


Space goblins are fast for their size and have a base speed of 35 feet.


As a move action, a space goblin can remove the penalties associated with the broken condition from a single piece of equipment until the start of his next turn. The item then becomes unusable for 10 minutes (and retains the broken condition after that until it is fixed).

Battle Hardened

Hobgoblins are trained for combat from an early age, and they quickly learn that a foe can do much more than just hurt you. Hobgoblins gain a +1 racial bonus to AC against combat maneuvers.

Gain Engineering as a master skill
Gain Intimidate as a master skill
Gain Stealth as a master skill
Gain Survival as a good skill
Armor Savant

Kanabo have an innate mastery of the use of armor. When wearing armor, they gain a +1 racial bonus to AC. When wearing heavy armor, their armor check penalty is 1 less severe than normal.

Kanabo Magic

Kanabo gain the following spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the kanabo’s level.

1/day — disguise self, supercharge weapon



This subtype is applied to humanoids of various goblinoid subspecies, such as hobgoblins. If the NPC is of the space goblin race, it also gains the Fast and Tinker racial traits, Engineering and Stealth as master skills, and Survival as a good skill. If the NPC is of the hobgoblin race, it gains the battle hardened racial trait and Intimidate and Stealth as master skills; if the NPC is of the kanabo race, it gains the armor savant and kanabo magic racial traits.


Alien Archive pg. 135

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