
NameRitual LevelAssistantsRound LengthScript
4None1 hourOpen The Way (Will; Shaken for 1 hour, Retry), Speak The Name (target), Release Power (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
4Any10 minutesGather Power (Mysticism; Dazed for 1 hour), Sacrifice (Items and Resolve), Release Power (Will; Damage, Failure)
531 hourPrepare The Area (Mysticism; Failure), Sacrifice (1 Resolve Point), Invoke Entity (Will; Fatigued, Retry), Sacrifice (Items worth 1,000 credits)
2Any1 daySacrifice (Incense and offerings worth 2,000 credits), Prepare The Area (Mysticism; Retry), Invoke Entity (Will; Damage, Failure)
4None1 minuteOpen The Way (Computers; Dazed for 1 minute, Failure), Shape Power (Mysticism; Electricity Damage, Retry), Speak The Name (Will; Dazed for 1 minute), Release Power (Computers; Failure)
6Any1 dayPrepare The Area (Engineering or Mysticism; Failure), Gather Power (Mysticism; Dazed for 1 hour, Failure), Shape Power (Engineering or Mysticism; Fatigued, Retry), Release Power (Mysticism; Electricity Damage, Retry), Open The Way (Will; The gate opens to a random location for a random duration, both determined by the GM)
1None1 hourSpeak The Name (The names of the two individuals being bonded)
5Any10 minutesPrepare The Area (Engineering; Dazed for 1 hour, Failure), Gather Power (Will; Fatigued, Retry), Open The Way (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
121 minuteSacrifice (see text), Release Power (see text; Damage, Failure)
521 hourPrepare The Area (Life Science, Profession [cook], or Survival; Sickened for 1 minute, Retry), Sacrifice (Resolve), Shape Power (Mysticism; Failure)
431 hourInvoke Entity (Mysticism; Damage), Sacrifice (A body part of the target creature, such as hair, blood, or nails), Speak The Name (Name of the individual to be cursed)
531 hourInvoke Entity (Mysticism; Damage), Sacrifice (A body part of the target creature, such as hair, blood, or nails), Speak The Name (Name of the individual to be cursed), Release Power (Will; see text, failure)
631 hourInvoke Entity (Mysticism; Damage), Sacrifice (A body part of the target creature, such as hair, blood, or nails), Speak The Name (Name of the individual to be cursed), Release Power (Will; see text, failure)
4Any1 hourPrepare The Area (Will; Damage, Retry), Sacrifice (Items)
5Any1 hourPrepare The Area (Will; Damage, Retry), Sacrifice (Items), Release Power (Mysticism; Dazed for 1 hour, Retry)
6Any1 hourPrepare The Area (Will; Damage, Retry), Sacrifice (Items), Release Power (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
3None1 hourPrepare The Area (Items), Gather Power (Computers; Fatigued, Retry), Open The Way (Will; Electricity Damage, Failure)
1Any10 minutesGather Power (Engineering; Damage, Retry), Release Power (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
2Any10 minutesGather Power (Engineering; Damage, Retry), Release Power (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
3Any10 minutesGather Power (Engineering; Damage, Retry), Open The Way (Will; Dazed 1 hour, Retry), Release Power (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
4Any10 minutesGather Power (Engineering; Damage, Retry), Open The Way (Will; Dazed 1 hour, Retry), Release Power (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
5Any10 minutesGather Power (Engineering; Damage, Retry), Open The Way (Will; Dazed 1 hour, Retry), Release Power (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
6Any10 minutesGather Power (Engineering; Damage, Retry), Open The Way (Will; Dazed 1 hour, Retry), Release Power (Mysticism; Damage, Failure)
5Any10 minutesPrepare The Area (Mysticism; Damage, Retry), Gather Power (Mysticism; Fatigued, Failure), Sacrifice (Items), Shape Power (Will; see text)
5Any10 minutesGather Power (Mysticism; Fatigued), Shape Power (Will; Damage), Sacrifice (Resolve), Open The Way (Will; see text)
4Any1 hourPrepare The Area (Mysticism; Failure), Invoke Entity (Will; Damage, Failure), Sacrifice (Items and Resolve), Speak The Name (The individual being reincarnated)
421 hourGather Power (Mysticism; Damage, Retry), Open The Way (Will; Nauseated for 1 hour, Failure), Sacrifice (Resolve), Release Power (Fortitude; Fatigued and explosive growth)
1110 minutesOpen The Way (Fortitude; Damage, Failure)
2210 minutesOpen The Way (Fortitude; Damage, Failure)
3310 minutesSacrifice (Items), Open The Way (Fortitude; Damage, Failure)
4410 minutesSacrifice (Items), Open The Way (Fortitude; Damage, Failure)
5510 minutesSacrifice (Items), Gather Power (Mysticism; Damage, Retry), Open The Way (Fortitude; Damage, Failure)
6610 minutesSacrifice (Items), Gather Power (Mysticism; Damage, Retry), Open The Way (Fortitude; Damage, Failure)
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