Additional Infinite Worlds Effects (Optional)


Interstellar Species pg. 107

Quorlus value the realm of possibilities and impermanence but also place a high priority on the sort of stability that keeps them safe in the face of disaster. The following are additional effects you can choose from when using the witchwarper’s infinite worlds class feature. These effects are available to witchwarpers of any species.

  • 1st (Environmental): You cause difficult terrain in the affected area to become normal terrain. When you eliminate non-magical difficult terrain in this way, you create magically altered terrain.
  • 2nd (Environmental): You stabilize the affected area, steadying unsteady terrain, preventing collapse, and filling gaps. Reduce the DCs to avoid falling, maintain footing, and balance in the area by 5. The area can collapse only due to circumstances that change after you create this effect or if the GM rules stability is impossible. For example, you can hold a collapsing cave in place for the duration but not a platform lacking any other support. Any round during which you use a standard action to maintain this effect doesn’t count against its duration, but the effect can last for a maximum of 1 minute per witchwarper level you have.
  • 3rd (Environmental): You create a translucent sphere of protection centered on you that moves with you. This barrier and bubble of altered reality might be a thin, semisolid fog, a field of wind, or a bubble inside a film of ectoplasm. This sphere’s boundary provides soft cover and concealment. Atmosphere, gravity, and temperature are tolerable for any creature inside the sphere. Any round during which you use a standard action to maintain this effect doesn’t count against its duration, but the effect can last for a maximum of 1 minute per witchwarper level you have.
  • 4th (Environmental): You create open space in the affected area, provided any structural material and big masses, such as rubble or liquids, in the area have a hardness of 15 or lower. The effect makes it easy to temporarily excavate an area, removing all inanimate objects, but it’s harder to use to replace artificial structures, such as a standing stone building or vault, or to join strongly disparate environments, such as a starship interior and hard vacuum. The GM can increase a structure’s effective hardness by 10 if it meets these criteria. Creating this effect in an area with any structural material harder than hardness 15 requires you to succeed at a caster level check (1d20 + your caster level) against a DC equal to the hardness of the hardest structural material in the area. If this check fails, the alternate reality fails to manifest, and the spell slot used for this ability is expended with no effect. This open space doesn’t damage surrounding structures or cause them to collapse, and it temporarily holds out moving materials, such as flowing water or unstable debris. If you open this space in an area that contains creatures, they remain and act appropriately according to other environmental factors that don’t change, such as atmosphere and gravity. Any round during which you use a standard action to maintain this effect doesn’t count against its duration, but the effect can last for a maximum of 1 minute per witchwarper level you have. When the effect ends, creatures and objects that weren’t inside the open area before it appeared are safely shunted to the nearest open space outside the effect. Creatures and objects that were inside the area before it appeared and remained inside are safely shunted back to their original locations. You could, for instance, use this effect to rescue a creature buried in rubble, but removing the creature from the affected area before the superimposed space disappears is crucial.
  • 5th (Environmental): Creatures in the area move and act normally despite being encumbered, entangled, exhausted, fatigued, off kilter, paralyzed, staggered, or hindered by another effect that reduces activity or speed, such as the slow spell. Within the area, creatures can’t be grappled or otherwise bound, and they automatically succeed at escaping from being grappled, pinned, or bound. Also, creatures ignore effects from the environment, such as from being underwater or in zero gravity, when moving and attacking. If a creature ignores an ongoing effect due to being in the area, the ongoing effect’s duration continues to elapse, and the effect resumes normally if the creature leaves the area or this effect ends.



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