Command Icon (M1, T1)
Galactic Magic pg. 70
Hobgoblins created this spell to signify rallying points and provide commanders with better ability to organize troops. The target creature seems more imposing, granting the creature a +2 morale bonus to Charisma-based checks made to motivate troops and all Intimidate checks. A symbol of leadership, such as the seal of an organization or a deity’s holy symbol, illuminates above the target. This symbol increases the light in a 10-foot radius by one step, up to normal. The light imposes a –20 penalty to Stealth checks and prevents the target from benefiting from concealment from darkness, invisibility, and similar effects. The target gains a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against fear and being charmed, as do allies while they remain within the symbol’s light.
append 'f15263d014ca8445cc322170' to character.spells;