


Required Type

Undead (shapechanger)

Required Array



Emotionsense (Su)

An emotivore constantly reads the surface emotions of creatures, providing the emotivore its blindsense. A creature can avoid detection by succeeding at a Bluff check, but a creature under the influence of an emotion effect can’t avoid detection. Creatures affected by nondetection or similar effects automatically avoid detection. The emotivore can use this ability to focus on a creature it’s aware of, and if the creature fails a Will saving throw, the emotivore learns that target’s desires, fears, and weaknesses, as well as its general disposition and attitude toward creatures within 30 feet of it. A creature’s weaknesses include physical vulnerabilities and inabilities. Unless otherwise stated, constructs and creatures with Intelligence scores of 2 or lower don’t have emotions and can’t be sensed this way.

DR /magic
Resistance to cold
Shaken (Su)

On a critical hit, an emotivore’s claws can render a target shaken for 1d4 rounds (Will negates).

Feed (Su)

An emotivore can feed on a creature affected by the confused, cowering, fascinated, frightened, nauseated, panicked, shaken, or sickened conditions. To do so, the emotivore must make contact with the target by touching it (targeting an unwilling creature’s EAC), hitting the target with a claw attack, or casting mind thrust on the target (which must also fail the Will save against the spell). If the emotivore’s attempt succeeds, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw or gain 1 temporary negative level. Upon imposing a negative level, the emotivore regains 10 Hit Points or gains 10 temporary Hit Points. If the emotivore dealt no damage when using this ability, feeding also subjects the target to a suggestion spell (Will negates) asking the target to accept the emotivore’s touch again. An emotivore can gain a number of temporary Hit Points in this way equal to one-quarter of its maximum Hit Points (usually 30). Every 24 hours, an emotivore who has temporary Hit Points loses 10 of them. An emotivore who lacks temporary Hit Points usually seeks to feed.

Spell-like Abilities (CR 5+)

This creature’s unnatural abilities allow it to feed on emotions.


Alien Archive 2 pg. 51

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