
You’re fascinated by science in all its many facets. You understand that the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, physics, and other disciplines can help you exploit your enemies’ weaknesses and bolster your allies. You might be studious and methodical about your research, pushing your mind to the limit in search of discovery, or you might be a daring experimenter, improvising concoctions and stumbling upon grand revelations. Either way, you use your knowledge of several fields of scientific study to aid your allies, whether in the thick of battle or in crafting a perfect plan.
You make your way in the universe with a charming smile, quick wit, and keen sense of self-preservation, and excel at getting others to do what you want. You might be a trickster, hustler, or con artist, or you might serve as an actor, ambassador, or businessperson, paving the way for negotiation through kind words or the occasional dirty trick. You are often the group’s strategist, using your quick wit and tactical acumen to push your friends to greater heights. You may also be skilled in diplomacy, serving as the face for a starship crew, talking your way into restricted systems or gaining audiences with local politicians or warlords.
Conflict drives innovation, and in a strange and dangerous galaxy you’ve unlocked unparalleled means to adapt. By embracing mystic tradition, extensive augmentation, deliberate genetic mutation, or relying on other extraordinary means, you transform yourself into a powerful being better suited to achieving your goals. You might adopt characteristics of a ferocious chimera, an undead scion, a cybernetic paragon, or anything in between. Yet your evolution boasts a will of its own. Your abilities fight you for control in stressful situations, even while providing lethal instincts, an innate weapon, and spontaneous adaptations that help you outmaneuver, outwit, and outmatch your foes. No matter your niche, you are an adaptable combatant who forges your destiny in flesh, bone, or steel.
You are a master of machines, from advanced supercomputers to simple magnetic engines. Understanding how these devices work gives you insight into the world around you, allowing you to make the most of your gear, circumvent hardened defenses, and even take over remote systems. Your programming skill also gives you the ability to create a powerful ally, in the form of either an implanted artificial intelligence or a robotic drone, which can assist you with a variety of tasks. If there’s a computer or machine that needs to be fixed, bypassed, or destroyed, you’re the first on the scene. Whether you’re a skilled scientist, a starship engineer, or a battlefield technician, you’re no stranger to combat—but you find it much more reasonable to have your AI or drone do the fighting for you.
You understand that what most people call magic is simply an expression of the innate connection between all things, and you intuitively tap into this unseen power to create strange effects. You may conceptualize the source of your magic as divine grace, a manipulation of fundamental energy, or an unlocking of psychic potential, but always with the knowledge that you are a conduit channeling forces greater than yourself. Though you may study, you understand that spellcasting—like all existence—is messy and intuitive, and you specialize in biology and mental systems too complex to be perfectly understood by science. You sense the intangible and exploit your bonds with others, whether to bolster them or bend them to your will.
Your body houses an untold number of nanites, tiny machines that can grant you incredible fortitude, transform into tools, and course across the battlefield to decimate your foes. Your total control of these nanites makes you an adept combatant who can manifest the perfect weapon or tool at a moment’s notice. Whether your powers stem from accidental infection, excruciating experiments, or voluntary symbiosis, your nanites grow stronger by the day as you gradually transform into a being more machine than mortal.
You’re a shadow. You move swiftly, strike suddenly, and always have an escape plan. You’re a consummate professional, and you always get the job done, whether it’s scouting enemy lines, hunting down criminals, stealing and smuggling items, or assassinating key figures. As an operative, you’re skilled in a wide variety of disciplines and specialties, and use speed, mobility, and your quick wits rather than relying on heavy weapons. You excel at the art of surprise, whether it’s sniping targets from cover or striking while their backs are turned. Your cause may be righteous, but you have no problem fighting dirty—achieving your objective is all that matters.
Through some cosmic event, you have come to understand the ebb and flow of time to a degree that only a select few can. You manipulate time dexterously—accelerating, slowing, or even reshaping chronologies to suit your needs. The skeins of time are yours to see, and you know how to apply enough pressure to adjust their threads ever so subtly. Your ability to understand the infinite possibilities of time also shaped you into someone capable of altering the material universe through powerful spellcasting, and you can harness temporal paradoxes to foresee the future—and dictate the present—in powerful ways.
The stars guide the planets with gravity, create life with light and heat, and utterly consume worlds in supernovas and black holes. You understand that these acts of creation and destruction are not opposites, but rather two parts of a natural, dualistic cycle. You seek to be an agent of that cycle, an enlightened warrior with the ability to manipulate the forces of the stars themselves. Constantly accompanied by a mote of fundamental energy or entropy, you can shape this essence in combat to create weapons and armor of gleaming stellar light or pure, devouring darkness. Whether you apprenticed in a temple or came to your powers through personal revelation, you recognize yourself as part of an ancient tradition—a force of preservation and annihilation.
Conflict is an inevitable result of life. On every world that harbors complex living organisms, creatures battle one another for dominance, resources, territory, or ideals. Whether you’ve taken up arms to protect others, win glory, exact revenge, or simply earn a living, you are the perfect embodiment of this truth. You’re an expert at combat of all types but tend to prefer heavy armor and weapons—the bigger, the better. You may be a career soldier, a fresh mercenary recruit, or a lone wolf who rejects authority, but whether rushing in for hand-to-hand combat or firing Tactical barrages, you’re a consummate warrior, never hesitating to put yourself in the line of fire to protect your friends.
To the uninitiated, magic and technology are completely unrelated, but you know there are more correlations between the two than most suspect. Magic and technology are just tools, and when combined into one discipline, called technomancy, they can be far more powerful than one or the other on its own. You utilize tech to empower, harness, and manipulate magic, and you wield magic to augment, control, and modify technology. You are an expert at hacking the underlying structure of the universe itself, bending the laws of science and nature to your will. Your technomancy—which is gained from scientific study and experimentation—manipulates the physical world, weaves illusions, allows you to peer through time and space, and if necessary, can blast a foe into atoms.
Change and decay are the only universal constants, and your understanding of these principles makes you a nigh-unstoppable force of nature: a juggernaut brimming with fundamental energies that allow you to hold the front line of any conflict and turn your own injuries into strength. The entropy within the universe and the level of chaos within any system stand at your disposal, and you channel them into potent combat abilities. To you, the inevitable decay of the galaxy is simply a force to shape, control, and even temporarily reverse. The ability to control when and how things change defines your philosophy and power, allowing you to transform blows that should have destroyed you into ticking time bombs of destruction ready to be unleashed upon your enemies.
Most people believe that reality is limited to their physical surroundings. You know the truth: that everything around you is merely a thin veil draped across the infinite tapestry of existence. Your reality is a palimpsest, with all possible worlds and all alternate existences at your disposal. Through your magic and force of personality, you can peer into these time lines and pull from them as you see fit, using their dimensional echoes to twist and reshape your own world.
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