Plague Endling



Required Type

Undead (incorporeal)


One size larger than the creature was in life
Rejuvenation (Su)

An endling can’t be destroyed by violence—an endling reduced to 0 Hit Points dematerializes but restores itself in 2d4 days. The only way to permanently destroy an endling is to determine the reason for its extinction and perform some action to set right whatever prevents it from resting in peace. The exact means vary with each kind of endling and are determined by the GM.

Diseased Natural Weapons (Su)

As an attack, an invasion endling can temporarily cause a body part to become substantial. This functions as a natural weapon that the species had in life, dealing a damage type that the living counterpart’s natural attack dealt. A creature hit by this attack must attempt a Fortitude save or be exposed to a poison whose symptoms closely mimic the disease that caused the endling’s species’ extinction.

Plague Aura (Su) (CR 3+, 30 ft. Radius)

A plague endling emits an aura of pestilence. All creatures that begin their turn within 30 feet of the plague endling must succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected by the plague endling’s poison.

Plague Ending Poison

Type poison (contact); Save Fortitude (DC based on creature’s array)
Track any one track; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Cure 1 save

Plague endlings result from extinction by disease. Perhaps outsiders unwittingly introduced pathogens that the species’ immune systems weren’t evolved to cope with, or maybe the affliction was purposely inflicted to cull the species’ numbers. These endlings have become avatars of disease, turning their own pestilence against those who oppose them.


Alien Archive 4 pg. 33

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