Sun Giant


Chaotic Good or Chaotic Evil

Required Type

Humanoid (giant)


Low-light Vision
Solar Aura (Su) (60 ft. Radius)

All light within 60 feet of a sun giant is bright light and can’t be reduced by magical darkness. At CR 9+, sighted creatures within the aura become dazzled. At CR 15+, once per round as part of any other action, the giant can target one sighted creature within the aura to be permanently blinded (Fortitude negates).

Resistance to cold and electricity (CR 3+)
Crush (CR 7+)
Hurl Debris (Ex)

The mighty strength of a giant allows it to turn nearly anything into a ranged weapon. A giant is assumed to have such debris available (either loose or readily torn from the environment without requiring an extra action) unless the GM rules otherwise. Hurled debris has a range increment equal to the giant’s Strength modifier × 5 feet. Such attacks also create difficult terrain in a 5-foot-radius area around the target, or a 10-foot-radius area for Huge and larger giants.

Spell-like Abilities (CR 10+)
Sun Dart (Ex)

As a swift action, a sun giant can empower the next piece of physical ammunition they fire from a ranged weapon (such as an arrow, dart, or round) with solar energy. If this attack hits, the giant deals an additional amount of fire damage equal to their CR and the target is off-target until the end of the sun giant’s next turn.

Sun giants seek to bring their light to the dark corners of space, either through benevolent exploration or selfish conquest. They hold particular animosity toward creatures from the Shadow Plane.


Dawn of Flame: Solar Strike pg. 59

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