Alien Archive 2

+2 CHA
Hit Points4
Aasimars are charismatic planar scions descended from celestials who have numerous resistances; they’re eloquent and perceptive, and they can shed light.
+2 STR, +2 INT, -2 WIS
Hit Points6
Uplifted bears are sapient, bipedal bears created through genetic modification; they’re strong, swift, excellent climbers, and they can speak telepathically.
+2 STR, +2 CON, -2 DEX
Hit Points6
Bolidas are plated, burrowing arthropods adapted to extreme heat who can curl into a ball and roll around.
+2 CHA, +2 DEX, -2 WIS
Hit Points2
Damais are scrappy, gray-skinned humanoids unified in their fight to survive the reawakened colossi that inhabit their planet.
+2 CON, +2 INT, -2 CHA
Hit Points6
Embri are masked mollusks with a rigid social hierarchy; they hide their emotions and are often unknowing thralls of Hell.
+2 CHA, +2 DEX, -2 INT
+2 CHA, +2 CON, -2 INT
Hit Points6
Ghorans are photosynthetic humanoid-shaped plants who taste delicious and inherit skills from the ghoran whose seed they sprouted from.
+2 DEX
Hit Points6
Hobgoblins are battle-hardened, warmongering goblinoids with a rigid militaristic society; they’re cunning, fearsome, and merciless.
+2 STR, +2 CON, -2 INT
Hit Points6
Kanabo are fearsome, strong, and independent otherworldly warriors with both hobgoblin and ja noi oni ancestry.
+4 STR, -2 CHA
Hit Points6
Orcs are gruff, muscular survivalists with protruding tusks and a tendency toward developing extensive scarring.
+2 INT, +2 WIS, -2 CON
Hit Points2
Osharus are sluglike scholar-priests that can swim and excrete sticky slime; they spend their lives amassing knowledge.
+2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 STR
Hit Points4
Pahtras are nimble and cautious catfolk who are typically asexual and fiercely individualistic; they value battle, dance, music, and community.
+2 DEX, +2 WIS, -2 CON
Hit Points4
Phentomites are survivalists with both dark and thermographic vision; they’re powerful leapers acclimated to high altitudes and thin atmospheres.
+2 CON, +2 CHA, -2 DEX
Hit Points6
Quorlus are three-armed, silicon-based quadrupedal tunnellers adapted to heat and susceptible to cold; they are peaceful and ponderous and love music.
+2 DEX, +2 INT, -2 CHA
Hit Points4
Descended from fiends, tieflings are planar scions who possess numerous resistances; they’re nimble and stealthy, and they can dim surrounding light.
+2 STR, +2 CON, -2 DEX
Hit Points8
Trox are large, sturdy, arthropodal burrowers with a fearsome appearance and multiple vestigial arms; they tend toward peace and spirituality.
+2 WIS, +2 CHA, -2 INT
Hit Points4
Vlakas are wolflike bipeds adapted to the cold who are empathic, supportive, and community-oriented; they’re often born deaf or blind.
Change the target's shape to that of a smaller, weaker creature
Change the target's shape to that of a smaller, weaker creature
Change the target's shape into that of another creature
Change multiple target's shapes to that of another creature
You are adept at changing forms using polymorph.
You know the polymorph spell as a 3rd-level spell or higher.
Your squox is a well-trained companion.
You own a trained squox that has an attitude of friendly or helpful toward you.
