Diplomatic Nuance


Near Space pg. 147

You gain Culture and Diplomacy as class skills. For each of these skills that is already a class skill for you (or becomes a class skill) from a source other than this archetype, you learn to speak and read a new language. See page 41 of the Core Rulebook for a list of languages spoken in the Pact Worlds and beyond.

You can use your Diplomacy skill for Bluff checks to lie or pass a secret message and your Culture skill for Life Science checks to identify humanoids and monstrous humanoids. When you attempt a Diplomacy check to change a creature’s attitude, the creature’s attitude worsens only if you fail the check by 10 or more, rather than if you fail the check by 5 or more.





Level 2

set character.culture.classSkill to true; set character.diplomacy.classSkill to true;
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