Nanite Array


Tech Revolution pg. 10

Your body hosts a multitude of nanites that you can direct to take one of three forms, called arrays. They can flood out of your body to form a cloud, combine to temporarily create items, or mobilize within you to amplify your physical abilities.

As a move action, you can direct your nanites to adopt an array. You can have only one array active at a time. Alternatively, you can use a nanite surge (above) to form or switch arrays as a swift action. The nanites maintain their array until you direct them into a different array, you fall unconscious, or you end your turn more than 10 feet from the array. If an array ends without being turned into a different array, the nanites disperse and return to your body at the beginning of your next turn and await further instructions. If you aren’t within 60 feet of the array or the array is physically blocked from reaching you, the nanites instead break down, and you can’t use your nanite array again until you spend 1 Resolve Point and take a full action to create a replacement array.

Your nanites are technological in nature and can be detected by spells (such as detect tech), but they aren’t otherwise subject to effects that affect technology.

The three forms of nanite arrays—sheath, cloud, and gear— provide the following benefits only while the specific array is active.

Sheath Array
The nanite array reinforces your body, granting you a +1 enhancement bonus to Reflex saving throws and a +1 insight bonus to checks with two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth, selected when you form this array. At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1.

When you form a sheath array, you can use a nanite surge to gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your nanocyte level; you lose any such remaining temporary Hit Points when the sheath array ends.

Cloud Array
You nanites spread out into a faintly visible cloud that fills a number of contiguous 5-foot squares. The maximum number of squares you can fill this way equals 1 plus your Constitution bonus, and at least one of those squares must be adjacent to you. The cloud is stationary once formed, though you can reconfigure its space as a move action; if you do so, at least one square of the cloud must remain unchanged. When you take a guarded step, you can move 10 feet as long as you begin and end this movement adjacent to or within your cloud array.

When you form a cloud array, you can use a nanite surge to increase the cloud’s density. This causes the array’s space to provide concealment, but it provides only a 10% miss chance. It doesn’t provide enough concealment to hide, and your attacks ignore any miss chance provided by your cloud. This concealment doesn’t stack with existing concealment.

At 3rd level, whenever you form a cloud array, it can fill an additional 5-foot square, and any miss chance the cloud provides increases to 15%. At 7th level, it can fill an additional 5-foot square, and any miss chance the cloud provides increases to 20%. At 11th level, the cloud fills up to a number of contiguous squares equal to 1 plus twice your Constitution modifier. At 15th level, when you use a nanite surge while forming the cloud array, any miss chance the cloud provides increases to 25% (though your attacks still ignore any miss chance). At 19th level, the cloud instead fills up to a number of contiguous squares equal to 1 plus four times your Constitution modifier.

Gear Array
Your nanites shape themselves into a single piece of equipment, such as a weapon, tool, or cybernetic augmentation. You can direct your nanites to create a limited selection of equipment, divided into major forms and minor forms. Major forms include weapons and cybernetic augmentations; minor forms include technological items (excluding armor and weapons) and personal items. At 1st level, you know how to create two major forms and three minor forms. You learn a new minor form at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter; you learn a new major form at 3rd level, 5th level, and every 4 levels thereafter. When you gain a nanocyte level, you can replace one of your major forms with a new major form and one of your minor forms with a new minor form.

To select a piece of equipment as one of your gear array’s major or minor forms, its level must be equal to or lower than your nanocyte level. Augmentations must be cybernetic, weapons and items must be technological items (not magic or hybrid), and you can’t select equipment that’s consumed on use (such as grenades) or whose bulk exceeds your Constitution modifier.

When creating a nanocyte character at higher than 1st level, for simplicity, you can choose major forms by choosing one form using your nanocyte level, the next form using your nanocyte level – 1, the next using your nanocyte level – 2, and so on. Any extra forms use a nanocyte level of 1. You can choose minor forms the same way.

When you use your gear array to create a handheld nanite weapon, technological item, or personal item, you can automatically grab and begin wielding it if you have the requisite number of hands free. Otherwise, the item floats in your space until the end of your turn, at which point it drops in your space.

