Shadow Creature (Summoned)

Required Type

Magical beast (extraplanar)


Base speed increases to 30 ft.
Resistance acid and fire equal to creature’s CR
SR equal to 5 + CR
If base stat block has DR, change to DR/cold iron
Gain Perception as a good skill
Gain Stealth as a good skill

Summoned shadow creatures can always attempt Stealth checks to hide, even if observed or lacking cover, as long as they are not in areas of bright light. After the shadow creature attacks, it can’t attempt to hide again until its next turn.

Change melee attack to touch (cold damage)

Summoned shadow creatures are strange magical beasts native to the Shadow Plane. They appear to be similar to typical predators, but their forms are made of nothing but solid black, with indistinct edges.


Alien Archive pg. 149

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