Auto-Cam (P3, T3)


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 119

You manifest an invisible and intangible sensor that hovers one foot above your head. The sensor records anything it can see and hear in a 30-foot radius with no special senses. When the spell ends, the sensor transforms into a data drive, safely appearing in one of your free hands on a nearby surface if you lack a free hand. This data drive has light bulk, hardness 5, 10 Hit Points, and a break DC of 20, and it can be hacked or modified as though it were a computer whose tier equals the spell’s level. A creature that holds and concentrates on the data drive as a full action can review the recording, processing one minute of content each round. A creature can also connect the data drive to a computer and transfer its contents, creating a specific secure data module on that computer. The data drive exists indefinitely, disappearing only once destroyed or once you cast this spell again.

When cast as a higher-level spell, auto-cam ’s senses improves and its duration increases.

2nd: The duration increases to 10 minutes/level, and the sensor has low-light vision.

3rd: The duration increases to 1 hour/ level, and the sensor has low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 30 feet.





append '0849c629731323396a4fdc8b' to character.spells;
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