


Required Type


Required Array

Combatant, Expert, Spellcaster

Suggested Ability Score

Strength, Dexterity


DR 5/wood and piercing
Cold, electricity and sonic resistance 10
Nosferatu Weaknesses (Su)

A nosferatu is held at bay by mirrors, garlic, or holy symbols of a non-evil deity. They must stay at least 5 ft. from the object of their revulsion and can’t touch or make melee attacks against a creature brandishing such an object. Holding a nosferatu at bay takes a standard action. After being held at bay for 1 round, a nosferatu can attempt a DC 25 Will save at the beginning of their turn to act normally. Finally, a nosferatu can’t enter a residence unless invited inside, nor any area filled with the smell of garlic.

Telepath 60 ft.
Blood Drain (Su)

When a nosferatu successfully grapples a target, they can suck blood from their victim with their fangs. The victim must attempt a Fortitude save; on a failure, it gains 1 negative level, and the nosferatu gains 5 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour (up to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to their full normal hit points).

Dominate (Su)

A nosferatu can crush a humanoid opponent’s will as a standard action, targeting a single creature within 30 ft. that must succeed at a Will save or fall instantly under the nosferatu’s influence, as though subject to dominate person (caster level equal to CR). A creature that successfully saves against this ability is immune to the nosferatu’s dominate ability for 24 hours.

Plague Bearer (Su)

A creature that takes damage from a nosferatu’s claw attack or is subject to their blood drain ability is exposed to a disease endemic to the nosferatu’s original species or world of origin; nosferatu who were once human expose their victims to bubonic plague (Core Rulebook 418).

Plague Speaker (Su)

A nosferatu can communicate with animals or vermin associated with disease, such as certain blood-drinking mosquitoes, rats, or akata (Alien Archive 2 8). This ability doesn’t make the creature friendly to the nosferatu, but it does allow the nosferatu to use language-dependent effects on them.

Swarm Flight (Su)

If reduced to 0 hit points in combat, a nosferatu doesn’t die. Instead, they assume their swarm form and can do nothing except attempt to escape. They must reach their coffin within 1 hour or are destroyed. Additional damage dealt to a nosferatu forced into swarm form has no effect. Once at rest in their coffin, the nosferatu is helpless. They regain 1 hit point after 1 hour and then are no longer helpless; they resume healing at the rate of 5 hit points per round.

Swarm Form (Su)

As a standard action, a nosferatu can change into a swarm of crawling or flying rodents or vermin. In this form, they gain swarm defenses and swarm immunities. They gain either distraction and a swarm attack or a fly speed of 50 ft., as the nosferatu chooses. While in swarm form, a nosferatu can’t use their claw attacks or any of their offensive abilities. They can remain in swarm form until they assume another form or until the next sunrise. A nosferatu’s gear vanishes when they adopt swarm form and returns when the nosferatu returns to their normal shape. Nosferatu throughout the galaxy might change into other creatures associated with diseases endemic to their original species or from their world of origin.

New nosferatus are exceedingly rare but sometimes arise in areas of plague suffused with powerful necromantic energy. Only a once-living and sapient creature can become a nosferatu.


Horizons of the Vast: Whispers of the Eclipse pg. 59

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