NameLevelPriceEACKACMax Dex BonusArmor Check PenaltySpeed AdjustmentUpgrade SlotsBulk
19557,000+24+273-4-10 ft.33
1242,000+16+193-4-10 ft.13
41,830+5+81-3-5 ft.03
2480+3+61-3-5 ft.03
53,100+9+92-2-5 ft.12
1355,000+19+194-2-5 ft.52
19645,000+25+256-2-5 ft.62
Powered Armor
NameLevelPriceEACKACMax Dex BonusArmor Check PenaltySizeUpgrade SlotsBulk
Armor Upgrades
NameLevelPriceSlotsArmor TypeCapacityUsageBulk
76,5001Heavy, Light, Powered---
1475,0001Heavy, Light, Powered---
17250,0001Heavy, Light, Powered---
65,0001Heavy, Light, Powered101/roundL
17265,0004d6 -Corrode 2d6-- --
53,0501d4 -Corrode 1d6-- --
1124,9002d6 -Corrode 1d6-- --
89,5001d6 -Corrode 1d6-- --
11501d1 -Corrode 1d4-- --
1474,0003d6 -Corrode 2d6-- --
20776,0006d6 -Corrode 2d6-- --
Basic Melee
17255,1508d6 S--L- -Analog
Basic Melee
42,1001d8 S--L- -Analog
Basic Melee
1018,7953d4 S--L- -Analog
Advanced Melee
25001d6 B & F-Burn 1d4120 1Powered (capacity 20; usage 1)
Advanced Melee
77,5002d6 B & F-Burn 1d6120 1Powered (capacity 20; usage 1)
Advanced Melee
1233,2005d6 B & F-Burn 2d6120 1Powered (capacity 20; usage 1)
Advanced Melee
16178,25010d6 B & F-Burn 2d8120 1Powered (capacity 20; usage 1)
Advanced Melee
1125,0006d4 So-Wound 140 5Penetrating, Powered (capacity 40; usage 5)
Advanced Melee
76,2502d4 So-Wound 140 4Penetrating, Powered (capacity 40; usage 4)
Advanced Melee
19562,50010d8 So-Wound 2100 10Penetrating, Powered (capacity 100; usage 10)
Advanced Melee
15112,5006d8 So-Wound 280 8Penetrating, Powered (capacity 80; usage 8)
16145,0004d4 F-Burn 3d6-- --
41,8501d2 F-Burn 1-- --
1017,0002d4 F-Burn 1d6-- --
75,5001d4 F-Burn 1d4-- --
11101d1 F---- --
1346,0003d4 F-Burn 2d6-- --
19495,0006d4 F-Burn 4d6-- --
Advanced Melee
20768,60014d8 P--1- -Analog, Thrown (20 ft.)
Advanced Melee
17219,60010d8 P--1- -Analog, Thrown (20 ft.)
Advanced Melee
76,1002d8 P--1- -Analog, Thrown (20 ft.)
Advanced Melee
27501d8 P--1- -Analog, Thrown (20 ft.)
Advanced Melee
1236,6004d8 P--1- -Analog, Thrown (20 ft.)
Advanced Melee
25501d4 S & So-Bleed 1d4L20 1Powered (capacity 20; usage 1)
Advanced Melee
1237,6003d8 S & So-Bleed 2d8L20 1Powered (capacity 20; usage 1)
Advanced Melee
17261,36010d8 S & So-Bleed 4d8L20 1Powered (capacity 20; usage 1)
Advanced Melee
76,6002d6 S & So-Bleed 1d8L20 1Powered (capacity 20; usage 1)
Weapon Fusions
8The leeching weapon fusion gives a weapon the leech critical hit effect. When you score a critical hit with the weapon, if at least one target of the attack takes damage equal to the weapon’s item level, you recover a number of Hit Points equal to the weapon’s item level, in addition to any other critical hit effect. This healing restores Hit Point damage first, followed by Stamina Points. Any healing in excess of your Hit Point damage and Stamina Point damage is lost. Once you have benefited from this healing, you cannot benefit from the leeching fusion again until you take a 10-minute rest and expend 1 Resolve Point to regain Stamina Points.
8A weapon with the synesthetic fusion carries a trace of the Dreamers’ psychic energies. When you score a critical hit using a weapon with this fusion, the target must succeed at a Will save or the distinctions between its senses begin to blur in a particularly disorienting fashion. For 1d3 rounds, the affected creature’s speeds are halved and it takes a –4 penalty to attack rolls, AC, Reflex saves, and skill checks. A creature affected by a synesthetic weapon is immune to this effect from the same weapon for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting effect. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or the synesthetic effect.
8An installed tritidair fusion causes a weapon to show a star field with one bright constellation, similar to the patterns on tritidair wings. You can activate or deactivate the tritidair fusion as a swift action. While the fusion is active, half the weapon’s damage becomes electricity damage, and the weapon gains the bright property. You can add this fusion to a weapon that already deals electricity damage, but then the fusion has no effect on the weapon’s damage other than to make it magical. If the weapon already deals two types of damage, you choose which one of them to replace with electricity damage each time you activate the tritidair fusion. When you score a critical hit with a weapon that has an active tritidair fusion, the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be blinded for 1d3 rounds. If the weapon already has a critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can apply either the weapon’s normal critical hit effect or this blinded effect. This fusion never causes a weapon that normally targets KAC to target EAC.
Starship Base Frames
Starship Weapons
Medium (10 hexes)14 Hexes6d8 1010Limited Fire 5
Long (20 hexes)14 Hexes4d8 106Limited Fire 5
NPC Subtype Grafts
This subtype is applied to damais and creatures related to damais. If the NPC is of the damai race, it gains the scrappy racial trait and Stealth and Survival as master skills.
