

Boneyard Conditioning

By taking a standard action to touch a creature or object, a shatori gains a +4 racial bonus to their next check to identify the creature, their next check to recall knowledge about the creature or the object, or their next Sense Motive check against the creature. To touch an unwilling creature, the shatori must succeed at a melee attack roll against that creature’s EAC.

Shared Stillness

Allies within 10 feet of a shatori gain a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against fear effects.

Shatori Magic



This subtype is applied to shatoris and creatures related to shatoris. If the NPC is of the shatori race, it has the Boneyard conditioning, psychometry, and shared stillness racial traits. A shatori can use the following spells as spell-like abilities: at will—detect magic, grave words, and stabilize.


Alien Archive 3 pg. 149

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