Shrapnel Shot
Casting Time
1 Standard Action
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
one creature
Saving Throw
Fortitude (half, see text)
Spell Resistance
Starfinder Enhanced pg. 126
You rapidly construct and launch a volatile projectile at a foe, damaging from the impact just before the projectile explodes. Attempt an attack against a target’s KAC; you can add your key ability score modifier to this attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier if it’s higher. If you hit, the projectile deals piercing damage. Regardless of whether the attack roll succeeds or fails, the projectile explodes in a burst centered on a grid intersection that touches any square your target occupies. This explosion deals piercing damage to all creatures in the area, including the primary target (Reflex half). The damage dealt and the size of the burst are determined by the slot you used to cast the spell.
1st: The projectile deals 1d10 piercing damage, explodes in a 10-foot-radius burst, and deals 1d4 piercing damage to all creatures in the burst area.
2nd: The projectile deals 2d10 piercing damage, explodes in a 10-foot-radius burst, and deals 2d4 piercing damage to all creatures in the burst area.
3rd: The projectile deals 4d10 piercing damage, explodes in a 15-foot-radius burst, and deals 2d6 piercing damage to all creatures in the burst area.
4th: The projectile deals 6d10 piercing damage, explodes in a 20-foot-radius burst, and deals 3d6 piercing damage to all creatures in the burst area.
5th: The projectile deals 8d10 piercing damage, explodes in a 20-foot-radius burst, and deals 4d6 piercing damage to all creatures in the burst area.
6th: The projectile deals 10d10 piercing damage, explodes in a 30-foot-radius burst, and deals 5d6 piercing damage to all creatures in the burst area.
ID (Level 1)
ID (Level 2)
ID (Level 3)
ID (Level 4)
ID (Level 5)
ID (Level 6)