This subtype is applied to half-orcs and creatures who are related to half-orcs. Most creatures with this subtype gain darkvision 60 ft. and the ferocity universal creature rule. If the creature is of the half-orc race, it gains Intimidate and Survival as master skills.
This subtype is applied to khizars and creatures related to khizars. If the NPC is of the khizar race, it gains the carbonic respiration, evergreen, and limited telepathy (including communication with non-mindless creatures of the plant type) racial traits, and gains Life Science and Survival as good skills.
Oni are evil spirits that take humanoid form to become native outsiders. Oni gain the humanoid subtype graft of the race associated with their physical form. For example, a ja noi oni takes the form of a hobgoblin and therefore gains the goblinoid subtype graft, even though it is not a humanoid or a member of the hobgoblin race. Oni also gain the shapechanger subtype graft, with their change shape ability generally limited to humanoids of similar size.
This subtype is applied to orcs and creatures who are related to orcs. Most creatures with this subtype gain darkvision 60 ft. and the ferocity universal creature rule
This subtype is applied to pahtras and creatures related to pahtras. If the NPC is of the pahtra race, it gains the nimble and wary racial traits, Acrobatics as a master skill, and Stealth as a master skill.
This subtype is applied to phentomites and creatures related to phentomites. If the NPC is of the phentomite race, it gains the acclimated and heat tracking special abilities and Acrobatics and Athletics as master skills.
This subtype is applied to strix and creatures related to strix. If the NPC is of the strix race, it also gains the strix mobility, suspicious, and tinkerer racial traits, and gains Perception as a master skill and Stealth as a good skill.
Velstracs are lawful evil outsiders native to the Shadow Plane who feed on fear and pain.
This subtype is applied to vlakas and other creatures related to vlakas. If the NPC is of the vlaka race, it also gains the buoy, cooperative, versed, and vlakan senses racial traits and Perception and Sense Motive as master skills.
NPC Template Grafts
More imposing and beautiful than their mundane kin, an aasimar has celestial ancestry.
Airborne creatures spend a good part of their life aloft.
An aquatic creature lives much, if not all, of its life in the water.
A creature is arboreal if it not only lives in forests but also lives primarily in the trees.
Constant cold forces an arctic creature to adapt to frigid conditions. Many constantly frozen regions are also deserts.
The animated skeleton of a dead creature, a bone trooper retains the Intelligence score, skills, and abilities the dead creature had when alive, making the bone trooper a far more formidable combatant than typical mindless undead are.
Brass dragons are garrulous and often live near civilized areas to indulge in the latest gossip. They enjoy conversation immensely and much prefer talking over fighting.
Often found near seas and lakes, bronze dragons aid travelers of noble intent.
Cloud giants live on floating citadels in the swirling atmospheres of gas planets.
A creature that has the colour-blighted graft is hideously deformed and glows with the disturbing color of the creature that blighted it.
Copper dragons are mischievous and enjoy playing pranks on both allies and enemies.
The animated corpse of a dead creature, a corpsefolk keeps the abilities, intelligence, and skills it had when it was alive. Most corpsefolk are cunning and dangerous foes rather than mindless undead. They lack most of the needs, much of the fear, and many mortal vulnerabilities that can hold back the living.
The arid conditions of a desert breed tough creatures. Many desert creatures also have the arctic or thermic environmental graft, representing particularly cold or hot deserts.
This creature’s unnatural abilities allow it to feed on emotions.
From sweltering jungles to frosty taigas, forests shelter abundant creature life.
To create a ghast, add the following to the ghoul template graft.
Ghosts can have many different forms.
Use the following template graft to create a unique ghoul of any CR.
Many other metallic dragons revere gold dragons for being the most righteous and virtuous of all dragonkind and often seek out gold dragons for their wisdom.
To create a lacedon, add the following to the ghoul template graft.
Lunar dragons often seek out civilizations that have yet to achieve space travel and help the scientists there to achieve it.
Ample vegetation and water make marshes a fine home for countless creatures.
Moon giants are normally placid scholars, but they are easily swayed by lunar phases or malign celestial influences.
The high, rugged terrain that makes up mountains is difficult to navigate and can be cold and dry. Creatures that live in such regions are accustomed to the thin air.
Flat land makes for creatures with good vision who are used to free movement.
Any terrain might be radioactive, but such territory is often desolate like a desert.
Silver dragons hold themselves to an unimpeachable code of courage and honor.
The stars themselves sometimes have bizarre ecosystems.
Solar dragons believe themselves to be the originators of light and life in the universe.
Numerous bizarre species are native to the airless gulfs of outer space. Some of these creatures hibernate for countless years, reawakening when they meet potential prey, while others remain awake, actively hunting for food or other necessities, even approaching planets in search of prey.
