Template Grafts

More imposing and beautiful than their mundane kin, an aasimar has celestial ancestry.
Blue-green abysium dragons glow from within and are dangerously radioactive. They usually isolate themselves from others to avoid causing unintended harm and as such are often agitated by those who seek them out.
Abysium eaters glow with a sickly blue-green radiance and are dangerously radioactive. They are sometimes found in nuclear power plants that have undergone a deadly meltdown, basking in the lethal radioactivity, or accompanying pluprex demons.
Steadfast and loyal, steel-colored adamantine dragons are often the center of small, tight-knit communities (such as starship crews or mercenary squads).
Aeons are inscrutable neutral outsiders often working to maintain and protect reality. They appear as clouds of glowing energy, with a few limbs and tools jutting from the haze. They communicate only in images.
Aerial creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Plane of Air, gas giant planets, or similar landless environments, and have unique adaptations to help them survive there.
Summoned agathions are called from Nirvana, and they take the appearance of anthropomorphic animals of all types, such as bears or lions.
Beings of living wind, air elementals originate from the Elemental Plane of Air.
Whimsical and unfocused, air mephits are among the least destructive of their kind.
Air wysps are flighty, cheerful, and at times forgetful. They enjoy playing pranks, telling jokes, and making puns.
Airborne creatures spend a good part of their life aloft.
The controlled anacite’s three glowing eyes, normally red, shine a bright blue.
Summoned agathions are called from Nirvana, and they take the appearance of anthropomorphic animals of all types, such as bears or lions.
Use an existing suit of armor to create animated armor, setting the CR to equal the armor’s item level.
An aquatic creature lives much, if not all, of its life in the water.
Aqueous creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Plane of Water or similar landless environments, able to survive both in and out of water.
A creature is arboreal if it not only lives in forests but also lives primarily in the trees.
Summoned archons are called from Heaven, and are eager to aid in the defense of order and the defeat of evil. They take the appearance of floating runes or simple items or tools, glowing from within.
Constant cold forces an arctic creature to adapt to frigid conditions. Many constantly frozen regions are also deserts.
Astral creatures are natives of the Astral Plane, a vast silvery void between planes.
Summoned azatas are called from Elysium, and they appear to be humanoids with a mixture of elven and animalistic features. Azatas wield golden celestial bows that almost never leave their hands.
Baykoks are flying undead devoted to the hunt.
Black dragons are callous and enjoy using fear to exert their influence over others.
Stacking plans within plans, blue dragons obsessively dwell on their pet projects.
The animated skeleton of a dead creature, a bone trooper retains the Intelligence score, skills, and abilities the dead creature had when alive, making the bone trooper a far more formidable combatant than typical mindless undead are.
Brass dragons are garrulous and often live near civilized areas to indulge in the latest gossip. They enjoy conversation immensely and much prefer talking over fighting.
Often found near seas and lakes, bronze dragons aid travelers of noble intent.
Carrion dregs are like undead vermin, hunting for limbs to add to their growing forms.
Celestial creatures are natives of one of the good-aligned Outer Planes.
Cloud giants live on floating citadels in the swirling atmospheres of gas planets.
Colossi are massive kaiju found on Daimalko and other worlds.
A creature that has the colour-blighted graft is hideously deformed and glows with the disturbing color of the creature that blighted it.
Copper dragons are mischievous and enjoy playing pranks on both allies and enemies.
The animated corpse of a dead creature, a corpsefolk keeps the abilities, intelligence, and skills it had when it was alive. Most corpsefolk are cunning and dangerous foes rather than mindless undead. They lack most of the needs, much of the fear, and many mortal vulnerabilities that can hold back the living.
Cryo dragons prefer a strong defense over an aggressive offense and tend to think in terms of protecting their assets rather than damaging a foe’s. They appreciate slow, calm moments, and they never get bored.
Cthonic creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Plane of Earth or underground environments, and they have adapted to exist in dirt and rock.
A cybernetic creature has been augmented by technological implants (although the same simple template graft can be used to represent creatures augmented by biotech).
This mindless undead is animated not through magic or supernatural phenomena but by cybernetic implants in its body, which continue to function after its mind and flesh have died.
Summoned daemons come from Abaddon to spread disaster and ruin with the desire to extinguish all mortal life and feast on the resulting soul energy. Their monstrous forms are covered in vicious-looking spikes, and they have long, lean limbs that bend at odd angles.
