Genesis Wraith



Required Type

Undead (incorporeal)

Suggested Ability Score

Dexterity, Wisdom


Life Sphere (Su) (30 ft. Radius)

A genesis wraith exudes a 30-foot-radius aura of tolerable living conditions, similar to those provided by life bubble.

Lignify (Su)

A creature struck by a genesis wraith’s incorporeal claw must succeed at a Fortitude save or take a cumulative –1 penalty to attack rolls, Reflex saving throws, and Dexterity-based ability and skill checks as they slowly turn to wood. Creatures with the plant subtype and plantlike universal creature rule have a +4 racial bonus to this saving throw. These penalties last for 10 minutes or until the genesis wraith is slain, whichever comes first. This is a curse effect.

Erupting Branches (Su) (20 ft. Radius)

As a standard action, a genesis wraith can cause branches to erupt from a nearby computer, access panel, or other technological item within 120 feet. The branches deal piercing damage to the item and each creature in a 20-foot burst centered on the item (Reflex half).

Unearthly Terraforming (Sp)

Once per day, a genesis wraith can cast terraform as a spell-like ability (CL 17th) without having to spend credits. Any structure or starship within the area of effect takes 50 damage, ignoring hardness or Damage Threshold.

This proponent of the natural world died in existential agony.


Devastation Ark: Dominion's End pg. 57

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