
Bhandas are slender, pale, lemur-like creatures that mimic the hunting cry of a winged apex predator to flush out prey.
Often misattributed as an Eoxian invention, bone familiars have been developed in numerous magical societies where necromancy is practiced. Designed to be low-maintenance companions, casting aids, and protective guardians, bone familiars appear as skeletal figures encased in a thin translucent casing of ectoplasmic material.
Brigataks are crustaceans with twelve legs, three large razor-sharp pincers, and hard shells with a flat top that match their surroundings, most commonly in hues of yellow or green. They are found on dozens of planets throughout the galaxy, leading to arguments among xenobiologists as to whether they were spread by some other species, intentionally or not, or they are simply an example of parallel evolution.
The humblest of spectras, castrusas are attendants to irida spectras in their superiors' mission to bring the secrets of Drift travel to worlds where Triune's signal was disrupted or suppressed. Each castrusa is custom designed to cater to the aesthetics of the worlds it was formed to visit, often appearing nonthreatening and endearing.
Reanimated from several smaller bodies and fused into a vaguely saurian shape, chostolichi servitors develop a pack mentality that desperately seeks a leader.
Cloud rays can be tamed with patience and food, making them favorite mounts for gas prospectors and naturalists on gas giants. Raised to smaller sizes than their wild counterparts, they serve as ideal companions for groups or industrial use in aerial environments. Their ability to survive by grazing on floating algae and lichen makes them more reliable than many vehicles in isolated frontiers. Careful control over what and how much the beast eats helps keep them in their docile grazing cycle and suppresses their combustible death throes as well. Most cloud rays bond to a single master, becoming notoriously difficult with new riders. Cloud rays can flourish on almost any gas giant, and domesticated rays can even survive in the skies above terrestrial worlds with proper supplements.
Often called “desert drakes,” draserkas are draconic creatures native to the side of Verces known as Fullbright, where the sun never sets, the earth is scorched, and the air is always superheated. These red drakes with blue wings are infamous for breathing balls of crackling electricity at foes, and they can fly at incredible speeds when they’ve built up their momentum.
Drift wysps are tiny creatures composed of planar matter from the Drift. While each is unique in appearance, they most often adopt the form of tiny creatures or geometric shapes.
Ebrilares are curious mammalian predators with large, expressive eyes and soft fur that utilize echolocation to hunt. They have exceptionally large ears that move independently of one another, better enabling them to capture and pinpoint sounds. Typically, an ebrilare releases a steady, slow-paced pulse of ultrasonic noise from deep in their throat. This enables them to “see” long distances with their echolocation, at the expense of accuracy. When a choice bit of prey catches their interest— or when a larger predator catches sight of them in turn—an ebrilare increases the frequency of these pulses, shortening the distance they can hear but increasing the detail and accuracy. This pulsing causes their throat to vibrate consistently, which emits a gentle thrum, like that of a purring cat.
Originally discovered by Pact Worlds explorers on a jungle planet in the Vast, empathnids are available in a staggering array of colors and have become popular pets. The 8-inch spiders are most notable for their almost supernatural empathy for other creatures, and their venom has a stabilizing effect on most creatures.
Eshars are hulking, serpentine beasts from the expansive, sandy deserts of the tidally locked planet Verces. They are used for battle, transportation, and even for sport, in an elaborate zone-capturing game that can last for days.
Different varieties of colorful, musical flockays are found on many worlds throughout the galaxy—so many that some believe Shelyn herself put them there, so that they could bring beauty to the forests in which they are found. These flying creatures inhabit a variety of trees and are easily spotted by the rainbow plumage on the crown of their head. They are easily domesticated, which has further led to their ubiquity in many solar systems, including the Pact Worlds.
