Adamantine Shot (T1, W1)


Galactic Magic pg. 67

Dwarves created adamantine shot to turn common ammunition into deadly projectiles with siege and mining potential. You transmute one longarm round or similar missile, such as an arrow, into a magical projectile that performs as adamantine alloy ammunition, then you launch it. The round splits into three; attempt an @[attack][roll 1d20 + character.attack.ranged as attack for 'Adamantine Shot'] against a target’s KAC for each projectile. On a success, a shot deals piercing damage based on the slot you used to cast the spell and has the knockdown critical hit effect. Each shot also has the breach weapon special property (Armory 27), but you use your key ability score in place of Strength and add triple the spell-slot level you used to the roll instead of item level.

1st: When you cast adamantine shot as a 1st-level spell, each projectile deals @[1d8 piercing damage][roll 1d8 as damage for 'Adamantine Shot'].

2nd: When you cast adamantine shot as a 2nd-level spell, each projectile deals @[2d8 piercing damage][roll 2d8 as damage for 'Adamantine Shot'].

3rd: When you cast adamantine shot as a 3rd-level spell, each projectile deals @[3d8 piercing damage][roll 3d8 as damage for 'Adamantine Shot'].

4th: When you cast adamantine shot as a 4th-level spell, each projectile deals @[5d8 piercing damage][roll 5d8 as damage for 'Adamantine Shot'].

5th: When you cast adamantine shot as a 5th-level spell, each projectile deals @[7d8 piercing damage][roll 7d8 as damage for 'Adamantine Shot'].

6th: When you cast adamantine shot as a 6th-level spell, each projectile deals @[9d8 piercing damage][roll 9d8 as damage for 'Adamantine Shot'].

Attacking the same target twice incurs a –4 penalty to the attack rolls. Attacking the same target three times incurs a –6 penalty to the attack rolls.





append 'baa1ede169fe627e16b88e30' to character.spells;
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