Blue Dragon


Lawful Evil

Required Type



Earth Subtype
Frightful Presence (CR 9+, 60 ft. Radius + 10 ft. per CR)
DR /magic (CR 11+)
SR 11 + CR (CR 12+)
Burrow speed of 60 ft.
Spell-like abilities (CR 9+)
Breath Weapon (30 ft. Line + 10 ft. per 2 CR, 1d8 E + 1d8 per CR)
Sound Imitation (Ex)

A blue dragon can mimic any voice or sound it has heard by succeeding at a Bluff check opposed by a listener’s Sense Motive check.

Stacking plans within plans, blue dragons obsessively dwell on their pet projects.


Alien Archive pg. 39

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