Subtype Grafts

Aeons are a race of neutral outsiders that maintain the balance of reality.
Agathions are celestials, or good outsiders, native to Nirvana.
This subtype is usually applied to outsiders with a connection to the Plane of Air.
This subtype is applied to androids and creatures related to androids. If the NPC is of the android race, it gains the constructed, flat affect, and upgrade slot racial traits.
Angels are celestials, or good outsiders, native to the good-aligned Outer Planes.
These creatures are often native to environments that are mostly or entirely underwater.
Archons are celestials, or good outsiders, native to Heaven.
Azatas are celestials, or good outsiders, native to Elysium.
This subtype is applied to brenneris and creatures related to brenneris. If the NPC is of the brenneri race, it gains the favored object and hold breath racial traits and Diplomacy and Sense Motive as master skills.
Creatures with this subtype are usually native to frigid environments.
This subtype is applied to copaxi and creatures related to copaxi. If the NPC is of the copaxi race, it gains blindsense (scent) 30 ft. and the gravity adjustment racial trait.
Daemons are fiends, or evil outsiders, native to Abaddon.
This subtype is applied to damais and creatures related to damais. If the NPC is of the damai race, it gains the scrappy racial trait and Stealth and Survival as master skills.
Demons are fiends, or evil outsiders, native to the Abyss.
This subtype is applied to dessamars and creatures related to dessamars. If the NPC is of the dessamar race (Dessamar Imago or Dessamar Instar), it can use the following spells as spell-like abilities: 1/day—charm person; at will—detect magic and telepathic message. A dessamar imago has a land speed of 20 feet and an extraordinary fly speed of 20 feet with average maneuverability, as well as the fragile limbs and twinkle racial traits.
This subtype is applied to dessamars and creatures related to dessamars. If the NPC is of the dessamar race (Dessamar Imago or Dessamar Instar), it can use the following spells as spell-like abilities: 1/day—charm person; at will—detect magic and telepathic message. A dessamar instar has a land speed of 30 feet and a climb speed of 30 feet, and a +2 racial bonus to KAC and saving throws against any effect that forces them to move or knocks them prone. An instar also has the dream dust and poor vision racial traits.
Devils are fiends, or evil outsiders, native to Hell.
This subtype is applied to dirindis and creatures related to dirindis. If the NPC is of the dirindi race, it gains the electrical affinity racial trait and Diplomacy and Perception as master skills.
This subtype is applied to drow and creatures related to drow. If the NPC is of the drow race, it gains darkvision 60 ft., as well as the drow immunities, drow magic, and light blindness racial traits.
This subtype is applied to dwarves and creatures related to dwarves. If the NPC is of the dwarven race, it gains the slow but steady, stonecunning, traditional enemies, and weapon familiarity racial traits.
This subtype is usually applied to outsiders with a connection to the Plane of Earth.
An elemental is a creature composed entirely of matter from one of the four Elemental Planes.
This subtype is applied to elves and creatures related to elves. If the NPC is of the elven race, it gains the elven immunities and elven magic racial traits and Mysticism as a master skill.
This subtype is applied to entu symbiotes and creatures related to entu symbiotes. If the NPC is of the entu symbiote race, it gains blindsense (emotion) 30 ft., limited telepathy with a range of 30 ft., and the limited augmentations and symbiotic enhancement racial traits.
This subtype is applied to espraksas and creatures related to espraksas. If the NPC is of the espraksa race, it takes a –2 penalty to saving throws against mind-affecting effects, has a land speed of 30 feet and an extraordinary fly speed of 30 feet with average maneuverability, and gains the cold inured and snatch racial traits and the natural weapons (P) universal creature rule. An espraksa also gains Diplomacy and Sense Motive as good skills (although many espraksas have Sense Motive as a master skill).
This subtype is applied to any creature when it’s on a plane other than its native plane. A creature that travels the planes can gain or lose this subtype as it goes from plane to plane. Creature entries assume that encounters with those creatures take place on the Material Plane.
This subtype is usually applied to outsiders with a connection to the Plane of Fire and creatures with a strong affinity to fire.
This subtype is applied to giants and creatures related to giants.
This subtype is applied to gnolls and creatures related to gnolls. If the NPC is of the gnoll race, it gains the natural weapons and rugged travel racial traits and Survival as a master skill.
This subtype is applied to gnomes and creatures related to gnomes. If the NPC is of the gnome race it gains the eternal hope and gnome magic racial traits and Culture as a master skill.
