


Required Type


Required Array

Combatant, Expert, Spellcaster

Suggested Ability Score

Strength, Dexterity


DR 5/magic and silver
Cold and electricity resistance 10
Vampire Weaknesses (Su)

Vampires have many distinctive weaknesses; some vampires can ignore or mitigate one or more of these weaknesses, but most can’t. A vampire is held at bay by garlic or the holy symbol of a non-evil deity. They must stay at least 5 ft. from the object of their revulsion and can’t touch or make melee attacks against a creature brandishing such an object. Holding a vampire at bay takes a standard action. After being held at bay for 1 round, a vampire can attempt a DC 22 Will save at the beginning of their turn to act normally.

  • A vampire can’t enter a residence unless they’re invited inside, can’t enter any area filled with the smell of garlic, and can’t voluntarily cross running water or enter the Drift unless transported while inside their coffin.
  • A vampire exposed to direct sunlight is staggered; if exposed to direct sunlight for 2 consecutive rounds, the vampire is destroyed.
  • A wooden stake driven through the heart of an unconscious vampire reduces the vampire to 0 HP and prevents them from healing above 0 HP, even in their coffin; if the stake is removed, the vampire can heal, and if the vampire is in their coffin, the 1-hour rest period begins once the stake is removed. If the vampire’s head is severed and anointed with holy water while the stake is in place, the vampire is destroyed.
Blood Drain (Su)

When a vampire successfully grapples a target, they can suck blood from their victim with their fangs. The victim must attempt a Fortitude save; on a failure, it gains 1 negative level, and the vampire gains 5 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to their full normal hit points).

Change Shape (Su)

A vampire can change shape into the form of one or more animals, typically a Small or Medium predator (Alien Archive 2 102) native to their home world. While in this animal shape, the vampire gains any senses, extraordinary abilities, and movement abilities of the animal. The vampire’s gear disappears when the vampire assumes animal shape and returns when they returns to their normal form. This shirren vampire can turn into a Medium spider (low-light vision, climb 30 ft., bite inflicts piercing instead of slashing damage, and damaged creatures are exposed to turbocurarine [Character Operations Manual 127]) or a Small insect (low-light vision, fly 60 ft., stinger inflicts piercing instead of slashing damage).

Children of the Night (Su)

The vampire’s presence brings forth creatures of the night, typically Small or Medium predators or predator swarms (Alien Archive 2 102), to do their master’s bidding. The vampire can give telepathic orders to these creatures as long as they’re within 100 ft., but they can’t communicate back.

Coffin Restoration (Su)

When a vampire is reduced to 0 HP, they don’t die. Instead, they fall unconscious. If they rest in their coffin for 1 hour, the vampire regains 1 HP, after which their fast healing functions normally.

Create Spawn (Su)

If a creature dies from the vampire’s blood drain ability, the vampire can turn this victim into a moroi vampire or vampire spawn by donating some of their blood to the victim and burying it in the ground for 3 days. If the new vampire is lower in CR than their creator, they’re under the creator’s control. If a vampire controls too many spawn at once (as determined by the GM), strong-willed spawn can free themselves by succeeding at a Will save.

Dominate (Su)

A vampire can crush a humanoid opponent’s will as a standard action, targeting a single creature within 30 ft. that must succeed at a Will save or fall instantly under the vampire’s influence, as though subject to dominate person (caster level equal to CR). A creature that successfully saves against this ability is immune to the vampire’s dominate ability for 24 hours.

Mist Form (Su)

A vampire can take a move action to transform into a cloud of mist, smoke, or other vapor. In this form, they’re immune to physical damage, gain a fly speed of 30 ft., and can fit through any opening that isn’t airtight. They can’t make attacks or use any ability that requires a target to attempt a saving throw. While using this power, the vampire’s fast healing doesn’t function. The vampire can remain in mist form indefinitely and can return to their normal form with a move action.

If the base creature has a swim speed, the vampire loses their inability to cross running water unless in their coffin.

Other vampires create moroi from their slain victims, usually as companions or minions. The new vampire is bound to their master and serves until the master dies or the servant can break free and pursue their own destiny. Many vampires have unique supernatural abilities beyond those included in this graft.


Horizons of the Vast: Whispers of the Eclipse pg. 57

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