Signature Item (Optional)


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One of your items is an indispensable part of your technique or persona. At 1st level, after purchasing your starting equipment, designate one piece of equipment as your signature item, and choose one of the following categories that best fits the item: armor, clothing, tool, or weapon. Your signature item provides benefits based on the item’s category. You can use the benefits granted by your item as long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining and the item is in your possession and not destroyed. These special benefits are an extension of your exceptional connection to the item, and they don’t function for others who wield or wear the item. Once per week, if your item is lost or destroyed, you can replace it with another item of the same category by spending 8 hours practicing with the new item. Whenever you gain a level, you can replace your signature item with a different one by spending 24 hours acclimating yourself to the replacement. If your new item is of a different category, you replace all benefits granted by the previous item with those of the new category.

You gain the benefits of your expertise class feature only while your signature gear is in your possession. You only add your expertise die to the skills you select with your skill expertise class feature; you don’t automatically gain the ability to add your expertise die to Sense Motive checks. The first skill you select for skill expertise must be selected from a specific list based on your gear’s category.

This feature modifies expertise and replaces the envoy improvisation gained at 1st level.


Your signature item is a suit of armor, shield, or other gear specifically designed to protect you from harm. Your first skill expertise must be selected from the following: Disguise, Intimidate, or Sense Motive. Once per hour, as a reaction when an attack successfully hits you and deals damage, you can roll your expertise die and reduce the damage you take from the attack by an amount equal to your die’s result plus your envoy level. You can use this ability an additional time per hour by spending 1 Resolve Point for each additional use.

You ignore the base save bonus requirement of the saving expertise expertise talent. If you add your expertise die result to a save and the expertise die’s result is a natural 1, you can reroll the expertise die once and use the second result.


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Your signature item is a worn garment that doesn’t provide an armor bonus, such as a hat or a complete outfit (Core Rulebook 230). When you gain your signature clothing, select two skills from the following to which you apply skill expertise: Bluff, Culture, Diplomacy, Disguise, or Intimidate. In addition, whenever you select an expertise talent associated with one of these skills, you also gain an expertise talent for the second skill. You can only use the skill expertise and expertise talents for one of these two skills at a time, but once per hour, as a standard action, you can adjust your signature clothing (such as by reversing your jacket or dramatically straightening your hat) to change which of the two skills’ benefits you can use. You can use this ability an additional time per hour by spending 1 Resolve Point for each additional use. Once per day, before rolling your expertise die as part of a skill check for one of these skills, you can choose to roll your expertise die twice and take the better result.

Additional skills you select with skill expertise function normally, as do the expertise talents you qualify for based on these additional skills.


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Your signature item is a handheld device with a specific non-combat purpose, such as a hacking kit or datapad. Your first skill expertise must be selected from the following list: Computers, Engineering, or Medicine. If you choose Computers or Engineering, your signature tool also functions as a mechanic’s custom rig (Core Rulebook 69), and you can select mechanic tricks as though they were expertise talents, qualifying for tricks using the sum of your envoy and mechanic levels as your mechanic level. However, this doesn’t grant you any other mechanic class features, and you can’t select tricks that require another mechanic ability unless you’ve gained it from another source.

If you choose Medicine, your signature tool also functions as a 1st-level biohacker’s custom microlab (Character Operations Manual 41), though if you have a custom microlab from another class, add your envoy levels and the other class’s levels together for determining its abilities. You can select biohacker theorems as though they were expertise talents, qualifying for theorems using the sum of your envoy and biohacker levels as your biohacker level. However, this doesn’t grant you any other biohacker abilities, and you can’t select theorems that require another biohacker ability unless you’ve gained that required ability from another source.


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Your signature item is a weapon. You can’t select a natural weapon, but you can select an item that modifies a particular type of attack, such as a solarian weapon crystal or an augmentation that enhances your unarmed strikes. Your first skill expertise must be selected from the following list: Bluff, Engineering, or Intimidate. As a move action during combat, you can designate a foe and openly flourish your weapon at them, gaining a brief burst of confidence and accuracy. For a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, you can make attacks against the designated foe with your signature weapon as if your base attack bonus from your envoy levels were equal to your envoy level; you must be able to see the foe to gain this benefit to your attack.


Tech Revolution pg. 21





Level 1

set character.envoy.archetype.1 to true;
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