

One step toward evil. If already evil, one step toward chaotic.

Required Type

Aberration, animal, dragon, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or outsider with the native subtype.

Suggested Ability Score

During the early stage, reduce Intelligence modifier by up to 3, to a minimum of –3 or the original creature’s Intelligence, whichever is lower.


Shroud Sense (Su)

A mindshroud ray’s blindsight automatically detects shrouded creatures.

Melee attacks with natural weapons or unarmed strikes gain the staggered critical hit effect. If the attack already has a critical hit effect, the creature chooses which effect to use when it scores a critical hit.

A mindshroud ray’s blindsight automatically detects shrouded creatures.

Ego Crush (Su)

As a standard action, a ray deals 2d6 nonlethal damage to a visible target within 30 feet. The target also takes a –1 penalty to Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks; spell save DCs; and Will saving throws for 1 round (Will negates). Targets the ray touches have a –2 penalty to this saving throw; the ray can touch an unwilling target by succeeding at a melee attack against the target’s EAC. A target that fails this saving throw by 5 or more is also staggered for 1 round.

A creature melded with a mindshroud ray gains the shrouded template graft and enters an early stage of integration with the mindshroud ray, which lasts for 2d6 weeks. During this early stage, ability modifiers, languages, and skills might fluctuate. Once this early stage ends, the fully integrated creature regains its full ability modifiers, languages, and skills.

Skills: during the early stage, eliminate Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skills.
Languages: During the early stage, only one (usually Common).


The Liberation of Locus-1 pg. 61

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