On countless watery worlds across the galaxy, convergent evolution has resulted in a vast array of somewhat similar creatures known collectively as giant pipefish. While the size, color, and exact shape of these relatively tame carnivores vary based on their ecosystem, they all have one thing in common: symbiotic relationships with other creatures. A giant pipefish has a fragile, tubular form that ends in a thin, sharp feeding tube. It relies on filter feeders, scavengers, and other hangers-on to attach themselves to its cylindrical body and to provide physical protection against predators and other threats; in exchange, the riders get a free meal out of the pipefish’s constant movement (in the case of filter feeders) or scraps (in the case of scavengers). Convincing a giant pipefish that you’re a friend and not just another meal is no easy feat; the DC of Survival checks to bond with a giant pipefish companion is 3 higher than normal.
On countless watery worlds across the galaxy, convergent evolution has resulted in a vast array of somewhat similar creatures known collectively as giant pipefish. While the size, color, and exact shape of these relatively tame carnivores vary based on their ecosystem, they all have one thing in common: symbiotic relationships with other creatures. A giant pipefish has a fragile, tubular form that ends in a thin, sharp feeding tube. It relies on filter feeders, scavengers, and other hangers-on to attach themselves to its cylindrical body and to provide physical protection against predators and other threats; in exchange, the riders get a free meal out of the pipefish’s constant movement (in the case of filter feeders) or scraps (in the case of scavengers). Convincing a giant pipefish that you’re a friend and not just another meal is no easy feat; the DC of Survival checks to bond with a giant pipefish companion is 3 higher than normal.
Glimmirins are small, portly herbivores covered in soft quills that glow in shades of yellow and orange. Friendly and brave, they’re often kept as pets in the Dark, where they function as a mobile (and adorable) light source.
An adoring gremlin that helps you sabotage and control technology.
Natives of Vesk-3, ilskitts look like brightly colored owls with weasel-like torsos. They love to steal and hoard objects, and they are known to bring their owners gifts of items they “find.”
The mysterious spectra defend the Drift, and some can appear on multiple planes simultaneously. When an iridia spectra leaves the Material Plane, it sometimes leaves behind a crystalline, humanoid husk known as an iridian echo.
Originating in the jungles of Ukulam on Castrovel, izhashes are fearsome ambush predators with sensitive feeler tendrils.
Klikharps are brightly colored cricket-like insects with six legs, long antennae, and a shiny carapace. They are affectionate and musical pets with a mind of their own.
These fuzzy little balls of fluff come in every color of the rainbow. They are happiest in pairs, though they can also be a cheerful companion to someone who takes the time and effort to bond with them. These creatures are bred throughout the Pact Worlds, often in specific, easily marketable color combinations—some of the most popular include purple with green and pink with blue.
At some point in the distant past, the ancestors of the liminal crossed over from the First World to Limina, a planet in the Vast, through one of the many naturally-occurring blooms— gateways between the First World and Material Plane—endemic to that planet.
Despite their size, linnormlings claim to be descendants of the Eldest Ragadahn. They’re willful creatures yet offer their expertise with curses to anyone offering them proper tribute.
Water elementals are common on Kalo-Mahoi, and the longer they remain on the Material Plane, the more they tend to adapt, taking on a semipermanent shape. While this diminishes some of the elemental’s resistances, it also drives them to imprint on and work with other creatures, such as kalos.
Water elementals are common on Kalo-Mahoi, and the longer they remain on the Material Plane, the more they tend to adapt, taking on a semipermanent shape. While this diminishes some of the elemental’s resistances, it also drives them to imprint on and work with other creatures, such as kalos.
Resembling a five-eyed manta ray, a Mahoi manta is the traditional kalo mount and beast of burden. Mahoi mantas forge strong bonds with their favorite riders and range in color from pale greys and blues to black, with a rare few being pale pink or purple.
Known for their amiability and preciousness, a marwaul makes for an excellent animal companion and lookout for low-level adventurers.
A mewclock is a clockwork automaton imbued with a magical spark of sentience that gives it an animal-like level of intelligence. Designed to look like tiny, adorable felines, mewclocks are often mistaken for simple toys. However, like any stray animal, a mewclock found in the wild (usually in abandoned urban buildings in areas where clockwork engineering is prevalent) is slow to trust a creature it doesn’t know. Attempting to snatch up and take a mewclock home often results in receiving a jolt of electricity or some slashed skin. However, once a feral mewclock is domesticated, it can become an affectionate companion. In certain civilizations where clockwork is the prevalent form of technology, mewclocks are constructed and sold as pets.