This subtype is applied to humanoids of various goblinoid subspecies, such as hobgoblins. If the NPC is of the space goblin race, it also gains the Fast and Tinker racial traits, Engineering and Stealth as master skills, and Survival as a good skill. If the NPC is of the hobgoblin race, it gains the battle hardened racial trait and Intimidate and Stealth as master skills; if the NPC is of the kanabo race, it gains the armor savant and kanabo magic racial traits.
This subtype is applied to the humanoid aliens known as grays and creatures related to grays. If the NPC is of the gray race, it also telepathy 100 ft. and the phase special ability.
This subtype is applied to gripplis and creatures related to gripplis. If the NPC is of the grippli race, it gains a climb speed of 20 ft.; the jumper, swamp stride, and weapon familiarity racial traits; and Stealth as a good skill.
This subtype is applied to hadrogaans and creatures related to hadrogaans. If the NPC is of the hadrogaan race, it gains blindsense (vibration) 30 ft. and the dual nervous systems racial trait.
This subtype is applied to half-elves and creatures related to half-elves. If the NPC is of the half-elven race, it gains the elven blood racial trait and an extra good skill.
This subtype is applied to half-orcs and creatures who are related to half-orcs. Most creatures with this subtype gain darkvision 60 ft. and the ferocity universal creature rule. If the creature is of the half-orc race, it gains Intimidate and Survival as master skills.
This subtype is applied to halflings and creatures related to halflings. If the NPC is of the halfling race, it gains the halfling luck and sneaky racial traits, Perception and Stealth as master skills, and Acrobatics and Athletics as good skills.
This subtype is applied to humans and creatures related to humans. If the NPC is of the human race, it gains an additional special ability of any type and an additional good skill.
This subtype is applied to ikeshtis and creatures related to ikeshtis. If the NPC is of the ikeshti race, it gains the desert survivor, shed skin, and squirt blood racial traits.
Creatures with this subtype have no physical bodies.
Inevitables are construct-like outsiders built to enforce the laws of the universe.
Kami are native outsiders that protect animals, plants, objects, and locations, which the kami call their “wards.” Kami have no need to drink, eat, or sleep. A tsukumogami is a kami that permanently merges with a small object; these kami gain the tsukumogami template graft.
This subtype is applied to kasathas and creatures related to kasathas. If the NPC is of the kasatha race, it gains the desert stride and four-armed racial traits, Acrobatics and Athletics as master skills, and Culture as a good skill.
This subtype is applied to khizars and creatures related to khizars. If the NPC is of the khizar race, it gains the carbonic respiration, evergreen, and limited telepathy (including communication with non-mindless creatures of the plant type) racial traits, and gains Life Science and Survival as good skills.
This subtype is applied to kitsune and creatures related to kitsune. If the NPC is of the kitsune race, it gains the shapechanger subtype graft, the natural weapons racial trait, Acrobatics and Athletics as master skills, and can use the following spell as a spell-like ability: 3/day—dancing lights.
This subtype is applied to kobolds and creatures related to kobolds. If the NPC is of the kobold race, it gains the armored scales and dragon-scaled racial traits and Engineering, Perception, and Physical Science as master skills.
This subtype is applied to lashuntas and creatures related to lashuntas. If the NPC is of the lashunta race, it gains the limited telepathy racial trait and can cast the following spells as spell-like abilities: 1/day—detect thoughts; at will—daze and psychokinetic hand.
This subtype is applied to maraquoi and creatures related to maraquoi. If the NPC is of the maraquoi race, it gains blindsense (sound) 30 ft., a climb speed of 20 ft., the prehensile tail racial trait, and Survival as a master skill.
Creatures that have this subtype are outsiders native to the Material Plane. They can be returned to life (such as with the raise dead or mystic cure spells), just as other living creatures can be.
Oni are evil spirits that take humanoid form to become native outsiders. Oni gain the humanoid subtype graft of the race associated with their physical form. For example, a ja noi oni takes the form of a hobgoblin and therefore gains the goblinoid subtype graft, even though it is not a humanoid or a member of the hobgoblin race. Oni also gain the shapechanger subtype graft, with their change shape ability generally limited to humanoids of similar size.
This subtype is applied to orcs and creatures who are related to orcs. Most creatures with this subtype gain darkvision 60 ft. and the ferocity universal creature rule
This subtype is applied to pahtras and creatures related to pahtras. If the NPC is of the pahtra race, it gains the nimble and wary racial traits, Acrobatics as a master skill, and Stealth as a master skill.
This subtype is applied to phentomites and creatures related to phentomites. If the NPC is of the phentomite race, it gains the acclimated and heat tracking special abilities and Acrobatics and Athletics as master skills.
