Revealing Light (M2, P2, T2)


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 125

You modify the wavelengths emitted by the target, transforming the device into a magical light source for the purpose of piercing supernatural darkness (such as that created by the create darkness universal creature rule). The device suppresses the invisibility of any creatures or objects in areas of normal light or bright light that it creates; this spell does not affect any dim light the device creates.

If the device illuminates a cone or line rather than a radius, a creature wielding the device can freely point it in a particular direction as part of performing other actions, such as making an attack or casting a spell. By using a move action to search their surroundings using Perception (Core Rulebook page 144) the wielder can briefly shine the light all around them, momentarily suppressing invisibility in all directions. At the end of the wielder’s turn, they choose which direction to continue shining the light until the beginning of their next turn.





append '847e3275ed7aa0cf71cb1189' to character.spells;
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