Scope, Revealing
Weapon Type
Longarm, Heavy Weapon, Sniper, Small Arm
A scope is a telescopic sighting device with an incorporated reticle that attaches to a small arm or railed weapon’s top rail. A scope can’t be added to a weapon with a sight. As a move action, you can aim through a scope. This can be done as part of the same move action required to aim a weapon with the sniper weapon special quality, or as part of a sneak attack where you do not take any movement even if you also aim a sniper weapon as part of that action. Aiming through a scope reduces penalties to attack rolls due to range as well as bonuses to AC from cover.
In addition, a scope increases a weapon’s range increment for determining penalties to attack rolls due to range. For small arms, a scope increases the weapon’s normal range increment to 1-1/2 times its listed range for this purpose. For longarms and heavy weapons, the increase is 4 times the normal range increment. For sniper weapons, the increase is twice the range increment of the sniper special property. The reduction in penalties due to aiming with a scope applies only to the next attack roll you make with the weapon before the end of your next turn. Scopes also confer other benefits depending on their type.
You can also view distant objects through a scope as a move action, which grants you a +1 circumstance bonus to vision-based Perception checks against objects 30 feet or farther from you. You can use a scope for this purpose when it is not attached to or integrated with a weapon. A detached scope does not provide improved accuracy.
A revealing scope functions as a combined laser scope and nightvision scope with the addition of enhanced magical sensors. Three times per day as a move action, you can activate a revealing scope’s sensors for 10 minutes. When aiming or looking through a revealing scope with active sensors, you can see invisible and ethereal creatures, and you reduce your miss chance due to concealment other than total concealment by 10%. Deactivating a revealing scope’s sensors is a move action.
Armory pg. 59