When you use your gear array to create a cybernetic augmentation, it’s automatically installed in the appropriate body slot as long as that slot is empty; otherwise, it fails to manifest. If a given augmentation has a limited number of uses or frequency, that limit applies regardless of how many times you’ve created it with your gear array. Equipment that requires a battery or ammunition to function must be loaded to function. When you create such equipment, you can have it absorb and automatically load one appropriately-sized battery or set of suitable ammunition in your possession. Any item that uses a battery with fewer than 20 charges can instead use a standard battery.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Major Forms 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
Minor Forms 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13


You nanites spread out into a faintly visible cloud that fills a number of contiguous 5-foot squares based on your nanocyte level and constitution modifier. When you form a cloud array, you can use a nanite surge to increase the cloud’s density. This causes the array’s space to provide concealment, but the miss chance depends on your nanocyte level.

Level 1 3 7 11 15 19
Squares 1 + Con 2 + Con 3 + Con 1 + 2 x Con 1 + 2 x Con 1 + 4 x Con
Miss Chance (Surge) 10% 15% 20% 20% 25% 25%


Tech Revolution pg. 9

To select a piece of equipment as one of your gear array’s major or minor forms, its level must be equal to or lower than your nanocyte level.


Tech Revolution pg. 10

You gain an enhancement bonus to Reflex saving throws and an insight bonus to checks with two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. You can use a nanite surge to gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your nanocyte level.

Level 1 3 7 11 15 19
Bonus 1 2 3 4 5 6


Tech Revolution pg. 9

You nanites spread out into a faintly visible cloud that fills a number of contiguous 5-foot squares based on your nanocyte level and constitution modifier. When you form a cloud array, you can use a nanite surge to increase the cloud’s density. This causes the array’s space to provide concealment, but the miss chance depends on your nanocyte level.

Level 7 11 15 19
Squares 2 + Con 3 + Con 1 + 2 x Con 1 + 2 x Con
Miss Chance (Surge) 15% 20% 20% 25%


Tech Revolution pg. 9

To select a piece of equipment as one of your gear array’s major or minor forms, its level must be equal to or lower than your nanocyte level - 4 (nanocyte level - 2 at level 19).


Tech Revolution pg. 10

You gain an enhancement bonus to Reflex saving throws and an insight bonus to checks with two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. You can use a nanite surge to gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your nanocyte level - 4 (nanocyte level - 2 at level 19).

Level 7 11 15 19
Bonus 2 3 4 5


Tech Revolution pg. 9

You nanites spread out into a faintly visible cloud that fills a number of contiguous 5-foot squares based on your nanocyte level and constitution modifier. When you form a cloud array, you can use a nanite surge to increase the cloud’s density. This causes the array’s space to provide concealment, but the miss chance depends on your nanocyte level.

Level 15 19
Squares 2 + Con 1 + 2 x Con
Miss Chance (Surge) 15% 20%


Tech Revolution pg. 9

To select a piece of equipment as one of your gear array’s major or minor forms, its level must be equal to or lower than your nanocyte level - 8 (nanocyte level - 4 at level 19).


Tech Revolution pg. 10

You gain an enhancement bonus to Reflex saving throws and an insight bonus to checks with two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth. You can use a nanite surge to gain a number of temporary Hit Points equal to your nanocyte level - 8 (nanocyte level - 4 at level 19).

Level 15 19
Bonus 2 4


Tech Revolution pg. 9





Level 1

select 1 from ['None', 'Primary', 'Secondary', 'Tertiary'] name 'Sheath Array' description 'Select sheath array type' then if {$ == 'Primary'} then [bonus pick [1:1, 3:2, 7:3, 11:4, 15:5, 19:6] at character.nanocyte.level to character.reflex as enhancement, select 2 from [character.athletics, character.acrobatics, character.sleightOfHand, character.stealth] name 'Primary Sheath Array Bonus' description 'Insight bonus to two of the following skills' then bonus pick [1:1, 3:2, 7:3, 11:4, 15:5, 19:6] at character.nanocyte.level to $ as insight] else if {$ == 'Secondary'} then [bonus pick [7:2, 11:3, 15:4, 19:5] at character.nanocyte.level to character.reflex as enhancement, select 2 from [character.athletics, character.acrobatics, character.sleightOfHand, character.stealth] name 'Secondary Sheath Array Bonus' description 'Insight bonus to two of the following skills' then bonus pick [7:2, 11:3, 15:4, 19:5] at character.nanocyte.level to $ as insight] else if {$ == 'Tertiary'} then [bonus pick [15:2, 19:4] at character.nanocyte.level to character.reflex as enhancement, select 2 from [character.athletics, character.acrobatics, character.sleightOfHand, character.stealth] name 'Tertiary Sheath Array Bonus' description 'Insight bonus to two of the following skills' then bonus pick [15:2, 19:4] at character.nanocyte.level to $ as insight];
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