Modulate Frequency (M1, P1, T1, W1)


Galactic Magic pg. 77

At dire risk from certain sonic frequencies, a conclave of quorlu mystics devised the modulate frequency spell, which enables you to change the frequencies of the sounds emitted by the target object or creature. For the duration of the spell, the sounds emitted by the target object or creature can be manipulated along the full sound spectrum, including extremely high and low frequencies that can’t be sensed by some species. The modulate frequency spell can distort the voice of a targeted creature, imposing a –5 penalty to checks attempted to identify the target’s voice, and such identification can succeed only by relying on speech patterns, distinguishing phrases, and other idiosyncrasies of the target’s speech rather than the sound of their voice itself. Voice commands uttered by the target creature can thus be made indecipherable to constructs and electronic devices.





append '5de65211532229e67fe032c4' to character.spells;
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