Swarm Programmer Pill













A Swarm programmer pill is a compact lozenge that contains a paper‑thin sliver of a Swarm programmer’s brain. As a full action, you swallow the tablet and it alters your biology, allowing you to choose one of the following effects. If you use another Swarm programmer pill within 24 hours, you become fatigued. Attempting to use a Swarm programmer pill while you are exhausted does little other than consume the pill. While under the pill’s effects, you attract the attention of Swarm components in the same way weapons that have the Swarm weapon special property do.
Acidic Ejection: You gain acid resistance 5 and can launch acid as if part of your body (often the mouth) were a macrergate acid cannon, with which you are considered to be proficient. You are immune to your own acid. These adaptations last 4 hours.
Alate Form: You grow a set of diaphanous insectile wings that allow you to fly at a speed 10 feet slower than your land speed. Your flight is an extraordinary ability with average maneuverability. The adaptation also grants you a +5 bonus to Acrobatics checks to fly. The wings function for 2 hours. If you are aloft when the effect ends, you float downward 60 feet per round for 3 rounds. If you fail to land or attain another means to fly by then, you fall as the wings detach. This detachment is uncomfortable but deals you no damage.If necessary, the wings can integrate with your armor. Once they have, removing your armor ends the effect by causing the wings to detach as above.
Arolia: You grow special limb pads that grant you a climb speed 10 feet slower than your land speed. You retain this speed for 12 hours. If necessary, the pads can integrate with your armor, functioning as with the wings of alate form. If you’re climbing when the effect ends, you can still attempt to climb by other means.
Bravery: You become inured to fear. For 24 hours, whenever you attempt a saving throw against a fear effect, treat any number you roll on the d20 lower than 8 as 8. In addition, if you fail a saving throw against a fear effect, you can reroll that saving throw once. If you still fail the saving throw, you suffer the fear effect for only half its duration, rounded down to a minimum of 0 rounds.
Swiftness: For 12 hours, you gain a 20-foot enhancement bonus to speed in all movement types you have.
Telepathy: You gain limited telepathy with a range of 30 feet, like that of a lashunta or shirren. If you already have limited telepathy, the adaptation grants you true telepathy. Either adaptation lasts 12 hours. During this time, you can also cast the 1st-level version of mind thrust as a spell-like ability up to three times.
Weaponized Arm: One of your hands grows a macrergate mindspike or macrergate thresherblade, with which you are considered to be proficient. If necessary, the weapon integrates with your armor, functioning as with the wings of alate form. You can’t use the affected hand for other purposes, but neither can you be disarmed of the weapon. This adaptation lasts 4 hours, or until you detach the weapon as a standard action, then the weapon disintegrates.


Attack of the Swarm: Fate of the Fifth pg. 52



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