Pachycephalosaurids are bipedal dinosaurs with thick, domed skulls that can withstand incredible impacts—and be quite dangerous to creatures on the other end of their headbutts. A low center of gravity and wicked talons make pachycephalosaurids popular beasts of burden as well as combat-trained mounts.
New Horizons Luxury Retreats’ genetic engineers have reached back into the mists of lost Golarion’s past to recreate one of that planet’s most feared predators... in miniature form! By shrinking the original creature’s size and dampening its voracious appetite, these scientists have essentially domesticated the bulette. The tiny, pot-bellied versions of these landsharks retain their iconic dorsal fin and ability to burrow through the earth.
While anacites, androids, and SROs are fully sapient beings, nonsapient technological creatures have often attained status akin to an animal or family pet. Taking the form of an irregularly shaped polyhedron covered with a shiny touch- sensitive coating; poypoiks were originally a pre-Gap series of “digital pets” created by the hobgoblins of the Marixah Republic for children to play with and learn how to care for a pet. Sometime after Triune sent the Signal into the Vast, poypoiks began to show self-awareness, but never sentience beyond animal intelligence. Following this, manufacture of the toys increased, with careful screening so they could be properly cared for and sold to those wishing to have a true “digital” pet.
Primordreks are living oozes originating from Alluvion’s Source, a primordial river from the Plane of Water that runs through the city. They’re favored companions of scientists and researchers who study abiogenesis and the processes of life. Primordreks are common along the Source’s length and are believed to contain nutrients and proteins that aid in cell regeneration.
Proogs are highly active shape- and color-shifting oozes that enjoy mimicking small objects; they’re most commonly bred as novelty pets. Xenobiologists disagree on how the oozes manage to so accurately duplicate details like color and pattern without sight. Proogs tend to imprint on a single larger creature, and while naturally curious, they rarely stray farther from their owner than the range of their blindsight.
Quanders are small, skittish amphibians with six short legs, a thick tail, and a frill of colorful fins crowning their head. Quanders secrete a conductive mucous from their pores, which coats their skin completely and allows them to release bursts of electricity which they use to harm their foes and scare off predators. Clever and quick, they prefer hiding to direct confrontation, and they almost never head into unfamiliar areas without careful consideration and a cautious approach.
Ravenous drakes are small, flightless dragons first encountered in the Vast on the forested planet Ajjaika-2. Adults typically measure 2–3 feet in length and weigh about 60 pounds before feeding. Ravenous drakes can make suitable creature companions for those prepared to sate their appetites.
Rift remoras are leech-like outsiders that glide through the planes with supernatural intuition. These astral parasites are naturally attracted to interdimensional rifts. They gain sustenance from these misalignments of various planes of existence by absorbing the metaphysical potential energy through their long, drooping antennae. Their pale, near-transparent skin and circular, gaping maw of razor-sharp teeth gives them the appearance of deep-sea aquatic life. Though they don’t need to use it to feed, their ability to smell and home in on creatures not native to the plane they’re on makes them prized trackers by bounty hunters who specialize in pursuing targets across the planes.
Rogatriches are territorial, cantankerous elementals similar in appearance to a large bipedal bird. Native to frigid regions of the Plane of Water, rogatriches regularly find their way to the Material Plane, particularly to regions with constant cold temperatures.
Scootaroots are sentient plant creatures with a vaguely animal-like form and behaviors; they’re similar in appearance to caterpillars, centipedes, or snakes, with countless skittering roots for legs and a row of bushes growing along their backs. These bushes grow nutritious purple berries which many species consider delicious. If not harvested regularly, these berries tend to attract birds and other small creatures who nest in the scootaroot’s branches. While scootaroots rarely mind this arrangement, some creatures can harm the scootaroot, particularly those that attempt to dig into its bark-like back or snap off its twigs to form their nest.
While shotalashus have served as the traditional mounts of Castrovel’s lashuntas for millennia, many other species forge deep connections with the creatures—especially those with telepathic abilities.