This arthropod burrows its many tiny legs into a host’s flesh to sip on various hormones, especially epinephrine. These extremely aggressive symbiends bond almost exclusively to predators and are popular among pirates and warlords, as the constant trickle of adrenaline they create results in vicious, fearless soldiers. Bloodshot eyes, bulging veins, and a tendency to froth at the mouth make it easy to identify hosts of Damoritosh’s arms.
Summoned demons are called forth from the chaotic plane of the Abyss. They are only vaguely humanoid in appearance, with hunched forms, ragged wings, and great, gaping jaws. Demons revel in destruction.
The arid conditions of a desert breed tough creatures. Many desert creatures also have the arctic or thermic environmental graft, representing particularly cold or hot deserts.
Desolation endlings can appear when a species goes extinct due to destruction of its habitat through technological means. Whether through industrial deforestation of an ancient wood or damming a river for hydropower, desolation endlings despise the structures built in place of their homes and the destructive technology used to that end.
Summoned devils are called from the orderly plane of Hell. They often look humanoid, though with crimson skin, long horns, and tails.
Disintegrator dragons are engines of peerless destruction, able to reduce all in their wake to mere slag.
Thin and runny, djezet eaters are rust-red in color and impart an organic residue that readily conducts magical energy.
These fleshy creatures bond to a host’s back and sink fine filaments into the host’s brain to trigger its pleasure centers, “sweetening” their meal and triggering psychic abilities. Their hosts enjoy a mild euphoria, but they also become less motivated and more risk-averse, making this symbiend unpopular outside of drug dens and religious communes.
When an intelligent creature dies in anguish while in the Drift, its tormented spirit forms a new body from that plane’s energies, becoming an undead creature called a driftdead.
To create a driftdead amalgam, apply the driftdead template graft and add the following.
Formed from fine grit, dust mephits are as obnoxious and persistent as their namesake.
Dycepskians can infest almost any living or undead creature with a brain and a central nervous system. The creature retains its type and subtype, as well as any abilities it has from its species or class graft.
Hailing from the Elemental Plane of Earth, earth elementals are ponderous and obstinate.
Humorless, stoic, and plodding, earth mephits are carved from soft stone and often found serving shaitan genies.
Earth wysps are emotionally guarded and slow to trust, but they are dependable allies. They enjoy deep and thorough conversations that examine all sides of an issue.
Distracted creatures, eclipse giants watch the skies and pay little mind to those around them.
This creature’s unnatural abilities allow it to feed on emotions.
Entropic creatures are natives of one of the Outer Planes where chaos is paramount. A GM can allow creatures summoned with the summon creature spell that would normally have the astral, celestial, or fiendish simple template graft instead have the entropic simple template graft.
A withered husk of a nonhumanoid sentient creature, an exsiccate seeks the flesh of living creatures to incorporate into its form.
Fiendish creatures are natives of one of the evil-aligned Outer Planes.
Fiery creatures are native denizens of the Elemental Plane of Fire or habitats covered in fire, and they have unique adaptations to help them survive there.
Born of the twisting flames of the Elemental Plane of Fire, fire elementals are nimble and impatient.
Fire giants live in the hottest portions of the galaxy. They are often thought of as the most rigid-thinking and militaristic of all the giant species, seemingly always preparing for a war that might never come.
Volatile and vengeful, fire mephits are made from flame, ash, and smoke.
Fire wysps are brave to the point of being foolhardy, often vastly overestimating their own abilities. They enjoy telling exaggerated stories about their victories and often take credit for the victories of their allies.
Summoned creatures from the First World generally appear as unusual predatory beasts, which could be hybrids of two animals, such as a vulture-headed lion or massive, blackand- red striped tiger.
Any living humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature can become an unlucky victim of a flayer leech. Use the following template graft to create a unique flayer leech effigy.
From sweltering jungles to frosty taigas, forests shelter abundant creature life.
Any living creature able to use heavy or powered armor in combat may become a gatecrasher after death.
This proponent of the natural world died in existential agony.
To create a ghast, add the following to the ghoul template graft.
Ghosts can have many different forms.
Use the following template graft to create a unique ghoul of any CR.
Giant creatures are larger than typical members of their species, and might represent a subspecies that has grown to unusual size due to environmental conditions.
