

1 - 20





Good Save


Poor Save

Reflex, Will


5 ft.


5 ft.

Ability Modifiers

Dexterity, Strength


40 ft., climb 20 ft.


Bite (P)


Low-light Vision
Gentle Thrum

The klikharp’s gentle thrum is especially soothing for shirrens and other creatures with blindsense (vibration), including themselves. Affected creatures gain a +2 morale bonus to saves against emotion and pain effects.


The klikharp has a mutable genetic code resulting from of once being a part of the Swarm. Each klikharp starts with two mutations from the list below; they can add an additional mutation at 7th level and another at 13th. At each level they can slip into their chrysalis for a week and switch out the mutations they previously selected. The exception to this is the growth option, which is permanent.

Bioluminescent: As a move action, the klikharp can increase the light level two steps (to a maximum of normal light) in a 10-foot radius centered on itself for 1 minute.

Burrowing: The klikharp has a burrow speed of 30 feet.

Discordant: The klikharp can make a shriek ranged attack that deals sonic damage, targets EAC, and has a range increment of 30 feet.

Growth: The klikharp grows one size category. It can choose this option twice to become Huge. Growth mutations can’t be undone.

Maestro: As a move action, the klikharp can imitate any instrument or sound (but not speech), giving a creature a +4 circumstance bonus to Profession (musician) checks. The target must have the klikharp as its bonded creature companion.

Sealed Carapace: The klikharp gains the void adaptation universal creature rule (page 157).

Springy: The klikharp can take 20 on Athletics checks to jump and the DC is not doubled for lacking a running start.

Winged: The Klikharp has a flight speed of 30 feet (Ex., average). The klikharp must be 7th level or higher to select this mutation.

Additional Mutation (CR 7+)

The klikharp can add an additional mutation at 7th level.

Additional Mutation (CR 13+)

The klikharp can add an additional mutation at 13th level.

Klikharps are brightly colored cricket-like insects with six legs, long antennae, and a shiny carapace. They are affectionate and musical pets with a mind of their own.


Alien Archive 4 pg. 65

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