
Required Array



Master Computers and Engineering.

Adjustments & Special Abilities

+2 to Fortitude and Reflex saving throws and –2 to Will saving throws
Target Tracking (Ex) (CR 1+)

As a move action, this NPC can designate and track a single foe, gaining a +2 bonus to attack rolls against that target. Use this same bonus for twin tracking and quad tracking.

Wireless Hack (CR 5+)

On any round you don’t use combat tracking, your exocortex can access another computer system within 20 feet, allowing it to attempt a Computers check against that computer each round, using your skill bonus. This counts as a standard action for the purpose of the Computers skill. You must remain within 20 feet of the computer system for the entire time your exocortex is interacting with the computer. If the task requires multiple actions (or even rounds) to accomplish, you can spend your actions to work in concert with your exocortex, counting both your action and the exocortex’s effective standard action toward the total time required. If you don’t have the remote hack class feature, you must be adjacent to the computer to attempt your checks.

Twin Tracking (CR 10+)

You can designate two targets for your exocortex to track, increasing your base attack bonus against each. You can designate both targets with a single move action, but you must be able to see them both at that time.

Multitasking (CR 15+)

You can designate three targets for your exocortex to track (and designate them all as a single move action). In addition, the range of your exocortex’s wireless hack increases to 40 feet. Your exocortex can also engage in combat tracking and hack a nearby computer at the same time, but the computer counts as one of the exocortex’s designated targets (allowing you to track only two targets at the same time while wirelessly hacking the computer). Lastly, you can access your exocortex’s memory module in combat, even while it is engaged in combat tracking.

Quad Tracking (CR 20+)

Your exocortex can track four targets simultaneously, and hacking a nearby computer doesn’t count against that limit.

Suggested Ability Score

Intelligence, Dexterity, and Constitution


Light armor (item level = CR), small arm (item level = CR), and basic melee weapon (item level = CR – 1).

Special Rules

All mechanic creatures get the artificial intelligence class feature, which requires a choice between a drone and an exocortex. For a mechanic creature with a drone, build the drone as a separate technological construct of the mechanic’s CR – 2 or use an existing technological construct with the mechanic’s CR – 2. The drone does not get a full suite of actions on its own; each round, the mechanic creature and the drone can each take a move action, a swift action, and a reaction, but only one of them can take a standard action or combine its move and standard actions into a full action. The drone doesn’t have its own CR, it doesn’t contribute to the CR of the encounter, and PCs receive no XP for defeating a drone.

For a mechanic creature with an exocortex, add target tracking at CR 1 (see below), wireless hack at CR 5, twin tracking at CR 10, multitasking at CR 15, and quad tracking at CR 20.


CR 1: Artificial intelligence (see Special Rules), custom rig, one special ability.
CR 2: Artificial intelligence, custom rig, one 2nd-level mechanic trick, and one special ability.
CR 3: Artificial intelligence, custom rig, overload, and one 2nd-level mechanic trick.
CR 4: Artificial intelligence, custom rig, overload, and two 2nd-level mechanic tricks.
CR 5: Artificial intelligence, custom rig, overload, remote hack, and two 2nd-level mechanic tricks.
CR 7: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, expert rig, miracle worker 1/day, and two 2nd-level mechanic tricks.
CR 8: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, expert rig, miracle worker 1/day, one 8th-level mechanic trick, and one 2nd-level mechanic trick.
CR 9: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, expert rig, miracle worker 1/day, override, one 8th-level mechanic trick, and one 2nd-level mechanic trick.
CR 11: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, expert rig, miracle worker 2/day, override, and two 8th-level mechanic tricks.
CR 13: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, miracle worker 2/day, override, advanced rig, and two 8th-level mechanic tricks.
CR 14: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, miracle worker 2/day, override, advanced rig, one 14th-level mechanic trick, and one 8th-level mechanic trick.
CR 16: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, miracle worker 3/day, override, advanced rig, and two 14th-level mechanic tricks.
CR 18: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, miracle worker 3/day, override, advanced rig, and three 14th-level mechanic tricks.
CR 19: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, miracle worker 3/day, override, ghost in the machine, superior rig, and three 14th-level mechanic tricks.
CR 20: Artificial intelligence, overload, remote hack, miracle worker 3/day, override, ghost in the machine, superior rig, and four 14th-level mechanic tricks.

Experts at dealing with machines, mechanics either use exocortexes to enhance their combat abilities or are accompanied by robotic drones that they can control remotely.


Alien Archive pg. 138

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