Many other metallic dragons revere gold dragons for being the most righteous and virtuous of all dragonkind and often seek out gold dragons for their wisdom.
Of all the chromatic dragons, green dragons seem the most reasonable, but they will turn on their so-called allies at a moment’s notice if profit is on the line.
Time itself fluctuates in the vicinity of copper-colored horacalcum dragons, who face challenges with stoic demeanors.
Copper-colored with whorls and eddies in their ever-shifting forms, horacalcum eaters bend space-time with their presence.
Composed of either freshwater or salt water, these elementals hail from the Elemental Plane of Water.
Callous and aloof, ice mephits work at a glacial pace, handling dirty work for their masters.
An ifrit has ancestry tracing back to the Plane of Fire.
Summoned inevitables are construct-like creatures from the planar city of Axis. Often made of gears and other machinery, they take humanoid shapes and tote electricity-based firearms.
Pale and ghostly in appearance due to a molecular alignment that allows them to pass through objects, inubrix eaters resemble glistening silvery clouds more than animate masses of metal. They often rest in a torpor within walls or ceilings.
Invasion endlings manifest following the extinction of a species via unnatural predators—from colonists seeking to clear out pesky wildlife from a region they wish to settle to invasive species introduced from other parts of the galaxy. As a stark contrast from their past lives, these endlings are particularly vicious, as if the species’ collective spirit refuses to be put down yet again.
When a Drift engine malfunctions during a jump, the soul of an intelligent creature can remain behind. This untethered soul can then become an undead creature obsessed with finding its body.
When a restless spirit does not leave its corpse at the time of death and instead festers and putrefies within its decomposing mortal shell, it can eventually rise as an undead jiang-shi vampire.
Disciplined and deadly, kurobozus are skilled undead fighters.
To create a lacedon, add the following to the ghoul template graft.
An android with this template graft has rejected the cycle of renewal and transformed itself into an undead creature through a profane technomagical ritual.
Laser dragons are cautious and precise, preferring to know as much as they can about a situation through observation and espionage prior to taking action.
Beings of thunderstorms, lightning elementals are aggressive, smell of ozone, and are attracted to metal.
Lovelorns are dedicated to unmaking love in all its forms.
Lunar dragons often seek out civilizations that have yet to achieve space travel and help the scientists there to achieve it.
Magma elementals are fiery stone creatures that look like cooling lava, containing a red-hot heart.
This poor soul was abandoned and left to die on a deserted asteroid, derelict ship, or other remote location.
Use the following template graft to create a unique marrowblight of any CR.
Ample vegetation and water make marshes a fine home for countless creatures.
Apply this graft to each creature involved in a mind swap.
Miniature creatures are smaller than typical members of their species, and might represent a subspecies that has shrunk down due to environmental conditions.
Hideous to behold and extremely deadly, mohrgs exist only to kill.
Moon giants are normally placid scholars, but they are easily swayed by lunar phases or malign celestial influences.
Other vampires create moroi from their slain victims, usually as companions or minions. The new vampire is bound to their master and serves until the master dies or the servant can break free and pursue their own destiny. Many vampires have unique supernatural abilities beyond those included in this graft.
Other vampires create moroi from their slain victims, usually as companions or minions. The new vampire is bound to their master and serves until the master dies or the servant can break free and pursue their own destiny. Many vampires have unique supernatural abilities beyond those included in this graft.
The high, rugged terrain that makes up mountains is difficult to navigate and can be cold and dry. Creatures that live in such regions are accustomed to the thin air.
This swarm of nanites is densely more packed than usual and moves with special purpose.
A living beast saturated with lingering negative energy transforms into a decaying monstrosity that knows only rage.
A spellcaster with this template graft has used a terrifying combination of magic and technology to transform itself into an undead abomination.
Any breathing creature can die in the pitiless vacuum of space, whether because of a hull breach, being forced out of an airlock, or having its space suit run out of power while on an airless asteroid.
The pale green noqual dragons are rarely seen. Most make it their ambition to seek out and battle evil spellcasters.
Green, crystalline noqual eaters move in clunky spasms rather than with the smooth motion of other starmetal eaters. They gradually nullify magic in their surroundings and shun areas rich in magical energy.
New nosferatus are exceedingly rare but sometimes arise in areas of plague suffused with powerful necromantic energy. Only a once-living and sapient creature can become a nosferatu.
