specified species. However, you can only benefit from this effect once, and if you attempt to learn a second language from the Tier in this manner, the prior language disappears from your memory.

Any creature who interacts with a Tier can put their imprint within the artifact as a standard action. The Tier can contain an unlimited number of such imprints in its memory. Once per year, you can spend a full day communing with the Tier and attempt a DC 30 Diplomacy check to try to negotiate with the sliver of divine essence belonging to Kadrical instilled within the relic. If the check is successful, you can select one dead creature that was imprinted into the relic. The target returns to life as per raise dead, except they have no negative levels and are restored at full Hit Points, Stamina Points, and Resolve Points. This effect cannot bring back creatures who died of old age or creatures who still persist as undead, though it can bring back constructs, elementals, or outsiders, unlike a normal raise dead spell.

Variants: Each of the eight Tears corresponds to one of the eight groups who departed the Scoured Stars in times long past, and each has a unique additional property. Today, the fates of four such Tears are known. The izalguun Tier is the subject of “Adventure #5: Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tier.” The mentrasi Tier was obtained by First Seeker Jadnura and returns to the Starfinder Society’s care after “Adventure #6: The Scoured Stars Invasion.” Jinsul warlords cracked open their Tier and consumed its power as part of its destruction. The leaders of the Kreiholm Freehold condemned their Tier to an extraplanar realm, where it remains to this day.

Unknown to the Society and its allies, one Tier resides in the personal collection of a Pact Worlds power. The locations of the remaining three Kadrical’s Tears are unknown. The variant Tears can each have their effect activated once per day as a standard action. Each effect has an effective caster level of 20.
Izalguun Tier: Gain the effects of a mystic cure (6th) or mass mystic cure spell (a +10 Wisdom modifier for both effects).
Kreiholm Tier: Gain the effects of true seeing.
Mentrasi Tier: Gain the effects ofethereal jaunt for yourself and up to five additional willing creatures within 30 feet.

Destruction: Each of Kadrical’s Tears can be broken by a descendant of the exodus group it was dispatched to call home. This descendant must also be a devout worshipper of Kadrical who forsakes their deity and breaks the Tier apart with their bare hands. A Tier shattered in this manner imparts divine power into the creature breaking it; however, the essence of the Tier remains in the person, and from them the Tier could be remade. Kadrical’s Tears can only truly be destroyed if Kadrical is somehow slain. If that occurs, and all eight relics are returned to the Scoured Stars ,and each is used simultaneously to restore Kadrical using the imprint of the deity within, then the Tears are permanently destroyed but Kadrical is restored to existence as a reborn god.


Scoured Stars Adventure Path pg. 250



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