Plantlike creatures have many of the characteristics of plants. Most plantlike creatures have the plantlike universal creature rule.
Proteans are serpentine outsiders of pure chaos native to the Maelstrom.
Psychopomps are neutral outsiders who preserve the cycle of life and death.
This subtype is applied to the shapechanging aliens known as reptoids and creatures related to reptoids. If the NPC is of the reptoid race, it gains the change shape, cold-blooded, and natural weapons racial traits.
This subtype is applied to ryphorians and creatures related to ryphorians. If the NPC is of the ryphorian race, it gains an additional special ability of any type, the trimorphic racial trait, and Perception as a master skill.
This subtype is applied to samsarans and creatures related to samsarans. If the NPC is of the samsaran race, it gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against death effects and can use the following spells as spell-like abilities: 1/day—comprehend languages, share memory, stabilize.
This subtype is applied to sarcesians and creatures related to sarcesians. If the NPC is of the sarcesian race, it gains the void flyer special ability and an additional good skill.
This subtype is applied to shakaltas and creatures related to shakaltas. If the NPC is of the shakalta race, it has immunity to disease and poison, as well as void adaptation. It also has the aura of light, bonded souls, psychic shunt, shakalta telepathy, and starlight sustenance racial traits. A shakalta can use the following spells as spell-like abilities: at will—dancing lights and energy ray (electricity or fire only).
This subtype is applied to creatures that can dramatically alter their forms.
This subtype is applied to shatoris and creatures related to shatoris. If the NPC is of the shatori race, it has the Boneyard conditioning, psychometry, and shared stillness racial traits. A shatori can use the following spells as spell-like abilities: at will—detect magic, grave words, and stabilize.
This subtype is applied to shimreens and creatures related to shimreens. If the NPC is of the shimreen race, it gains resistance 5 to electricity and the amplify, radiant, and shift limb racial traits.
This subtype is applied to shirrens and creatures related to shirrens. If the NPC is of the shirren race, it also gains the communalism and limited telepathy racial traits and Culture and Diplomacy as good skills.
This subtype is applied to skittermanders and creatures related to skittermanders. If the NPC is of the skittermander race, it also gains the grappler, hyper, and six-armed racial traits.
Spectra are neutral outsiders native to the Drift.
This subtype is applied to stridermanders and creatures related to stridermanders. If the NPC is of the stridermander race, it also gains the camouflage, feeding tendril, and gorge racial traits.
This subtype is applied to strix and creatures related to strix. If the NPC is of the strix race, it also gains the strix mobility, suspicious, and tinkerer racial traits, and gains Perception as a master skill and Stealth as a good skill.
This subtype is applied to any collection of Fine, Diminutive, or Tiny creatures that act as a single creature. A swarm has a single pool of Hit Points, a single initiative modifier, and a single EAC and KAC. It attempts saving throws as a single creature. A single swarm usually occupies a square (if it’s made up of nonflying creatures) or a cube (if it’s made up of flying creatures) 10 feet on a side, but its reach is 0 feet. A swarm can move through cracks or holes large enough for its component creatures to fit through.
This subtype is applied to a collection of sentient creatures that acts as a single creature (similar to a swarm, but usually as part of a military unit). A troop has a single pool of Hit Points, a single initiative modifier, and a single EAC and KAC. A troop attempts saving throws as a single creature.
This subtype is applied to tryziarkas and creatures related to tryziarkas. If the NPC is of the tryziarka race, it gains the tattoo magic and tattoo transference racial traits.
Velstracs are lawful evil outsiders native to the Shadow Plane who feed on fear and pain.
This subtype is applied to verthani and creatures related to verthani. If the NPC is of the verthani race, it also gains the easily augmented and skin mimic racial traits and an additional good skill.
This subtype is applied to vesk and creatures related to vesk. If the NPC is of the vesk race, it also gains the armor savant, fearless, and natural weapons racial traits.
This subtype is applied to vlakas and other creatures related to vlakas. If the NPC is of the vlaka race, it also gains the buoy, cooperative, versed, and vlakan senses racial traits and Perception and Sense Motive as master skills.
This subtype is usually applied to outsiders with a connection to the Plane of Water.
This subtype is applied to worlanisi and creatures related to worlanisi. If the NPC is of the worlanisi race, it also gains the limited telepathy, multiarmed (4), psychic reverb, worlanisi gamble, and worlanisi luck racial traits.
This subtype is applied to ysoki and creatures related to ysoki. If the NPC is of the ysoki race, it also gains the cheek pouches and moxie racial traits, Engineering and Stealth as master skills, and Survival as a good skill.
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