Any breathing creature can die in the pitiless vacuum of space, whether because of a hull breach, being forced out of an airlock, or having its space suit run out of power while on an airless asteroid.
This mindless undead has been animated via a necromantic or supernatural phenomena, and it is often created or controlled by a powerful spellcaster or a greater undead creature.
An oread’s ancestors have a connection to the Plane of Earth.
Wielding mystical firearms, a pale stranger is an implacable foe.
This tiny creature burrows its bony head into the flesh of its host’s chest like a tick. Redundant organs in the symbiend’s body function as a tiny laboratory, boosting its host’s intelligence and pheromone production, which takes its toll on the host’s body. Paragons are among the few symbiends able to communicate directly with their hosts. The paragon can withdraw its bonuses from disobedient hosts, and it can even cause pain or random hallucinations to compel behavior.
Phrenic creatures have minor innate mental powers, which they might have developed due to high levels of native psychic energy in their environments.
Plague endlings result from extinction by disease. Perhaps outsiders unwittingly introduced pathogens that the species’ immune systems weren’t evolved to cope with, or maybe the affliction was purposely inflicted to cull the species’ numbers. These endlings have become avatars of disease, turning their own pestilence against those who oppose them.
Flat land makes for creatures with good vision who are used to free movement.
Plasma dragons are proponents of surprise attacks and scorched earth tactics, believing fast, decisive action is always preferable over waiting and planning.
Pollution mephits are slovenly and slothful beings composed of noxious fluids and choking fumes.
A prismeni has a connection to spectra or the Drift.
Use the following template graft to create a program creature based on any existing creature or to make a new creation unique to a virtual space.
Projectile dragons are pragmatists, seeking the lowest risk and most likely to succeed solution to any problem.
Summoned proteans are agents of pure chaos called from the Maelstrom. They have vaguely serpentine forms, which seem to be constantly changing and shifting.
When pyric fire kills, it roasts flesh while kindling the spirit. Left unchecked, this otherworldly flame awakens a slain creature as an undead of ash, embers, and fire. Some pyric revenants smell of charred meat, which can be the first indication one is nearby.
Over centuries, pyric fire consumes a pyric revenant’s flesh, leaving behind an apparition of ash and embers. This pyric wraith is made of swirling cinders rippling around a heart of brighter flame. The smell of ash and smoke often precedes a pyric wraith.
Mutable and despicable, radiation mephits like poisoning the environment around them.
Any terrain might be radioactive, but such territory is often desolate like a desert.
The rebuilt presented in the Alien section was once kish, but the process that forms a rebuilt can happen to a member of almost any species.
Red dragons are quite imperious and brook no disrespect from lowly humanoids, but they can be swayed by copious amounts of groveling.
Resolute creatures are natives of one of the Outer Planes where law is paramount. A GM can allow creatures summoned with the summon creature spell that would normally have the astral, celestial, or fiendish simple template graft instead have the resolute simple template graft.
Summoned robots are drawn and temporarily assembled from bits of lifeless technology lost in the Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane, and Shadow Plane. They are generally simple geometric shapes of metal or ceramic, with two arms and two legs or treads.
This robot moves strangely, as though unused to navigating three-dimensional space.
Summoned shadow creatures are strange magical beasts native to the Shadow Plane. They appear to be similar to typical predators, but their forms are made of nothing but solid black, with indistinct edges.
The process that forms a shadow-marred creature can happen to a member of almost any species.
Shock dragons are quick-thinking and hyperactive, acting in a blink of an eye and striving to accomplish their goals in the most direct manner possible.
A creature melded with a mindshroud ray gains the shrouded template graft and enters an early stage of integration with the mindshroud ray, which lasts for 2d6 weeks. During this early stage, ability modifiers, languages, and skills might fluctuate. Once this early stage ends, the fully integrated creature regains its full ability modifiers, languages, and skills.
Smooth-scaled and bright silver in color, siccatite dragons swing wildly between moods and can alter the energy of their breath weapons between cold and fire at a whim.
Green, crystalline noqual eaters move in clunky spasms rather than with the smooth motion of other starmetal eaters. They gradually nullify magic in their surroundings and shun areas rich in magical energy.
Silicon mummies are created when a living creature’s body is ritually preserved with resin and the outer body coated with magically and technologically imbued silicon. Use the following template graft to create a unique silicon mummy.
