Probability Tendril, Mk 3







One of your hands is replaced by a lab-grown protean tendril that allows you to replicate a protean’s chaotic powers. As a standard action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to target a creature within 30 feet and force it to succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half your level + your Constitution modifier) or be affected by a random effect from the table below. You can choose not to spend a Resolve Point before you use this ability, but doing so requires you to succeed at the same save or be subject to the same effect. The augmentation’s model determines which die you roll on the following table to determine the random effect. For Mk 3, roll 1d10 on the table.

d10 Effect
1 Target is nauseated for 1 round
2 Target gains resistance 10 to a random energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) for the next 10 minutes
3 Target takes 8d6 damage of a random energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic), or half as much on a successful save
4 Target regains 4d8 Hit Points
5 Target gains a climb, fly, or swim speed (determined randomly) equal to its land speed for 10
6 Target is affected by a restoration spell
7 Target is confused for 1d4 rounds
8 Target gains 1d4 negative levels
9 Target is affected by baleful polymorph (level 6); its polymorphed form is random
10 Target’s head is wracked with pain, dealing 18d6 damage (half on a successful save)


Drift Crisis pg. 112



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