Some stone giants are simple herders on distant, pastoral worlds, while others carve unfathomably huge starships and space stations from asteroids.
Storm giants build their strongholds in planet-sized storms and other destructive locales, priding themselves in forging hospitable homes out of extreme environments.
Creatures that live underground have unique habits and abilities. Most subterranean beasts live the majority of their lives burrowing in the ground. Others live in warrens they dig or in caverns and similar natural structures. Some planets have subterranean realms rich with life, while other such regions are as desolate as any desert.
A region is thermic when it consistently has hot or hotter weather, perhaps due to volcanic or geothermic activity. Thermic areas are commonly arid and contain little or no vegetation, save those plant species that can survive in such a hostile environment.
Fiendish blood grants a tiefling their supernatural defenses and abilities.
Time dragons stand guard against all those who would disrupt the natural temporal order.
Ancient and terrible entities that dwell outside of space have driven many void dragons beyond reason, and now they do nothing but feed and destroy.
A humanoid that dies from void death contracted from the void bite of an akata becomes a mindless undead host for the akata’s larval offspring.
Masters of spaceflight, vortex dragons sometimes serve as emissaries for the most powerful of galactic entities.
NPC Universal Creature Rules
Offensive Ability
As a standard action, the creature can move up to its speed, moving into or through the space of any creatures that are at least one size smaller than itself without penalty. Every creature in the engulfing creature’s path is automatically engulfed with no attack roll needed. A targeted creature can attempt a Reflex saving throw to avoid being engulfed; if it attempts this save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the engulfing creature due to that creature’s movement. On a successful save, the target is pushed back or aside (target’s choice) as the engulfing creature continues to move. An engulfed creature gains the pinned condition, takes the listed damage at the beginning of each turn it’s engulfed, is in danger of suffocating if it doesn’t have environmental protections, and is trapped within the engulfing creature’s body until it’s no longer pinned. An engulfed creature moves with the engulfing creature; this movement doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity against the engulfed creature. A creature can engulf one creature that’s one size smaller than itself, up to two creatures that are two sizes smaller, or up to four creatures that are three sizes smaller.
Offensive Ability
When the creature charges, it can attempt a trip combat maneuver in place of the normal melee attack. In addition, the creature can charge without taking the normal charge penalties to its attack roll or AC. If the creature has another ability that allows it to charge without taking these penalties (such as the charge attack ability from the soldier’s blitz fighting style), it also gains the ability to charge through difficult terrain.
Defensive Ability
The creature’s weapons are manufactured weapons, not natural weapons, and they are integrated into its frame. A creature can’t be disarmed of these weapons, though they can be removed and used if the creature is dead.
Other Ability
The creature has the number of arms listed. This allows it to wield and hold up to that many hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While this increases the number of items it can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks it can make during combat.
Other Ability
The creature can survive within a star despite the luminance, pressure, radiation, and convection currents. In addition, while within a star, the creature can move as if it had a supernatural fly speed equal to its fastest speed.
Other Ability
The creature can fly through space at standard navigation and astrogation speeds using Piloting to navigate. If it uses a skill other than Piloting for skill checks to astrogate, that skill is listed in parentheses.
Other Ability
The creature can climb as though affected by the spell spider climb.
Other Ability
The creature is aligned to the cycles of solar systems. Creatures with stellar alignment usually have stellar revelations and zenith revelations, either ones from the solarian class or ones unique to the creature. When using stellar revelations, the creature is always considered attuned. However, it’s not always considered fully attuned, so it normally can’t always use zenith powers. When you roll initiative for the creature, roll 1d3. Once that many rounds have elapsed, the creature is considered fully attuned and gains access to its zenith powers. After it uses a zenith power, it’s no longer fully attuned, and you roll 1d3 again to see how many rounds it will take to recharge.
Defensive Ability
A creature with void adaptation is inured to the void of outer space and has the following abilities.

Starfinder Core Rulebook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Keeley, Robert G. McCreary, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Owen K.C. Stephens, and James L. Sutter, with Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Lissa Guillet, Thurston Hillman, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Jessica Price, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, and Josh Vogt.
Starfinder Alien Archive 2 © 2018, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Kate Baker, John Compton, Adam Daigle, Brian Duckwitz, Eleanor Ferron, Amanda Hamon Kunz, James Jacobs, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Robert G. McCreary, Mark Moreland, Matt Morris, Adrian Ng, Joe Pasini, Lacy Pellazar, David N. Ross, Stephen Rowe, Chris Sims, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor.

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