Silver dragons hold themselves to an unimpeachable code of courage and honor.
Faster than other mindless undead, a skeletal undead is animated by necromantic or supernatural phenomena, and it is often found wearing armor or wielding weapons it was trained to use in life.
Slag giants are nomadic, seeking out places where they can work with metals. They are aloof, preferring their work to personal interaction. Some scholars believe slag giants were created when fire and stone giants were crossbred using magic.
The stars themselves sometimes have bizarre ecosystems.
Solar dragons believe themselves to be the originators of light and life in the universe.
Any creature that remains near Vharrine for more than 90 days can become songtwisted. Creatures that have strong will or psychic defenses take longer to convert, but immunity to effects that warp the mind offers no benefit.
Sonic dragons have bombastic personalities that always seek to take charge of whatever situations they find themselves in, often acting as though they love the sound of their booming voices above all else.
Numerous bizarre species are native to the airless gulfs of outer space. Some of these creatures hibernate for countless years, reawakening when they meet potential prey, while others remain awake, actively hunting for food or other necessities, even approaching planets in search of prey.
This disgusting, unthinking undead is animated by implanted technology powered by magic and a concoction of unstable chemicals. Though a spewer is difficult to destroy, its tech is easily disrupted by bursts of electricity.
Steam mephits are brash beings composed of boiling water and hearts of fire.
Some stone giants are simple herders on distant, pastoral worlds, while others carve unfathomably huge starships and space stations from asteroids.
Storm giants build their strongholds in planet-sized storms and other destructive locales, priding themselves in forging hospitable homes out of extreme environments.
Creatures that live underground have unique habits and abilities. Most subterranean beasts live the majority of their lives burrowing in the ground. Others live in warrens they dig or in caverns and similar natural structures. Some planets have subterranean realms rich with life, while other such regions are as desolate as any desert.
A suli has ancestry tracing back to the Elemental Planes or a janni parent.
Sun giants seek to bring their light to the dark corners of space, either through benevolent exploration or selfish conquest. They hold particular animosity toward creatures from the Shadow Plane.
A sylph has ancestry tracing back to the Plane of Air or its energies, and the wind currents often treat a sylph more kindly than other creatures.
Synthetic creatures are constructed through the use of extremely advanced technology, similar to that which makes androids possible.
Tech mephits infuse the four elements into their bodies of lightning and metal.
A region is thermic when it consistently has hot or hotter weather, perhaps due to volcanic or geothermic activity. Thermic areas are commonly arid and contain little or no vegetation, save those plant species that can survive in such a hostile environment.
Fiendish blood grants a tiefling their supernatural defenses and abilities.
Time dragons stand guard against all those who would disrupt the natural temporal order.
Tsukumogami are kami that permanently merge with small objects, developing strange anthropomorphic qualities.
This creature is a rare two-headed mutant or a member of a two-headed subspecies of a more common race.
Umbral creatures exist in the lightless places of the universe, which might be the Shadow Plane, the interior of unlit caves, or the bottom of the darkest oceans.
An undine’s ancestors have a connection to the Plane of Water.
A mutated virus has caused all native creatures of Vathori to gain physical similarities to Swarm components.
Ancient and terrible entities that dwell outside of space have driven many void dragons beyond reason, and now they do nothing but feed and destroy.
A humanoid that dies from void death contracted from the void bite of an akata becomes a mindless undead host for the akata’s larval offspring.
When a living creature dies to a sceaduinar, it can sometimes rise again as an undead agent of destruction. Voidshard vampires haunt desolate regions, waiting for their occasional prey.
hose who have been killed by a voidshard vampire might rise again as one of their spawn. Such undead are less powerful than their new masters but still suffer from their aversion to order and can see the outsiders from the Negative Energy Plane known as sceaduinars.
Masters of spaceflight, vortex dragons sometimes serve as emissaries for the most powerful of galactic entities.
Vorthuuls are created when a living creature perishes inside a black hole.
Composed of either freshwater or salt water, these elementals hail from the Elemental Plane of Water.
Practical jokers, water mephits form from brine and foam they can concentrate into acid.
Water wysps are serene, gentle, and nurturing creatures. They enjoy making new friends and introducing their friends to one another.
Similar to the terrain they prefer, white dragons appear cold and emotionless until angered.
This restless undead is created when a living creature is killed through treachery.
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