Silicanids have surged in popularity as pets, especially on worlds outside of the Weydana system. Although they can adapt to most environments, they don't reproduce in captivity, greatly increasing their value. Small breeding populations have been released into the wild on a handful of worlds in Near Space. Silicanids can be found on the black market, where they demand an emperor’s ransom. Starfarers have happened upon silicanids on their adventures, adopting the creatures as companions.
Dawn beetles make agreeable companions so long as their keepers periodically remind them not to disassemble nearby vehicles and architecture. A sun-scrapper becomes anxious unless regularly provided junk and a place to store it, but properly bribed, it remains content to live with others for years. Core-divers, on the other hand, rarely remain on the surface long enough to serve as long-term companions.
Although fierce, supengas raised from a young age with consistent care can form strong bonds. Pups grown from cuttings mature more slowly but act less aggressively compared to their wild-born counterparts. Sometimes, a slain supenga can regrow through careful nurturing of a cutting, which results in a clone that retains much of the original creature’s memories.
Lashuntas have a long tradition of riding swamp striders, though the practice has never approached the same prestige and telepathic bond as with the reptilian shotalashus. No doubt a part of this discrepancy stems from the sheer amount of maintenance required to raise and keep a swamp strider. Behaviorally, they’re finicky eaters and temperamental creatures that lash out at unfamiliar faces. Physically, their feet tend to dry and crack painfully in arid environments or against harder surfaces, requiring shoeing with polycarbonate or plastic laminate. What’s more, their coats require extensive maintenance to avoid developing an overpowering aroma. Collectively, their maintenance requirements inspired the term “swamp sovereign,” signifying a powerful yet painfully needy individual.
Nicknamed “laser wolves,” tashtaris are covered in a twinkling phosphorescent coat that they can use to communicate and power their muzzle beams. Domesticated tashtaris are less dangerous than their wild counterparts, but they can still be potent threats on the battlefield.
This squat hexapod’s body has radial symmetry and resembles a starfish with tall, fern-like crests that chime softly when rustled. They filter feed on sounds, migrating slowly to absorb a varied diet.
Thakasas are close evolutionary relatives of Castrovel’s shotalashus. Long before the Gap, they were the chosen mount of an aerial cavalry, but with the proliferation of flying vehicles, they have become much rarer.
Dycepskians have come to fear tiny plant-eating aberrations known as zernivians. Zernivians inhabit the bodies of harmless animals in order to get close to intelligent plant-based creatures, which they then harvest with a natural herbicide delivered through acidic spittle. Although unethical pet dealers sometimes offer zernivians for sale, zernivians actually move constantly from one host animal to another and seldom bond with another species. However, sometimes a zernivian’s ability to inhabit a host goes awry, and the creature is permanently trapped inside that host. When this happens, the physiologies of the zernivian and its host combine and mutate. Perhaps realizing it can no longer find prey without help, the zernivian becomes more amenable to other species. A caring and patient individual can sometimes forge a bond with such a creature.
Varksis are four-legged creatures that resemble strange rock formations as much as they do living creatures. They prefer to spend most of their time underground, where they can hold their breath for prodigious amounts of time, rarely surfacing to breathe.
Vividiles are clever, quadrupedal reptiles who absorb latent radiation, digest it, and use it to grow protective crystalline plates along their back and tail. As they age, these plates grow denser, particularly around the tip of the tail, where they form a club-like wedge. Vividiles use these plates and their tail to protect themselves, though they prefer to hunker down and hide under their protective plates, resorting to attacking with their tails only when faced with persistent predators.
Voracs are eyeless, six-winged, crow-like creatures common to forested areas on several of Bretheda’s moons. They travel in large flocks in the wild, singing low and haunting songs punctuated by the crackling of raw magical energy.
Wollipeds are common mounts in cold environs and have long served as war mounts.
Native to the jungles of the isolated continent of Ukulam on Castrovel, yasakajas are furred quadrupeds with four eyes, a fox-like tail, and enormous, insectile mandibles. Yasakajas are known for being sturdy mounts with great endurance and superb mobility.
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