

Cheek Pouches

Ysoki can store up to 1 cubic foot of items weighing up to 1 bulk in total in their cheek pouches, and they can transfer a single object between hand and cheek as a swift action. A ysoki can disgorge the entire contents of his pouch onto the ground in his square as a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.


Ysoki are scrappy and nimble even when the odds are against them. A ysoki can stand from prone as a swift action. Additionally, when off-kilter, a ysoki does not take the normal penalties to attacks or gain the flat-footed condition. When attempting an Acrobatics check to tumble through the space of an opponent at least one size category larger than himself, a ysoki receive a +5 racial bonus to the check.

Gain Engineering as a master skill
Gain Stealth as a master skill
Gain Survival as a good skill



This subtype is applied to ysoki and creatures related to ysoki. If the NPC is of the ysoki race, it also gains the cheek pouches and moxie racial traits, Engineering and Stealth as master skills, and Survival as a good skill.


Alien Archive pg. 137

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