Bone Familiar


1 - 20





Good Save


Poor Save

Fortitude, Reflex


2 ft.


0 ft.

Ability Modifiers

Dexterity, Wisdom


30 ft., climb 20 ft.


Claw (S), Bite (P), Chill Ray (C)


Low-light Vision
Chill Ray (Su)

Every 1d4 rounds, a bone familiar can fire a ray of necromantic energy as a ranged attack that targets EAC. This ray has a range increment of 60 feet, and affects only living creatures.

Constructed Companion (Su)

You treat your ranks in Mysticism as ranks in Survival for all feats and class abilities relating to this creature companion.

Ectoplasmic Ward (Su)

While your bone familiar is adjacent to or sharing your space, whenever you cast a spell in the necromancy school, you gain temporary Hit Points equal to three times the spell’s level that last for 1d4 rounds; these stack with one other source of temporary Hit Points.

Often misattributed as an Eoxian invention, bone familiars have been developed in numerous magical societies where necromancy is practiced. Designed to be low-maintenance companions, casting aids, and protective guardians, bone familiars appear as skeletal figures encased in a thin translucent casing of ectoplasmic material.

Bone familiars have gained a viral notoriety among niches with appreciation for the companion’s intimidating appearance and macabre aesthetic. As bone familiars do not follow natural biological imperatives, they vary wildly in appearance; while some casters enjoy meticulously recreating the skeletal systems of existing lifeforms, other crafters create grotesque and unsettling mockeries of the natural order. The modification subculture that has grown up on the infosphere regularly features livestream crafters whimsically adding or replacing appendages to make the appearance of their necromantic pet ever more morbid and fantastic.


Starfinder Enhanced pg. 132

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