Drift Crashers: The Perfect Storm
Adventure Path

Whether you are or aren’t a native of the Material Plane, it certainly holds little sway over you. Why go to the vidgame arcade when you could sample the endless delights of Elysium? Why settle your disputes at the local courthouse when you could get the opinion of the perfect arbiters of Axis? Why simply kill your enemies when you could annihilate their souls with the help of Abaddon? Regardless of your tendencies, focus (or lack of focus) on particular planes, or motivation for traveling, your knowledge of realities beyond your own is unmatched.
Armor Upgrades
NameLevelPriceSlotsArmor TypeCapacityUsageBulk
11001Heavy, Light---
13201Heavy, Light, Powered201-
42,4001Heavy, Light, Powered201-
76,2001Heavy, Light, Powered201-
11201Heavy, Light, Powered---
Basic Melee
89,2002d4 B | So-Deafen 140 2Instrumental, Modal (sonic), Powered (capacity 40, usage 2)
Basic Melee
12501d4 B | So--120 1Instrumental, Modal (sonic), Powered (capacity 20, usage 1)
Basic Melee
42,0001d6 B | So-Deafen 120 1Instrumental, Modal (sonic), Powered (capacity 20, usage 1)
Basic Melee
1234,6002d8 B | So-Deafen 180 4Instrumental, Modal (sonic), Powered (capacity 80, usage 4)
Advanced Melee
64,2802d8 B-Push (5 ft.)1- -Analog, Block, Unwieldy
Advanced Melee
1125,6004d8 B-Push (10 ft.)1- -Analog, Block, Unwieldy
Advanced Melee
16172,6009d8 B-Push (15 ft.)1- -Analog, Block, Unwieldy
Advanced Melee
13601d8 B-Push (5 ft.)1- -Analog, Block, Unwieldy
Basic Melee
1346,0003d8 B-Staggered 1- -Analog, Reposition
Basic Melee
75,5001d10 B-Staggered 1- -Analog, Reposition
Basic Melee
12001d4 B--1- -Analog, Reposition
Weapon Fusions
1When you strike a creature with a cunning weapon and deal damage, you can attempt an Engineering, Life Science, or Mysticism check to identify the creature as appropriate (this takes no action). You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to this check. If you succeed, in addition to learning useful information about the creature, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the next saving throw you must attempt against that creature’s abilities within the next minute.
1A familial weapon aims itself around all other creatures the wielder considers their family, and is usually decorated with a crest or other distinguishing mark. A weapon with this fusion can be attuned to a number of creatures equal to the weapon’s level, typically the owner’s family or friends. The bonus enemies receive from cover or soft cover provided by attuned creatures is reduced by 1. This weapon fusion can be applied only to ranged weapons.
1A harmonic weapon reverberates with a constant, almost distracting hum or makes pleasant twanging noises when moved around. When you strike and deal damage to a creature with a harmonic weapon, the sound it produces finds a harmonic resonance in the creature. Before the beginning of your next turn, any ally that targets this creature with a weapon in the sonic category gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack. This weapon fusion can be applied only to weapons that deal sonic damage.
Creature Companion Graft
Rift remoras are leech-like outsiders that glide through the planes with supernatural intuition. These astral parasites are naturally attracted to interdimensional rifts. They gain sustenance from these misalignments of various planes of existence by absorbing the metaphysical potential energy through their long, drooping antennae. Their pale, near-transparent skin and circular, gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth gives them the appearance of deep-sea aquatic life. Though they don’t need to use it to feed, their ability to smell and home in on creatures not native to the plane they’re on makes them prized trackers by bounty hunters who specialize in pursuing targets across the planes.

Starfinder Core Rulebook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Keeley, Robert G. McCreary, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Owen K.C. Stephens, and James L. Sutter, with Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Lissa Guillet, Thurston Hillman, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Jessica Price, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, and Josh Vogt.
Starfinder Adventure Path #46: The Perfect Storm © 2022, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jessica Redekop, with Joseph Blomquist, Sasha Laranoa Harving, Joshua Hennington, Quinn Murphy, and Isabelle Thorne.

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