Downtime Activities

With time and a physical sample, you can learn a great deal..
You build a temporary shelter in order to mitigate adverse environmental effects..
You make the most of your downtime by spending it out on the town or holed up, reveling in whatever hedonistic experiences or substances you favor. This helps you shed the stress of an adventuring lifestyle—or prepares you for it..
You make a close study of a particular creature in the wild..
Physical Science
You use a starship’s computer to analyze gravity-well data and determine the nature of one or more celestial bodies..
You spend time in religious contemplation and reflection, or in direct service of your chosen deity. This activity references anathema, edicts, and blessings associated with a deity; this information appears on pages 100–119 of Galactic Magic for the 20 deities featured in the Core Rulebook. At the GM’s discretion, you can use this downtime activity to commune with a different deity whose anathema, edicts, and blessings use these as guidelines..
You spend quality time with your creature companion..
When you’re injured or suffering from certain afflictions, complete bed rest can help speed your recovery..
You turn your culinary talents to your allies’ benefit..
You and your allies practice teamwork exercises, combat routines, and fundamental skills, building a rapport that pays dividends..
Sometimes it’s easier to make off with an entire device and break into it at your leisure than to do so under fire..
You study your opponents and review your combats..
You assign menial tasks to others to complete..
You tinker with the potent magic of certain serums..
You practice a specific task, whether using holovid training materials, running through a computer simulation, or simply repeating a key motion hundreds of times, until its execution becomes muscle memory..
You coordinate or conduct activities, performances, and other entertainment to help a group relax and pass the time..
You issue specific instructions to your organization..
You meditate on the mystical energies of the multiverse, scan alternate realities, write and run complex predictive algorithms, or otherwise gain insight into what the following day might bring. You can explore your own future or the possibilities awaiting someone else, but you must focus your predictions on a single creature you’re familiar with..
You look for someone interested in buying your ship’s cargo..
You look for suitable cargo to purchase, with the hopes of selling it elsewhere..
You scrounge supplies from the local environment..
You scour markets, either virtually or in person, bartering, comparing prices, and finding promotions or other discounts to hunt down the absolute best bargains on gear..
When headed into an environment you know to be infectious, such as a settlement stricken by a plague or a toxic jungle, you can spend your downtime taking preventative measures..
You make an investment of credits you believe (or hope) to be wise..
Physical Science
Finding hints of the existence of an unexplored system or some other unknown destination in the galaxy, you spend the day researching clues to determine its location..
One of the most common ways to pass the time while traveling or on days off, lounging can involve casual vidgaming, reading, watching trivids, playing card games, or engaging in other leisure activities..
You maintain a weapon or suit of armor, ensuring it functions at peak performance..
You keep a watchful eye on your surroundings, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst..
While starship autopilot systems are fairly efficient navigators, you can shave off a bit of travel time with skilled micromanagement of a ship’s course, taking advantage of opportunities provided by the ever-shifting nature of the Drift or fluctuations in microgravity in normal space..
By moving through a system and making multiple sensor sweeps, you search for any sign of large gravity wells in the system and learn the location of various planets and other astronomical bodies..
You fully immerse yourself in a single intellectual property..
You fine-tune one of your mech’s systems, reinforcing it against future damage..
You make an effort to grow your organization’s membership..
You take extra time to research a viable route, whether across a planet or through the Drift..
You spend time working professionally in a chosen field, performing tasks that help you ply your trade more effectively, build your audience or client base, and make connections with other professionals..
You devote your day to caring for a wounded living creature that is using the convalesce downtime activity. This follows the rules for the long-term care task of the Medicine skill..
If you’re a mechanic whose drone has been destroyed, you can spend a day of downtime replacing your drone’s body, following the rules on page 74 of the Core Rulebook. This downtime activity can also be used to rebuild an existing drone when you gain a mechanic level, using the same rules..
If you have access to a friendly spaceport or safe landing zone, you can refit or upgrade a single starship system or weapon in 1d4 days—provided you have sufficient Build Points to do so—using the rules on page 305 of the Core Rulebook. Unlike most other multiday downtime activities, if you are interrupted while refitting or upgrading your starship, you can resume this activity without losing progress..
You throw yourself into dedicated study of a single topic, diving into data sets or the local infosphere to learn as much as you can..
Through an apprenticeship or period of self-instruction, you dedicate intense focus to mastering a new skill set—at the cost of others you previously mastered. The extent to which you can acquire new abilities in this manner is relatively limited; those who wish to make more extensive changes often invest in a mnemonic editor instead..
You get to know the local populace..
You secure a perimeter and set up camp for subsequent operations by shoring up weak positions, clearing out sight lines to vulnerable positions, and the like..
You immerse yourself in social media..
You devise a magical trick to temporarily enhance a spell..
You examine and bolster your starship’s systems..
You offer an ally a friendly ear and a bit of wisdom..
You get around to cleaning and organizing your living or traveling environment..
You share your skills with an ally..
Whether through aerobic exercise, pumping iron, sparring, or otherwise putting yourself through the paces, you push your body to improve its performance..
Life Science
Physical Science
You perform a more focused scan of a world from orbit, sifting through a mountain of data to pick out pertinent information..
Physical Science
You focus on scanning a specific area of a world to learn more about its geography..
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