


Required Type


Required Array

Combatant, Expert

Suggested Ability Score

Dexterity, Strength


+1 EAC, -1 KAC
Devour Soul (Su)

A baykok can take a standard action to devour the soul of an adjacent dead or dying creature. A dying creature can resist this attack with a successful DC 18 Fortitude save. If it fails, the target is instantly slain. If the creature is already dead, it can’t attempt the saving throw, although the target can’t have been dead for more than 1 hour. A creature subjected to this attack can’t be brought back to life via mystic cure cast as a 4th-level or higher spell (though raise dead and more powerful effects work normally). When a baykok devours a soul in this way, it recovers a number of Hit Points equal to 2d10 + its CR and becomes hasted for 4 rounds (as if affected by haste). This is a death effect.

Dread Howl (Su)

Once per day as a standard action, a baykok can let out a howl. Each living creature within a 30-foot-radius burst must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or become paralyzed with fear for 1 round. A creature that succeeds at this saving throw is instead shaken for 1 round. This is a sense-dependent fear effect.

Infused Ammunition (Su)

As part of making an attack or full attack with a projectile weapon, a baykok can create a round or rounds of ammunition made from bone and infused with negative energy. This ammunition appears loaded into the projectile weapon the baykok is wielding. The baykok can’t create ammunition quickly enough to use when making an attack in automatic mode. Half the damage from attacks made with this ammunition is negative energy damage, and a creature struck by such an attack must succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d3 rounds. A baykok can fire normal ammunition from its projectile weapon if it wishes, though such ammunition doesn’t gain the extra benefits.

Baykoks are flying undead devoted to the hunt.


Dead Suns: Empire of Bones pg. 55

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