This subtype is applied to a collection of sentient creatures that acts as a single creature (similar to a swarm, but usually as part of a military unit). A troop has a single pool of Hit Points, a single initiative modifier, and a single EAC and KAC. A troop attempts saving throws as a single creature.
Any creature that remains near Vharrine for more than 90 days can become songtwisted. Creatures that have strong will or psychic defenses take longer to convert, but immunity to effects that warp the mind offers no benefit.
The creature doesn’t make standard melee attacks. Instead, it deals automatic damage to any creature within its reach or whose space it occupies at the end of its turn, with no attack roll needed. A troop threatens all creatures within its reach or within its area and resolves attacks of opportunity by dealing automatic troop damage to any foe in reach that provokes an attack of opportunity. A troop is still limited to making one such attack per round unless stated otherwise. A troop can perform grapple and sunder combat maneuvers, but no other combat maneuvers, unless the troop’s description states otherwise.
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