

Low-light Vision
Camouflage (Ex)

A stridermander can alter the color and texture of its fur to blend into its environment. Whenever a stridermander remains motionless for 1 round, it gains a +10 bonus to Stealth checks (this bonus doesn’t stack with the invisibility spell or similar effects). If the stridermander moves more than 10 feet or takes a hostile action (such as attacking or casting a spell), it loses this bonus until it once again spends 1 round remaining still.

Feeding Tendril (Ex)

A stridermander’s secondary mouth is similar to a skittermander whelp’s, but it has a more powerful and developed feeding tendril. As a standard action, a stridermander can strike at a creature its size or smaller up to 10 feet away with this tendril. In addition to dealing damage, if the stridermander hits the target’s KAC + 4, it grapples the target and pulls the target adjacent to the stridermander; this movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. The stridermander doesn’t need to have a limb free to perform or maintain this grapple, but it can only grapple one target at a time. The stridermander can maintain this grapple with the same attack as a move action on subsequent rounds.

Gorge (Ex)

When a stridermander hits with its bite attack against a creature it has grappled with its feeding tendril, it deals additional damage equal to its Strength modifier.



This subtype is applied to stridermanders and creatures related to stridermanders. If the NPC is of the stridermander race, it also gains the camouflage, feeding tendril, and gorge racial traits.


Alien Archive 3 pg. 149

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